Welcome to the corner. I write myself into here with monotonous regularity. Sometimes, the plot fights it's way back, sometimes even successfully. Other times the plot just gets lost somewhere. Here follows stuff that really hasn't got any place anywhere else, but I just can't delete them. Maybe I think that I'll be able to save them one day.
Don't ask what the hell they mean, where they were going, or if my treatment is working. I don't know.
The "Bucket" Series. The word 'bucket' was the first thing that popped into my head when I was trying to think of a name for whatever it was I was about to write at the time. So, I picked a colour (red) and started out. I have no idea which order the colours came in, I just kept chugging away at them. Some of the bucket stories have been renamed along the way, so all that remains are the big ones.