Great memorable quotes and script exchanges from the Just Shoot Me!

Just Shoot Me! is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from March 4, 1997, to August 16, 2003, with a total of 148 half-hour episodes spanning seven seasons. The show was created by Steven Levitan, the show's executive producer. The show follows the staff at the fictional fashion magazine Blush.

Oh, I just remembered. You're boring. And my legs work.

Ooh, a sex dream. How was I?


[Jack is complaining about his problems with Maya to Dennis]

Let's try a little word association. Boring.




Outside-of-job responsibilities.

[pause] Fired.

Hello, and welcome to Wallyphone. If you are Maya Gallo and have an excuse for blowing me off, press one now.

[upon receiving a gift of a fish tank containing an exotic fish from Jack]

Kevin Liotta:
Oh, wow. I'm gonna name my new fish Jack Gallo.

Dennis Finch:
I'll give you twenty bucks if you eat him.

Kevin Liotta:
[opening lid on tank] C'mere you little bastard.

Nina Van Horn:
So me and Cherise are out with the French diplomats, and long story short... Ta-da!

Maya Gallo:
Wow! Is that an engagement ring?

Nina Van Horn:
I don't know. I woke up this morning in the floor of my apartment and I coughed up this. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

I'd like to stay here yakking, but those mices aren't going to kill themselves. Meese? Mouses?

Maya Gallo:

Dammit, I knew that one!

Nina Van Horn:
He's cute, he's muscular, he's all yours.

Maya Gallo:
But it's not going to go anywhere.

Nina Van Horn:
It only has to go one place.

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
Your heart. I'm kidding, I meant the other place.

Jack Gallo:
Kevin is one of God's creatures. God's creatures do not eat garbage.

Kevin Liotta:
Raccoons eat garbage.

Jack Gallo:
Kevin, please! You have garbage breath.

Jack Gallo:
Society is turning into a cesspool, and you're deep-sea diving.

Dennis Finch:
I know what this is about. You want to watch Kevin eat garbage.

Jack Gallo:
No, I don't.

Dennis Finch:
The circus is in town, and Big Daddy wants to peek under the tent.

Jack Gallo:
I don't know what you're talking about.

Dennis Finch:
You needs it, you wants it, and you gotsa, gotsa haves it!

Maya Gallo:
He's not dumb. He knows about bugs and tools and... stuff.

Nina Van Horn:
See? You're getting dumber already. His dumbness is rubbing off on you.

Maya Gallo:
Stop calling my boyfriend dumb! Oh, my God! I called him his boyfriend! I have a boyfriend!

Nina Van Horn:
Don't get pregnant. That dumb baby will never find his way out.

My dreams can be summed up in three words: Yankee jacket coat.

Maya Gallo:
I am a terrible person. I just did something horrible. Don't you want to know what I did?

Nina Van Horn:
I don't know, eat cheescake? Isn't that what you girls agonize about?

Maya Gallo:
You're a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for.

Thanks. Could you tell my wife that? She thinks I'm an idiot.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, will you please tell your cult that Elliot and I are not really married?

Nina Van Horn:
First of all, it's a church, not a cult, so open your mind. And second, as a deserter, I'd be tied up and caned.

Nina Van Horn:
No offense, but don't you think cat shows are a tad on the geeky side?

Dennis Finch:
Geeky? Let me drop a little history on you. Egyptian pharaohs worshiped cats, they were cool. MacGyver had cats, he was cool. And need I remind you of the longest running show on Broadway?

Nina Van Horn:

Nina Van Horn:
Dennis, who has the key to petty cash?

Dennis Finch:
Uh, anyone else but you?

Nina Van Horn:
When will you come clean to her about your action figure collection?

Dennis Finch:
Uh, the day when you officially turn forty.

Nina Van Horn:
Seven years is a long time, my friend.

Nina Van Horn:
The Church of the Rising Star is a dark and powerful religion with beliefs that stretch back to the mid-80s. So watch your back, refuse all refreshments, and don't say, "Hi, priest" to the high priest. It's not as funny as you think.

Elliot DiMauro:
Hey, Dennis. You made the tabloids.

Dennis Finch:
Let me see.

Elliot DiMauro:
[reading] "Is model Adrienne Barker wilder than we thought? The leggy beauty was spoted on the beaches of Tahiti with a topless, blond gal pal."

Dennis Finch:
Buying that Speedo was a mistake.

Nina Van Horn:
I know I'm not one to give advice, or take it, or pay for a round of drinks, but one can't just wake up one morning and decide to be a different person.

Dennis Finch:
Said the New York socialite who grew up on a hog farm.

Maya Gallo:
You may not take this seriously, but I haven't been asked out in two weeks.

Elliot DiMauro:
Have you even been asked?

Maya Gallo:
Obviously, I must be giving out some sort of vibe.

Jack Gallo:
Hey, Elliot. Whatcha looking for?

Elliot DiMauro:
Back issue.

Jack Gallo:
Which one?

Elliot DiMauro:
It... it had a health article in it.

Jack Gallo:
Can I help you?

Elliot DiMauro:
I found it.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, July. Wasn't that the one with the piece on impotence? Hey, Maya! Didn't you write that piece on impotence?

[awkward pause]

Jack Gallo:
What's that? Line two?


Elliot DiMauro:
I'm not a machine!

Jack Gallo:
Look who's back! Did you bring me back a starfish?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, and a can of sunshine. [pause] You weren't kidding, were you?

Jack Gallo:
Remember, I waved goodbye and said "Bring me back a starfish!"

Dennis Finch:
I thought you were joking.

Jack Gallo:
No matter. We're just glad you're back. [to Elliot] I could not have been more clear.

Elliot DiMauro:
Do I look racked with guilt? No. [cut to Elliot in bed with his date]

Has this ever happened before?

Elliot DiMauro:

Elliot DiMauro:
Look, with all due respect to your religion...

Larry Fenwick:
Oh, it's not my religion. I'm just a hired gun. But be careful, there are listening devices on the walls. I'm just kidding. I'm just lightening the mood.

Larry Fenwick:
Keep the pens. They're tracking devices. Again, kidding. But they do make those.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, who do I call to buy this glorious day?

Dennis Finch:
Uh... the rich weird guy store?

Kevin Liotta:
Wow. Babies. It's weird to think we all started out only this big.

[holds hands about two feet apart]

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
[rapping] Una noche, se?orita / Hooked up like steak fajita / Your lips taste like sangria wine / I feel your jeans with a silky behind.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, after your second divorce you were on the second floor, and now after your fifth divorce, you're on the fifth floor. Isn't life delicious?

Elliot DiMauro:
Have you told Nina and Finch yet about your father?

Maya Gallo:
Not yet. I bought this for Dennis. He's really going to take this divorce hard.

Elliot DiMauro:
[reads title of book] Don't Cry, Daddy Still Loves You.

Maya Gallo:
It really helped me a lot when dad divorced my mom.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, you were a child. Dennis is a grown man.

Maya Gallo:
He laughs hysterically every time my friend Dick calls.

[Elliot giggles]

Maya Gallo:
Oh, good. Nina, you're here. I want you to listen to this too. I have a little announcement to make.

Nina Van Horn:
That was the only clean outfit in your closet?

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, bring in the circulation reports.

Dennis Finch:
[singing] Oh, Baby / Your wish is my command / You're my woman, I'm your man...

Jack Gallo:
Do I give him enough to do?

Elliot DiMauro:
It really wouldn't matter.

Dennis Finch:
If anyone is taking him for a walk, it'll be me.

Maya Gallo:
I'm his daughter.

Dennis Finch:
Exactly. He chose me.

Dennis Finch:
Get this. We're thinking of naming the band Zip, Flop, Oh my Lord!

Kevin Liotta:
Hey, Finch.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, Kevin. What's up?

Kevin Liotta:
Just mail. Are you using a new soap?

Dennis Finch:
What's that?

Kevin Liotta:
It's just that you smell different.

Dennis Finch:
Dude, you have to stop saying stuff like that.

Kevin Liotta:
All right, I'm sorry. But since I already asked...

Dennis Finch:
Yes. It's a new soap. I used it this morning.

Kevin Liotta:
It's nice. It's like a weekend in New England.

Dennis Finch:
Go, go, go.

Dennis Finch:
Baby on the way, Jack. Didn't think you had any bullets left in the old musket.

Maya Gallo:
So, did you read the article?

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, yeah. It was very interesting. So how's Jack doing?

Maya Gallo:
He's still in denial. You know, he and Ally could really have learned a lot from Janet and Ted.

Elliot DiMauro:
Who are Janet and Ted?

Maya Gallo:
The couple in the article that you just lied about reading?

Elliot DiMauro:
Ah. So, Finch is in a band?

Nina Van Horn:
Last week, Jack asked me to call Vera Wang to make a birthday dress for Allie. I knew it was important because it was the only thing I've writen down all year.

Dennis Finch:
Sorry about the party, Jack. We had no idea about you and Ally.

Nina Van Horn:
Also, the hors d'ouvres were stale and I blame myself for that.

Jack Gallo:
There he is! How's my favorite lawyer doing?

I'd tell you, but then I'd have to bill you three-hundred dollars.

Jack Gallo:
Ha! That's funny! Lawyers are greedy.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, put my will in the safe. It is not to be opened under any circumstances. If you are at gunpoint, I expect you to die before anyone reads it.

Dennis Finch:
Yes, sir. My word is my bond.

[as soon as Jack leaves, Dennis opens the will and reads it]

Dennis Finch:
What? Maya gets his frozen head? I made all those wigs for nothing?

Dennis Finch:
Ever since I read Jack's will, I've been having dreams about killing him.

Elliot DiMauro:
It's just a dream. I dream about killing you all the time. Don't worry about it. It's no big deal.

Nina Van Horn:
It was doomed from the start. There was drunken fights, petty theft, other women, and he did some stuff too.

Roland Devereaux:
Nina, when you left, all beauty disappeared from my life. So I went to Milan to learn the ancient art of glass blowing. I spent hours over a blazing furnace, burning my hands, losing the sight in my left EYE!... to make this exquisite glass orchid.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, it's beautiful.

Roland Devereaux:
[throws orchid against wall] Compared to you, it's crap!

Jack Gallo:
[admiring his new engraved Louisville Slugger bat] Check it out, right there: Jack Gallo. Every great ballplayer has had his name engraved on a Louisville Slugger.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, I know. My niece Tiffany got one.

Dennis Finch:
Today I'll be interviewing candidates for the new intern spot.

Nina Van Horn:
Ooh, new interns.

Dennis Finch:
Which brings me to my next point. Please do not talk to the recruits, please do not offer encouragement, please do not handcuff them to your desk.

Nina Van Horn:
I was merely trying to... Okay, I won't.

Jack Gallo:
Just be careful. Don't get all goofy.

Maya Gallo:
I won't, I'm not a teenager anymore. Duh!

Nina Van Horn:
Be honest, Elliot. How old do I look?

Elliot DiMauro:
Do you still have a gun?

Nina Van Horn:

Elliot DiMauro:

John Kenny:
It's just like I say at the end of my second act: sometimes, the brightest room in the house of me is the one with the lamp called tomorrow.

Dennis Finch:
And sometimes you want to puke in a toilet called yesterday.

Jack Gallo:
We must keep our eye on the ball. Cosmo may be on a winning streak, but the game's not over until the bottom of the ninth.

Maya Gallo:
Dad, could you pleasetake it easy on the baseball metaphors?

Jack Gallo:
Sure thing. Nina, you're up to plate.

Dennis Finch:
This is a fashion mag-o-zine, and we may put on our pants one leg at a time, but they're nice pants with belts that match our shoes.

Dennis Finch:
Who are you, Toliver? Says here you're from Manchester. The only things they have in Manchester are pools and fools. I don't see a diving board, which one are you? You must be a fool!

Nina Van Horn:
My first love was a peanut farmer named Lyle. God, he was handsome. We used to make love in his barn 'til the cows came home, at which point we'd moved to the grain silo.

Maya Gallo:
How did it end?

Nina Van Horn:
I was terribly allergic to peanuts, and he couldn't give up the farm.

Maya Gallo:
That's so sad.

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, I know. It's just like Romeo and Juliet, only with peanuts.

Jack Gallo:
Why can't she see through that guy?

Elliot DiMauro:
It's the hair, it's always the hair.

Maya Gallo:
Don't play dumb with me!

Jack Gallo:
I'm not playing. I'm legitimately dumb.

Dennis Finch:
Brian Toliver. Your middle initial wouldn't be L, would it?

Brian Toliver:

Dennis Finch:
Yeah? Well if it was L, you'd be B.L.T, wouldn't you?

Nina Van Horn:
It's just that I haven't been in television since I played a Fembot in "Bionic Woman."

Elliot DiMauro:
That's not true. You were in that episode of "Cops".

Nina Van Horn:
They pushed my face in the grass. You can't even tell it's me.

Maya Gallo:
What's your character like?

John Kenny:
He's a bit of an odd bird, a dreamer.

Elliot DiMauro:
You just said he was a racist.

John Kenny:
He dreams of an all white country.

John Kenny:
Sorry, man. Now that I got a job, I won't be needing those headshots.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, darn. And I knew just where to put my tripod.

Sammy Rivers:
The first thing I did was to change her name. I wanted something exotic and sophisticated. So I took Nina from one of those boats Columbus had, and Van Horn was this Danish porn star who lived in my building. Boom! - magic.

Jerry Hall:
Cheryl Tiegs was supposed to do that shoot, and Nina offered to drive her to the beach. But when Nina went to her house, she found Cheryl passed out in the garden.

Nina Van Horn:
[on a 9-1-1 recording] Oh, man... Um... I'm at Cheryl Tiegs' house, and she is like completely unconscious... Um, I think she fell and hit her head on a shovel...

Cheryl Tiegs:
Nina, please...

Nina Van Horn:
Uh... Hold on, operator.


Jack Gallo:
I have been to a lot of weddings in my life, and most of them have been Nina's. I think Nina likes getting married more than being married. Of course, who doesn't? I mean, I don't.

Don Henley:
[asked to describe Nina in one word] Destructive. No, vibrant. Is there a word that means both those things? Bet the Germans have one.

[clip from "Foxy Trouble"]

Bernie Casey:
Hey, mama. I ain't lookin' for trouble.

Nina Van Horn:
Too bad, 'cause Trouble just found you.

[shoots him]

Nina Van Horn:
Foxy Trouble.

[clip from "Foxy Trouble"; Foxy is a stewardess]

Nina Van Horn:
Hello, sir. May I offer you a drink?

Bernie Casey:
Yeah. How about a tall glass of... white chocolate?

Nina Van Horn:
That's not available... until we land. Anything else?

Bernie Casey:
Yeah, I'll have an order of airplane... to go.

[pulls out a gun]

Nina Van Horn:
Sorry, soul brother, we don't do take-out.

[disarms him with karate chops, does a somersault and takes the gun]

Bernie Casey:
Damn! You ain't no stewardess. You're Foxy Trouble.

Nina Van Horn:
That's the name my mama gave me.

Bernie Casey:
That's a mighty big gun for such a little lady.

[takes out a knife]

Nina Van Horn:
I'm gonna ask you to return to your seat.

[shoots him dead]

Nina Van Horn:
Would anybody else want anything?

Jerry Hall:
A bunch of us young models were living together in this one apartment, and I thought I was unsophisticated, but this was the first time Nina had even seen an ice cube tray.

Maya Gallo:
I asked Nina about that incident and she never wants to talk about it. Which it's funny, because she'll go on and on about the time she choked on her beads at Mardi Gras and was legally dead for five minutes.

Don Henley:
Nina Van Horn single handedly broke up the Eagles. She was crashing at Joe Walsh's house, and he brought her to the recording sessions. He didn't want to leave her alone in the house because... well, she would steal things. At the studio she was always trying to sneak in and asking to play tambourine and do vocals. We couldn't get rid of her, so one day we just said, "The hell with it. Let's all go solo."

Harry Smith:
But Claire's father was a strict Methodist, and did not approve of her daughter going to the big city with a stranger. So Nina had to wait... until she was fourteen.

Nina Van Horn:
I told my father I was going to the creek to help the minister with a baptism. Then I hopped a train east.

Harry Smith:
Unfortunately, the train she hopped was headed west, and Claire ended up in Reno, and had her first taste of show business.

Dennis Finch:
She was working at a traveling carnival operating the Tilt-A-Whirl, until somebody noticed she had eleven toes, so she started doing two shows a night in the big tent. That made her happy, I think.

Harry Smith:
Tired of low pay, and the sexual advances of the Great Honko, Claire eventually found the right train and wound up in the Big Apple, and the glamorous world of modeling.

Cheryl Tiegs:
After I recovered and learned to eat with a fork again, they told me that they think Nina did it. So I went to a hypnotherapist to try to remember the incident. It didn't work, but I did remember a separate incident where she tried to run me over with a moped.

Nina Van Horn:
When you testify against people, you really learn who your friends are. Some of those jerks said some really hurtful things as they were led out of the courtroom. I didn't need that kind of static. Not then.

Don Henley:
She kept asking me to use more of her voice. You want to hear her voice?

Nina Van Horn:
[on tape, singing off key] What's that time, what is the time? Tick-tick-tock, it's party o'clock!...

Don Henley:
You tell me.

Elliot DiMauro:
It's really flattering.

Nina Van Horn:
Unlike those hideous cargo pants. Change them or else.

Elliot DiMauro:
Or else what? [Nina splashes hot coffee on Elliot's pants]

Elliot DiMauro:
Ow, it's hot!

Nina Van Horn:
We're a fashion magazine, people. We're supposed to be setting an example. God, am I the only one who takes this seriously?

Jack Gallo:
An au pair is a live-in baby sitter.

Nina Van Horn:
They work for room and board. They're usually foreigners.

Dennis Finch:
Are they all that hot?

Nina Van Horn:
Pretty much. The INS does a good job of screening out the uggos.

Jack Gallo:
It's a controversial policy, but one that works.

Dennis Finch:
Kevin, I'm sorry I can't be with you tonight. I have something I'm working on.

Kevin Liotta:

Dennis Finch:
Details are top secret, but I'm planning on having sex tonight.

Why is there a hanger on your back.

Dennis Finch:
Huh? Oh. All the great artists have hangers on their back when they paint. Picasso, Van Gogh, Spagetti-O...

Would you like an omelet?

Nina Van Horn:
Sure. Put it in a martini glass with gin and no eggs.

Dennis Finch:
You shot the cover of Rolling Stone? Wow, man. I'm impressed.

Elliot DiMauro:
Thanks. Coming from you, that means a lot.

Dennis Finch:
Wait a minute. Are you being sarcastic?

Elliot DiMauro:
No. Are you?

Dennis Finch:
No. You?

Elliot DiMauro:
I'll tell you what. We'll both answer together on the count of three. Ready? One, two, three.

Elliot DiMauro, Dennis Finch:
Nnnnnoooooyyyeeeeesssss... No!

Elliot DiMauro:
I think we just had a moment.

Dennis Finch:
No, we didn't because I was messing with you. Hey, everyone! Elliot thought we had a moment!

Maya Gallo:
You are trying to manipulate this poor woman and I want no part of it.

Kevin Liotta:
What is your problem? Leave him alone.

Maya Gallo:

Kevin Liotta:
Why are you trying to control everything?

Maya Gallo:
But he's doing something wrong.

Kevin Liotta:
So, you're not the world's policeman. Did you ever think that people might like you better if you didn't boss everyone around?

Maya Gallo:
My God, you're right. Thank you, Kevin.

Kevin Liotta:
You're welcome. I am a student of people.

Dennis Finch:
You have excellent qualifications, Esperanza. Unfortunately, I will not be able to hire you as my au pair for one simple reason. I have fallen in love with you. Every time you speak, every time you laugh, it stirs something in me like the wooden flutes and giant guitars of your native Peru. Let's say after dinner we go to my house for a romantic night of doing it. [Esperanza throws her drink in Dennis' face]

Elliot DiMauro:
And you never trusted anyone ever again.

Jack Gallo:
Except for Bisquit. Until he bit me. But he got his.

Kevin Liotta:
I'm sorry. Can I bake you a pie?

Dennis Finch:
If you mean it when you bake it, yes.

[Nina is covered in gold body paint]

And what are you looking at?

[stands next to her] I'd like to thank the Academy. Promised myself I wouldn't cry.

Are you just about done?

Free Tibet!

Don't think you can weasel away from explaining why you changed the title of my article.

Your title was too confusing.

What is so confusing about, "The Lost Art of Listening"?


Shoot a portrait of me, one that shows the world that Nina Van Horn will not go quietly.

Something bartenders have been saying for years.

Maya, yelling is like trying to eat a steak through a straw.

[writing] Sweet. Keep 'em coming.

It gets you all red in the face, but in the end, you get no steak.

[Dennis erases what he wrote]


You're forcing it. Just let it come.

Elliot, can you get Nina off my back? She keeps bugging me about that stupid solvent.

Oh, there is no solvent. She was being such a pain that I told her water wouldn't wash it out. But it really will.

So you had Nina running all around town in gold paint? That is so wrong. Why didn't you tell me so I could enjoy it?

So, we meet again, Oldfinger.

Admit it, it turns you on.

Yeah, right... Okay, it does.

Hello, all! My, what a beautiful morning.

My, you're happy.

And why wouldn't I be? When I woke up this morning, I looked up, and there was a bird in my window sill, and it was singing.

Singing. That's nice.

It gets better. I step out of my building, and a cab stops right in front of me. A clean cab with a nice driver.

It doesn't get any better.

Oh, but it does. I get to work, what do I see on the newsstand but the brand new issue of Blush Magazine, with my article on the cover? An article that took me four weeks to research. An article that I titled "The Lost Art of Listening", but that some one had changed to "Shut Up And Maybe He'll Love You." So thank you. Thanks for everything.

You're welcome. I'm just happy to be part of your perfect morning.

I was being sarcastic! I'm furious with you!

Oh, well, I'd like to deal with this, but I have this thing in my keister.

Don't think you can avoid this with a bunch of dopey metaphors.

Dopey all the way to the bank!

Is that one?

I'm not sure yet.

[seeing the students] Boy, Lilith Fair must be dark tonight.

Stephanie Griffin-Cooper:
Mr. Gallo, how do you explain that Blush Magazine is in a sexist time warp?

Please, doll, call me Jack.

Stephanie Griffin-Cooper:
Isn't it true that Blush treats women as trophies?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

[steps in still wearing gold paint] Sorry, forgot my purse.

This is horrible. You guys don't understand. Last night was a disaster. I spent the entire evening staring out into a sea of angry flannel. What was I supposed to do?

Oh, I don't know. Call us all "vapid drones who worship at the altar of greed, lust and egotism".

Yeah. We don't make fun of your religion.

I just realized I must say dozens of clever things every day.


And that's where you come in. I want you to follow me around and write down all of my Galloisms.


You know, my verbal gems. My nuggets of wisdom.

Ooh, I'd better call Bic and tell them to make more pens.

[Elliot tells Nina that the gold paint she has on will burn if wet]

Thank goodness you told me. You saved me from screaming in the shower.

How would that differ from your usual Thursday nights?

Are you all coming to my painting-party on Saturday? We'll paint the walls and have some fun!

What time is it again?

8:00 p.m.

Then I won't be there.


'Cos I don't want to.

Elliot DiMauro:
Poor Finch. He's delusional.

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, and not the good kind of delusional, like when you convince yourself that one hand-rolled cigarette did not started that big wildfire.

Maya Gallo:
Deforestation is not funny. It's screwing up the whole environment.

Big talk from someone chewing a wood pencil next to her oak desk.

Dennis Finch:
If my marriage was so shattered, why am I still wearing my wedding ring... and hers?

Elliot DiMauro:
I don't mind, I have a million things to do.

Dennis Finch:
Elliot, a sheep just pooped in your beret.

Elliot DiMauro:
A million and one.

Dennis Finch:
On the bright side, we found your class ring.

Jack Gallo:
Promoting my autobiography is top priority.

Dennis Finch:
What about finishing your autobiography?

Jack Gallo:
Shouldn't I be asking you that question?

Dennis Finch:
Come on. It's hard to construct a timeline that makes you under fifty.

Jack Gallo:
Larry King is an ass!

Nina Van Horn:
And a lousy kisser.

Elliot DiMauro:
What happened?

Jack Gallo:
He bumped me off his show to talk with Alan Greenspan. Who wants to listen to Alan Greenspan? He's a bore!

Nina Van Horn:
And a lousy kisser.

Pay day! Pay day! Come beg for it!

Elliot DiMauro:
She's like a walking advertisement for direct deposit.

Nina Van Horn:
Let me handle this, Jack. Simon, do you really need that footage?

Of course.

Nina Van Horn:
Sorry, Jack. There's no reasoning with him.

Nina Van Horn:
Dennis could snap at any moment.

Jack Gallo:
Nonsense. Dennis is a rock. Besides, Adrienne might see this on TV and reunite with Dennis.

Nina Van Horn:
You really believe that?

Jack Gallo:
Sure. Ten years ago, I didn't believe in the internet, and yet I am downloading a chili recipe as we speak.

Maya Gallo:
The only way that makes sense is that Scott thinks you have feelings for me.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's right.

Maya Gallo:
Why would he think that?

Elliot DiMauro:
Yesterday, he saw me over at the counter giving you a banana.

Maya Gallo:
Yeah, so?

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, Scott's a strict Freudian. I gave you my *banana*.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, I see. Scott's a Freudian lumberjack who saw you give me fruit.

Nina Van Horn:
Are you happy now, Jack? He may have to be sedated. Could somebody run over and get a pill taped under Maya's desk?

Maya Gallo:
I can't believe you're out with Beth in a pathetic attempt to make Scott jealous. I mean, for God's sake, Beth?

Elliot DiMauro:
She speaks very highly of you.

Maya Gallo:
Maybe she had me confused with an appetizer.

Jack Gallo:
There's gotta be a way. Come on, Jack, think.

Nina Van Horn:
Should I think too?

Jack Gallo:
If you wish.

Jack Gallo:
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this statue?

Elliot DiMauro:
It has no genitals.

Jack Gallo:
It's lonely.

Dennis Finch:
Of course. It has no genitals.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, I did it. Twelve years in a row.

Dennis Finch:
What, turn forty?

Jack Gallo:
The truth is, who cares about animals in eye shadow?

Elliot DiMauro:
Mountain folk?

Dennis Finch:
Did you see who's here? Me.

Maya Gallo:
Finch, looking sharp!

Nina Van Horn:
Somewhere in New York there's a naked Ken doll.

Jack Gallo:
This guy hosted last year. He's great

So, do we really need to sit here for three hours, or can we just give all the awards to Cosmo?

Jack Gallo:
Get off the stage, you hack!

Jack Gallo:
I'm just so nervous. The nominations may come at any minute.

Dennis Finch:
Well, actually...

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, make a call and find out where those nominations are.

Dennis Finch:
Right away.

[picks up receiver]

Dennis Finch:
Hello, where are those nominations? What's that? My left hand? Thank you.

Dennis Finch:
Think about it. Four cover models are up for the Femmy. Three are gonna lose, and that's where I come in. D. Finch, consolation prize. I may not be gold, but I got the genitals.

Jack Gallo:
I believe a toast is in order.

Dennis Finch:
Allow me. I hope you all get Legionnaire's disease.

[breaks glass, leaves]

Nina Van Horn:
Not his best toast.

Maya Gallo:
Let me read you this first line, and you tell me if it'll wake up this room full of phonies. "Ladies and gentlemen, we should be ashamed of ourselves." What do you think?

Nina Van Horn:
I think you need to have some sex.

Nina Van Horn:
I know what you're thinking. I've lost eleven years in a row, and my hair looks great today. Well, I've got a good feeling about this year, and it's the conditioner.

Jack Gallo:
What is it with everybody?

Nina Van Horn:
Don't worry, Jack. You still got me.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, please. There's no chance you'll win.

Nina Van Horn:
Like last year when Margo Langhorn called his husband her lover. Please! If anything, he's my lover.

And the Femmy goes to...

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, please don't let me win, please don't let me win, please don't let me win...

Nancy Jones for Cosmo!

Elliot DiMauro:
What? Oh, give me a break! This thing is fixed! I was robbed!

Dennis Finch:
Do you know what I had to go through to get here, and on the off chance that I even get to talk to a woman like that? And just when the impossible is about to come true, you, the steak-stealing psycho, scare her away?

Wanna go to the coat room and see my b*obs?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, all right.

Maya Gallo:
If you want a new job, maybe I can ask my father to find you something else.

Kevin Liotta:
No pressure. [tosses mail at a worker] Magazines should go to your home!

Jack Gallo:
If Kevin wants another job, he can be my new chauffeur.

Maya Gallo:
What happened to Gus?

Jack Gallo:
He kept saying that he wished a righteous rain would wash the city clean.

Maya Gallo:
For God's sake, she's half your age!

Jack Gallo:
What does that have to do with anything?

Maya Gallo:
Nothing. I'm just used to saying it for so long.

Allie, Maya's stepmother and former classmate:
I know this whole situation is ookie for everyone, but we used to be friends.

Dennis Finch:
I don't remember.

Allie, Maya's stepmother and former classmate:
Remember when we used to call each other during Buffy?

Dennis Finch:
[after a pause] No, I don't.

Allie, Maya's stepmother and former classmate:
Remember when Angel drank from the chalice of poison and you freaked out?

Dennis Finch:
The struggle between good and evil is something everyone should care about!

Elliot DiMauro:
You are certifiably psycho!

Nina Van Horn:
No, I'm not. I'm an egotistical narcissist who's just a little boy crazy.

Nina Van Horn:
How can I ever repay you without money actually changing hands?

Police officials tell me gang violence is down from last year. Police tell me they credit the decrease to the removal of the frontal lobe of my brain. And in a related story, I wet myself.

Nina Van Horn:
So, you want to grace the pages of Blush? Well, I want my old ass back, but chances are that's not gonna happen. Still, the fact that you even made it this far is an accomplishment. You'd be amazed how many girls can't even find the building.

Maya Gallo:
It just hit me, you are your magazine. You're glossy, you're slick, the cover looks great, you open it up, there's nothing inside.

Jack Gallo:
I got another one for you. I get fat in December.

Nina Van Horn:
[to Maya] Honey, I don't know who your agent is, but you need to grow six inches, lose twenty pounds, and find a hair dresser who gave up cocaine with everyone else.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina, you've got to stop hiring these waify models.

Nina Van Horn:

Elliot DiMauro:
Because I turned on the fan and she blew into the wall.

Dennis Finch:
Did a Cindy Crawford call? Tell Crawdaddy that I'm swamped today, and dinner is looking iffy.

What if the governor calls?

Dennis Finch:
Tell him I'm busy.

How about Spider-Man?

Nina Van Horn:
[learning that Maya is Jack's daughter] I'm sorry about earlier, but it's just that there is virtually no resemblance.

Maya Gallo:
Go away.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, there it is.

Maya Gallo:
Surely you realize that idolizing physical beauty is wrong.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, really? Tell me what you thought, honestly, when you first saw Michaelangelo's David?

Maya Gallo:
I thought it was an incredible sculputure.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's right, because David is the perfect male form.

Maya Gallo:
No, because Michaelangelo was a genius.

Elliot DiMauro:
Imagine if Michaelangelo had sculpted it with the same artistry but made it to look like, say, me?

[poses like David]

Maya Gallo:
It would still be a work of art.

Elliot DiMauro:
How about now?

[pulls up his shirt to expose his flabby torso]

Maya Gallo:
Fine, fine, you win.

[first lines]

Maya Gallo:
Bill? It's me, Maya Gallo. Are you sure you want to lead with a story on strippers? What would I lead with? Well, call me crazy, but it is election night.

Who wrote this garbage? "Police report that gang violence is down this year"?

Maya Gallo:
That would be my garbage.

How many times have I told you? It's "police tell *me* that gang violence is down." That way, it appears that I'm involved in the story.

Maya Gallo:
You're right. People would like to see you involved in gang violence.

Maya Gallo:
Hi, I'm Maya.

Dennis Finch:
Well, bye-ya.

Maya Gallo:
I'm here to see Jack Gallo.

Dennis Finch:
And I'm here to make sure you don't. You should have called for an appointment so I could reject you over the phone. That way you wouldn't have to get all gussied up.

Nina Van Horn:
So you're writing this month's advice column? Mind if I have a peek?

Elliot DiMauro:
Honey, you peaked years ago.

Elliot DiMauro:
We're not the enemy here. We just like to look at beautiful things.

Maya Gallo:
And who decides what's beautiful.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, I do. That's the best part.

Nina Van Horn:
How do I look, Finch?

Dennis Finch:
Like a desperate woman hanging on to a youth she can't remember.

Nina Van Horn:
[tosses her hair] How about now?

Dennis Finch:
Much better.

Dennis Finch:
You're letting Elliot be a judge? But you said you were going to make me a judge.

Nina Van Horn:
Dear, people say a lot of things when they're lying.

I see some new faces, I see some old faces, I see some new faces on old bodies... Hamilton.

Nina Van Horn:
Hammy, is that you? Did they leave anything?

Tad Gallo:
Please, let me explain.

Jack Gallo:
You have sixty seconds.

Tad Gallo:
[hands Jack a cigar] Cuban?

Jack Gallo:
Ninety seconds.

Dennis Finch:
I won't eat, drink or sleep until I find out what your plan is.

Tad Gallo:
My plan is to start my onw magazine.

Dennis Finch:
Guess again, friend. You just rolled the dice, and they came out Finch eyes!

Nina Van Horn:
I'm talking about American's dirty little secret, that awards always go to the best and the fastest and the smartest. Well, how do you think that makes the worst and the slowest and the dumbest feel? Well, I can tell you from experience, not good.

Maya Gallo:
I'm thinking it'll be like The New Yorker, only smarter, without the flash.

Jack Gallo:
This guy is disgracing the family name. That's not what your grandfather had in mind when he changed it from Gallofart.

Dennis Finch:
What you need to know is that I am an integral part of the organization.

Tad Gallo:
How important do you have to be before they give you your own chair, dude?

Dennis Finch:
Someone keeps taking it.

Nina Van Horn:
I bet this is about that little incident in China.

Elliot DiMauro:
You gave the Minister of Culture your room key.

Nina Van Horn:
Can I help it if the entire country dresses like bellhops?

Maya Gallo:
Don't tell me you're one of those people who believe the moon landing didn't happen.

Nina Van Horn:
Of course it happened.

Maya Gallo:
Thank you.

Nina Van Horn: front of a film crew at the Mohave Dessert.

Jack Gallo:
I remember when my first wife left me. I went for a night out on the town to help me cope. And that's where I met wive number two.

Dennis Finch:
I don't want a second wife.

Jack Gallo:
Then stay away from a place called P.J. O'Suds.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, I'm going to tell you something I never thought I'd have to tell another human being: Let's just get to work.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, these grades stink. They're C's and D's, and an F that you changed to an E.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, I earned that E.

Dennis Finch:
It's all too much to take. It's all write this down, and read that, and learn this theorem. What the hell is a theorem? I think I'm in over their head.

Jack Gallo:
Well, maybe you shouldn't be taking advanced astrophysics.

Dennis Finch:
I wanna be a spaceman.

Jack Gallo:
Ancient Greek architecture?

Dennis Finch:
I want my spaceships to have columns.

Nina? Come on, Nina, it's either you or an open bottle of vodka.

Nina Van Horn:
It was gin! Ha-ha! Joke's on you!

Maya Gallo:
Are you all right?

That depends. How's my hair?

Maya Gallo:
It looks fine.

Then I'm all right.

Maya Gallo:
What is her problem?

She asked me how old I thought she was, and I think I guessed a little high.

Dennis Finch:
I now realize that college is not just a bunch of educational crap. No, it's a star machine, bigger than Hollywood! What's Meg Ryan have that I don't?

Dennis Finch:
Elliot, I have one more question for you.

Elliot DiMauro:

Dennis Finch:
How does it feel when you... Finch attack!

[throws water on Elliot, his assistants tie him to the chair and throw confetti over him]

Dennis Finch:
Elliot DiMauro, you have just been Finch Attacked!

Nina Van Horn:
I have dated at least a dozen blind men.

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
Yeah. I don't know why, but they tend to be fantastic lovers. Maybe it's because there's no blood rushing to their eyes, and it goes to all the other places...

Maya Gallo:
Oh, that is ridiculous!

Maya Gallo:
You go to movies?

Of course. We blind people enjoy many of the things that sighted people enjoy. Movies, art galleries, sunsets...

Maya Gallo:

No, I'm blind. I do go to movies, though.

I am glad that God plucked out my eyeballs and then, then stomped them with his giant hiking boots, and crammed the useless wreckage back into my head!

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, get me a bodyguard.

Elliot DiMauro:
Here. Strong enough for a man.

Jack Gallo:
I mean a real bodyguard.

Elliot DiMauro:
Are you in any danger?

Jack Gallo:
These are very violent times, and a man in my position needs to be careful.

Maya Gallo:
Did Trump get one?

Jack Gallo:
With an earpiece and a big old gun.

Nina Van Horn:
Sorry I'm late. I didn't hear my alarm go off.

Maya Gallo:
Why not?

Nina Van Horn:
I was locked in a self storage facility in Yonkers.

Jack Gallo:
Boys, God may be on his side, but Lady Luck is my b*tch.

Dean Logan:
My mother tells me times are tough in the old hometown. First the private prison went belly up, then the slaughterhouse. If the toxic waste dump closes, there'll be no reason for the young people to stay.

Jack Gallo:
I'm using my famous charm and disarm strategy.

Elliot DiMauro:
What's that?

Jack Gallo:
Remember when you came in asking for a raise and ended up babysitting for me the whole weekend?

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah... Oh. Hey!

I'm afraid there is nothing more I can teach you.

Dennis Finch:
But it's been only one day.

A day I will never forget.

Dennis Finch:
I happen to have lighting fast reflexes.

Elliot DiMauro:

Dennis Finch:
Try to take these keys out of my...

[Elliot takes keys]

Dennis Finch:
I didn't say go!

Dean Logan:
You have 24 hours to agree to my terms.

Jack Gallo:
Good. That gives me more time to come up with more naughty headlines. How about this one? Ten hot tips for sexy nudie sex sex!

Nina Van Horn:
Citizens for Morality. Isn't that the group that got Cosmo banned from Gelman's?

Jack Gallo:
That's right. How did you know?

Nina Van Horn:
I read about it in the newspaper.

Jack Gallo:
Were you wrapping something?

Nina Van Horn:
I was reading the paper, Jack.

Jack Gallo:

Dean Logan:
So, Claire...

Nina Van Horn:
It's Nina Van Horn now. I pushed Claire down a well and shaved eight years off her life.

Maya Gallo:
All my feminist friends agree that the covers for Blush are sexist.

Elliot DiMauro:
Are these the same friends who thing all intercourse is an act of violence?

Maya Gallo:
Jan and Gertie, yes.

Dean Logan:
I'm not against sex, but there is a time and a place for everything. I mean, you wouldn't do it in a crowded subway train, would you?

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, no. Not again. I learned my lesson.

Dennis Finch:
I'll be your bodyguard. [all laugh] I'm serious. There are bodyguard schools. [laugh some more]

Jack Gallo:
See, he starts a joke, then he builds on it.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. See what I did there? Pretty sweet.

Elliot DiMauro:
How about this? Let me be your bodyguard!

Jack Gallo:
See, it's funny when Dennis does it 'cause he's scrawny.

Elliot DiMauro:
But I said it with a funny voice.

Maya Gallo:
Honey, let it go.

Nina Van Horn:
I'll debate him on the issues. I'll just have to read up on my Fifth Amendment.

Jack Gallo:
First Amendment.

Nina Van Horn:
Good idea. Start with the easy ones then work my way up.

Nina Van Horn:
How about this? Your feet will float on the street...

Maya Gallo:
You've pitched that same thing to Calvin Klein.

Nina Van Horn:
At least I'm plugging away, which is more than can be said of those hedgerows you call eyebrows.

Jack Gallo:
That's enough.

Maya Gallo:
Well, at least I'm not thin and tall. Wait a minute...

Dennis Finch:
Call her a drunken skeleton. It's a classic for a reason.

Nina Van Horn:
Shut up, you little pygmy.

Dennis Finch:
Pygmies are great warriors, so thanks for the compliment, complimenter.

Maya Gallo:
This is how it should be, us getting together.

Nina Van Horn:
Much like your forehead and chin getting together, you thimble-headed freak.

Jack Gallo:
Well, I'm off.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're not sticking around?

Jack Gallo:
Of course not. I'm not the one with the problem. And even if I was, who cares? I'm the boss.

Jack Gallo:
Wait a minute. Are you two on that rave drug?

Nina Van Horn:
Not today, Jack.

Dennis Finch:
Holy crap! There are cameras on the elevators? Are they on all the time? Even at night?

Nina Van Horn:
Relax. We all know what you do in there.

Jack Gallo:
You four are always at each other's throats! The snide comments, the yelling, the back biting... This place is turning into the Vatican!

Elliot DiMauro:

Jack Gallo:
They can't fool me. I know what goes on in there.

Dr. Drake Kelson:
I want to do an exercise. We're going to be a car. Dennis, you make revving noises; Maya, you go put-put; Elliot, you make screeching noises; and Nina, you be the horn. Ready? We're a car, now! [they make the noises] Stop! That was horrible. Why? Because you're not working together. Because you're not communicating.

Elliot DiMauro:
[raises hand] How can we communicate better?

Dennis Finch:
After that, can we figure out how to remove his lips from your ass?

Dr. Drake Kelson:
I have to make it look like there's a big problem to solve, and that's you.

Elliot DiMauro:
But I'm the one who suggested the therapy in the first place!

Dr. Drake Kelson:
You wore a beret. You were asking for it.

Elliot DiMauro:
Monday's beret day.

Nina Van Horn:
Wow, Tommy Hilfiger... He's like the president of things I care about.

[Dennis is working with his sewing machine]

Maya Gallo:
Hey, what's going on?

Elliot DiMauro:
Dennis lost his penis on his way to work.

Dennis Finch:
Can she see you?

David Carradine:
No, I'm only in your mind. That's why I'm wearing this leather jacket you saw at Banana Republic.

Dennis Finch:
He was so normal growning up. We used to ride our skateboards, read comic books, talking about our dream weddings... all typical guy stuff.

Dee Dee:
Ms. Van Horn, can I say something?

Nina Van Horn:
Make it fast.

Dee Dee:
I didn't want to bring it up, but I haven't gone to the bathroom yet.

Nina Van Horn:
That's what weekends are for.

Dennis Finch:
Do you want to do anything tonight?

Is there an arcade nearby?

Dennis Finch:
You still like video games?

Of course. They didn't replace my brain, doof.

Dennis Finch:
You're the doof.


Dennis Finch:
You're the buttface, buttface!

You're the astronaut Buttface who ran unopposed for the mayor of Turdtown!

Dennis Finch:
Damn, Burt! You still got game!

Maya Gallo:
Hello? Thank God I got through. Do you still have tickets left for the feminist puppetry series? Really? You have every ticket left?

Dennis Finch:
Before we left, we made a sacred oath.

Elliot DiMauro:
To never forget that wonderful summer night by the lake.

Dennis Finch:
With your mom? Backfire!

Maya Gallo:
She shouldn't be abusing her influence like that.

Dennis Finch:
Maya, no can do on those dinner reservations.

Maya Gallo:
Tell him I'm Jack Gallo's daughter!

Dennis Finch:
As you wish, Evita.

Nina Van Horn:
Having a female assistant is great. Male assistants were always wasting energy fending off my advances.

Nina Van Horn:
Entre nous and frere Jacques, Dee Dee is not the Dee Dee we thought she was.

Jack Gallo:
She's not?

Nina Van Horn:
She's a completely different Dee Dee. She's Tommy Hilfiger's daughter.

Jack Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
She doesn't want anybody to know. She wants to make it on her own.

Jack Gallo:
You know, I really admire that. You are kissing her ass, aren't you?

Nina Van Horn:
More than I kiss yours.

Jack Gallo:
Well, pace yourself.

Elliot DiMauro:
You didn't tell him she was Tommy Hilfiger's daughter, did you?

Nina Van Horn:
It may have slipped out.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, my God!

Nina Van Horn:
I know, I know. Mea culpa and labia minora.

Dennis Finch:
If I get killed, tell Courtney in accounting I love her and erase all the porn on my computer.

Dennis Finch:
Look here, Up With People. I don't know what you're so bubbly about, but let me offer you a little analogy. This here is the lion's den, I am the lion. If you want to hang around the lion's den, you'll have to learn to deal with the lion. Are we clear?

Wow, I understand. Now let me offer you this little analogy.

[Staples Dennis' tie to the desk]

I am the God of Hellfire! And so help me, I will put my fist through your skull!

Dennis Finch:

I'm going to rip out your head, run it through a shredder, and put it in a box!

Dennis Finch:
You're going to rip off my head?

And put it in a box!

Nina Van Horn:
I'm giving up a really filthy habit.

Dennis Finch:
You're gonna have to be more specific.

Jack Gallo:
Two assistants and I'm not sleeping with either one of them. My, times sure have changed.

Nina Van Horn:
That's sweet, but I have this strict policy against dating coworkers. Well, it's not so much a policy per se. It's more of a loosely enforced suggestion, at the request of my lawyer.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nobody messes with Dennis Finch!

Nina Van Horn:
That's our job!

I am super pumped to be here.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, little advise, we don't really do "super pumped" around here. We're a little more stand-offish.

Maya Gallo:
Will you wear one of our buttons?

Elliot DiMauro:
[reading button] "Drugs hurt."

Maya Gallo:
[puts on button] Ouch! Shoot, I'm bleeding.

Elliot DiMauro:
There's a band-aid over there.

Maya Gallo:
Thank you.

Elliot DiMauro:
You should just say no to "no drugs" buttons.

Nina Van Horn:
I'll be in my office. Don't barge in during my naked meditation hour. It's three to four, or whenever you can show up.

Dennis Finch:
I'm sorry if I insulted you, but it's what I do. I'm a bit of a cut-up.

I'll cut *you* up!

Dennis Finch:
Ooh, I walked right into that one.

Dennis Finch:
I want to talk to you about Kenny.

Jack Gallo:
Isn't he great? Peppy.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. What did his references say?

Jack Gallo:
References? Anyone who's good enough for the U.S. Postal Service is good enough for me.

Dennis Finch:
He may seem all sugary sweet, but inside he's a bowl of crazy stew.

Lisa Cantwell:
[introducing cameraman] This is Mike.

Maya Gallo:
Mike with the mike. I know this guy named Rod, he hangs curtains.

Nina Van Horn:
My friend Binnie insisted we go to a pagan fertility ritual. Talk about a night of debauchery. I can't imagine how anyone could go to the pagan 10K this morning.

Nina Van Horn:
It seems my best friend Binnie...

Dennis Finch:
My friend Binnie, my friend Binnie!

Elliot DiMauro:
My friend Binnie can chew through metal.

Maya Gallo:
My friend Binnie can't eat soup.

Dennis Finch:
We're all sick of hearing about your drunken, slutty, stupid friend Binnie.

Nina Van Horn:
My friend Binnie is dead.

Dennis Finch:
Heaven just got another angel.

Nina Van Horn:
I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I deal with Binnie's death in my own way.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're not dealing with it at all.

Nina Van Horn:
That is my way.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina, we need to talk.

Nina Van Horn:
Can it wait? I'm three circles away from solving the Word Jumble.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina, this is more important than the Jumble.

Nina Van Horn:
Let me put it in perspective for you. I have been working on this for five and a half months.

Elliot DiMauro:
[offers Nina a funeral urn] There she is, Nina. That's all that's left of Binnie.

Nina Van Horn:
She had so much work done, I'm surprised they didn't melt her down to make crayons.

Nina Van Horn:
I'm sure I'll find a new best friend by the end of the day. Maya, you're a long shot, but I'm not ruling you out.

Jack Gallo:
This thing is great. It's like having a little assistant in my pocket.

Dennis Finch:
That's what you used to call me.

Jack Gallo:
Why would you want to go to college? You just got your foot at the door here. Be patient. You'll work your way up.

Dennis Finch:
I've been here for ten years.

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:
Son of a b*tch.

Maya Gallo:
Finch, this is Milo. He's also applying for the scholarship.

Dennis Finch:
Hello. I'm Jack's best friend. You have no chance.

Win or lose, I am just happy to have free soda.

Dennis Finch:
I just had four. No, wait, three. I poured one down the drain.

Maya Gallo:
What are your career aspirations?

I wish to be mediator for United Nations.

Dennis Finch:
I'm not sure. But I'm pretty sure I'll end up being an astronaut.

Jack Gallo:
You're not going to the funeral?

Nina Van Horn:
It conflicts with my massage.

Jack Gallo:
Don't you want to pay your respects?

Nina Van Horn:
I am. I took her appointment.

Dennis Finch:
What about the Gallo scholarship?

Jack Gallo:
That's right. It's meant for Blush employees and their families, you certainly qualify.

Dennis Finch:
As an employee... or as family?

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, you have real parents.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, real stupid parents.

Maya Gallo:
How could you give the scholarship to Finch? The scholarship is my responsibility!

Jack Gallo:
Dennis is really applying himself. Why not give the money to him?

Maya Gallo:
Dad, we both know he'll just spend it on candy.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, I told you, I like the egg.

Jack Gallo:
But I want you to love the egg.

Dennis Finch:
Fine. I love the egg.

Jack Gallo:
What do you love most about it?

Jack Gallo:
Maya, great job on that piece on women astronauts.

Maya Gallo:
Thank you. You see? Serious journalism does have a place in Blush magazine.

Jack Gallo:
But these photographs are all wrong. There is no gravity up in space, their skirts should be way up in the air.

Dennis Finch:
Every day, in some little way, I realize you're a genius.

Jack Gallo:
Explain this idea to me again?

Nina Van Horn:
It's simple. Fur is dead animals, right? So why not show them being worn by women on death row.

Jack Gallo:
I'm gonna have to give it some time.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, not too long. There is a bit of a ticking clock.

Maya Gallo:
I can't help thinking this is partially my fault.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't be silly. It's entirely your fault.

Dennis Finch:
Whoop! Nerd alert! Whoop! This is not a drill! Whoop!

You mock because you have fear.

Maya Gallo:
That's true!

You need to get over your fear. Over... your fear. I believe you can do it. Can you?

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, I believe!

How did that fish get on the line?

Nina Van Horn:
All I'm saying is just because the man is a stinking drunk doesn't mean we can't be affected by the power of his words.

Dennis Finch:
Or the size of his nipples.

Elliot DiMauro:
How could you make fun of a man who is clearly in need of help?

Dennis Finch:
I'm the bad guy? I'm the one who wedged him back into his pants.

Dennis Finch:
On senior year, I grew six inches and lost eighty pounds.

Nina Van Horn:
What were you before, a medicine ball?

Kevin Liotta:
[bumps onto Alan] Sorry.

Don't be sorry. Be super.

Kevin Liotta:

Just think about where you want to be, and just go.

Kevin Liotta:
I wanna go over there.

Then go. [Kevin goes, walking tall]

Look, if I can show my face out there, you can go to that reunion. [Opens door to leave]

Dennis Finch:
Shh! Everyone be quiet. The drunk's awake.

So what time do folks go home around here?

Maya Gallo:
Where's your Christmas spirit?

Staffer #1:
I'm Jewish.

Maya Gallo:
[singing] Ooooh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel / I made you out of clay...

Staffer #1:
I'm Jewish. I'm not twelve.

Ray Liotta:
Everyone thinks I'm like my character in Goodfellas, but in real life, I'm more like my character in Operation Dumbo Drop.

Elliot DiMauro:
What happened?

Jack Gallo:
I was just explaining to Paul that even though Grandma Pearl is dead, she still loves him.

Elliot DiMauro:
Grandma Pearl is not dead. She moved to Palm Beach.

Ray Liotta:
You don't get it, do you? You think I make movies because I like making movies? I just do it to pay for Christmas! I live for this holiday, and now it's over! What, now I'm supposed to go back to Hollywood, be an actor for twelve months? Not me! Not this Ray Liotta!

Kevin Liotta:
What are you guys talking about?

Nina Van Horn:
Losing our virginity. What's your story?

[Kevin hyperventilates and runs away]

Dennis Finch:
How about if I say a word, and you say the first word that pops into your head?

Nina Van Horn:
I hate this game! They used to make me play it at the sanitarium.

Elliot DiMauro:
Kevin, come in here. Tell him what you saw.

Kevin Liotta:
Hannah cut in front of Paul. She said she could do whatever she wants because her daddy rules the world.

Jack Gallo:
But then the boy hit her?

Kevin Liotta:
No. She pushed him. I told her to stop, and she threw an ornament at my head. She told me not to tell anybody... but I refuse to live in fear any more.

Nina Van Horn:
My God, there's children everywhere. It's bad enough they run amok in our parks and playgrounds... Except yours, Jack. Hannah is an angel on butterscotch wings.

Dennis Finch:
Here he is, the Kringle with the jingle, the guy in the sleigh who gives stuff away, the jolly dude from zero latitude, I believe you know who I'm talking about... the one, the only, Santa!

Dennis Finch:
You have to help me write this. We could make a ton of money.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, I don't know, Finch. I'm not a musician, I only sleep with them.

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:


Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:

Maya Gallo:
We're gonna make this the best Christmas ever.

Ray Liotta:
You can't make Christmas do anything. All you can do is let it cover you in its warm embrace.

Maya Gallo:
That's beautiful.

Ray Liotta:
It's from a screenplay I wrote called Ray and Santa. It's a buddy movie.

Nina Van Horn:
Will you stop that humming, please? You sound like a faulty vibrator.

Dennis Finch:
I'm writing a Christmas song. Between you and me, I think I found a way to turn this sleepy little holiday into a big time money maker.

Nina Van Horn:
I have a little something I've been working on my spare time at the office. It's called "What Lies Before Me". "A stapler. A pencil. Finger drumming on a desk. A vodka martini. Then nothing... nothing... nothing. Blinding headache!"

Dennis Finch:
Nina, I formally apologize for ruining our company photo by copying your bottom.

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
And for yelling "Who wants mangos, two for a buck?"

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
And for what I have planned for tomorrow.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, as long as you've learned your lesson.

Karey Burke:
Mr. Gallo, Maya's told me all about you.

Jack Gallo:

Karey Burke:
And if she can forgive you, so can I.

Jack Gallo:
You play bridge?

Dennis Finch:
I worked a summer at a retirement home. Why do you think my apartment is covered in afgans?

Nina Van Horn:
I wouldn't do that if I were you. I have very pointy elbows, and I'm not afraid to use them.

Nina Van Horn:
Let me give you a little tip. If you're in a foreign country and you have trouble with the law, just remember these three little words: not my baggie.

Nina Van Horn:
That girl is wasting her youth in a place like college. She's going to be a supermodel. She reminds me of me when I was that age.

Maya Gallo:
No, she can't remind you of you at that age, because she reminds me of me at that age, and me at that age was nothing like you at that age!

Maya Gallo:
Is Karey here?

Elliot DiMauro:
I heard a crash over at wardrobe, you might try looking there.

Maya Gallo:
She's a talented writer, not some empty-headed mannequin!

Nina Van Horn:
And what's that supposed to mean?

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
I'm sorry I called you big-headed and snobby.

Maya Gallo:
You didn't say that.

Nina Van Horn:
No, it's in my other poem, "Big-Headed and Snobby."

Maya Gallo:
You know, it's not too late for us. I could take a year off, go hiking through Europe, live in hostels and wait tables to get by.

Nina Van Horn:
And I could go to college, do homework and take exams, and read, read, read.


Maya Gallo:
Seems like a hassle.

Nina Van Horn:
Screw it.

Jack Gallo:
It's not just a game, it's a twenty-year grudge match. The Gallos versus the Gordons. Our wives may change, but the battle rages on.

Nina Van Horn:
[on phone] I'm telling you, you haven't seen a look like this since a certain raven-haired beauty. Me. Nina? Van Horn? No, I'm not dead!

Elliot DiMauro:
She has the kind of natural beauty that usually only comes after $15,000 of surgery.

Jack Gallo:
Dammit! You've got me thinking with my deck!

Nina Van Horn:
Well, she's already learned the Nutrcracker.

Elliot DiMauro:
It was nothing like that. We just talked. She says I'm a good listener.

Dennis Finch:
Good, then you'll be able to listen to this. [whispers] You're a loser.

Nina Van Horn:
I would give you some of my pain medication, but that would screw up my Saturday night.

Rhonda Ferrara:
Hey, slim. You're ribs are showing.

Nina Van Horn:
Not all of them. I left two with a doctor in Mexico.

Nina Van Horn:
Are things more relaxed without Jack around, or is that the gin talking?

Maya Gallo:
Could be the gin, could be the brandy you had before the gin. Boop, Bam!

Nina Van Horn:
What was that about?

Maya Gallo:
You're always taking swipes at me, so I thought I should start firing them back.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't mess with me, Maya. I will eat you alive.

Maya Gallo:
Then throw me up five minutes later. Zing, shazam!

Dennis Finch:
Remember me? D. Finch.

Rhonda Ferrara:
What's the D stand for?

Dennis Finch:
Dennis, as in not if but whenis.

Dennis Finch:
Nina, you just got a call from an Andre.

Nina Van Horn:
Ah, Andre Delacroix, masseuse to the stars. A massage from him is like being touched by the hands of God, except God doesn't spend that much time on your thighs.

Andre Delacroix:
I'm Andre. I'm looking for Nina.

Jack Gallo:
Who is that?

Nina Van Horn:
It's the delivery man. He's here to deliver my... my purse.

[picks up Andre's gear]

Jack Gallo:
It looks enormous!

Nina Van Horn:
It's the latest trend from Milan. Big is in.

Maya Gallo:
It's almost big enough for your make up. Bounce, bounce, count it!

Nina Van Horn:
You know, that color is unflattering on you.

Maya Gallo:
What, because I'm standing up for myself?

Nina Van Horn:
No, I meant brown. You look like a frumpy Raisinette.

Maya Gallo:
That was unnecessary.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, like the other half of your bed? Ah, order has been restored.

Dennis Finch:
Welcome to the jungle, baby. Hope you had your shots.

Elliot DiMauro:
I might cry again, but you like that in a man, right?

Vicki Costa:
Less and less.

Rhonda Ferrara:
Shut up, you little gerbil. I'm driving this train, and you're just shoveling coal. If you don't keep it hot enough, I'm throwing you on the tracks like the piece of garbage that you are.

Dennis Finch:
Heaven must be missing an angel.

Nina Van Horn:
I can't remember the last time I was so disappointed.

Maya Gallo:
Was it when Roosevelt was reelected? Teddy? Booyah!

Dennis Finch:
Let me guess? She discovered you, taught you everything she knows, and then you dumped her cold.

Nina Van Horn:
Who told you that?

Dennis Finch:
You, at your 10th annual 39th birthday party.

Elliot DiMauro:
When Nature creates a perfect female body, men have to check it out. It's in our genetic coding.

Dennis Finch:
Our DNA likes the T n' A.

Catherine DuChamp:

Nina Van Horn:
Probable more than I should.

Nina Van Horn:
Death is not all it's cracked up to be. I flatlined for eight minutes and it was no picnic. There was no white light, just darkness and heat and the faint murmur of people talking backwards.

Catherine DuChamp:
Are you gonna sit down, or shall I ask the waitress for a booster seat?

Dennis Finch:
That's funny. Did you make that same joke to Napoleon?

Jack Gallo:
Good God! Men chasing fatties, Dennis dating the elderly... Has my life's work been for nothing?

Dennis Finch:
[a beautiful blonde walks by] Ooh! All hail her royal heinie.

Elliot DiMauro:
Where has she been hiding?

Dennis Finch:
Accounts layable.

Elliot DiMauro:
More like human resources.

Dennis Finch:

Elliot DiMauro:
Hey, I'm trying, man.

Catherine DuChamp:
And after I paid to have that extra toe removed.

Nina Van Horn:
It was a wart!

Catherine DuChamp:
It had a nail!

Catherine DuChamp:
This is so typical of you. When I don't want you to stab me in the back, you do, and when I want you to do, you won't.

Jack Gallo:
My point is, if he wants a fat woman, why doesn't he just go out and get one? The town is full of them, and it's not like they're fleet of foot.

Maya Gallo:
Maybe you're right.

[she sits down, a plink is heard]

Jack Gallo:
What was that?

Maya Gallo:
The button on my pants.

Jack Gallo:
Holy God! It's embedded in the wood!

Maya Gallo:
Are you fattening me up?


Maya Gallo:
Be honest with me. Are you trying to make me fat?

[laughs dismissively] Ha ha... okay, yeah.

Maya Gallo:
This is sick!

You must understand. I admire you for what's inside. It's just that physically I'm not attracted to you.

Maya Gallo:
So you're treating me like veal? Here you are making these speeches about judging what's inside, yet you are just as bad as men who worship thin women!

I can't help it. You're like one hundred pounds away from being a smoking babe.

Maya Gallo:
Get out!

Think it over, think it over. No more dieting, no more going to the gym, you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want and I will only love you more.

Maya Gallo:
[after considering it for a moment] No, no, no!

Okay, fifty pounds and I'll spring for the elastic pants.

Dennis Finch:
Break it down! You're a clown! I'm the king... of chesstown.

Jack Gallo:
Don't get me wrong, there are people who are into all sort of weird things. Men who worship feet, women who enjoy a good spanking, the powerful executive who occasionally likes to camp it up as Carol Channing.

Maya Gallo:
That last one is a little weird.

Jack Gallo:
Maybe so, but that's no reason to hassle you on the parking lot.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, did you get my dry cleaning?

Dennis Finch:
[not looking at him] Yep.

Jack Gallo:
Did you play my lottery numbers?

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:
Biggety booggety boo?

Dennis Finch:

Dennis Finch:
Jack just hit the lottery.

Nina Van Horn:
Wow. The rich keep getting richer.

Dennis Finch:
Not really. I didn't buy the ticket.

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
I never do. I buy candy.

Elliot DiMauro:
I never had a dog.

Nina Van Horn:
They're great. We had one on the farm. He had only three legs, but tremendous testicles.

Nina Van Horn:
Morning, Finch.

Dennis Finch:
I'm surprised you made it in.

Nina Van Horn:
And why is that?

Dennis Finch:
I'm always surprised you make it in.

Nina Van Horn:
What are you implying?

Dennis Finch:
I'm not really implying anything, I'm saying you reek like a Bob Marley concert.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, please. I have long since outgrown such foolishness.

Dennis Finch:
Is that a dog?

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, thank God, you see it too.

Maya Gallo:
He was sitting there begging for my scone.

Dennis Finch:
A cat wouldn't do that. Too much pride. Dogs are the whores of the animal kingdom. Look it up.

Elliot DiMauro:
I can't be opening bags and looking for bags and constantly dealing with bags.

Dennis Finch:
How am I going to tell him?

Nina Van Horn:
Can I do it?

Dennis Finch:
No, you have to help me find a way out of this.

Nina Van Horn:
Why should I?

Dennis Finch:
Because... because I know about that... that thing you did.

Nina Van Horn:
You're bluffing.

Dennis Finch:
The bad thing.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't wanna go to jail.

Dennis Finch:
She's testing ya, bro.

Nina Van Horn:
She's seeing if you can be a father.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya's not like that.

Dennis Finch:
Then why did she write that article titled "Can your dude be a dad? Get a dog." [everyone stares] From July '99? Hot Celebrities in Hot Getaways? They all go to Hawaii... Does anyone read this magazine?

Dennis Finch:
I think I figured out a way out of this lottery mess.

Nina Van Horn:
Wait a minute. What if we enter the lottery in a different state, win that, and give Jack the fifty thousand? Or maybe a little less. He'll never count it.

Dennis Finch:
Can I do this by myself? No.

Elliot DiMauro:
There you are, Henri, mon ami. Sometimes we like to pretend we're French.

I once gave him a French fry.

Elliot DiMauro:
Not really the same thing.

Dennis Finch:
I can't leave my post for a second. I have to be alert in case Jack goes to cash in his lottery ticket.

Nina Van Horn:
I wouldn't worry about it.

Dennis Finch:
Why not?

Nina Van Horn:
Because he left half an hour ago.

Dennis Finch:
What? That's impossible! My eyes haven't moved for... [Woman enters office] Well, look who's back?

Jack Gallo:
Nina, will you put that down? I spent all day buffing my putter.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, and cleaning that club.

Dennis Finch:
Elliot, you brother's on his way up.

Elliot DiMauro:
I don't want to see him. When he comes up, tell him I'm not here.

Dennis Finch:
How about I tell him you have a stomach flu and you were sent to the hospital. that way he won't track you down.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's great. Thanks. [Goes into Jack's office; Donnie enters]

Donnie DiMauro:
Hey, Finch. Is my brother around?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, he's in there.

Donnie DiMauro:
[Elliot hugs him] Say, my lady's watching. You wanna gay it down a notch?

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, how much have I lost?

Dennis Finch:
In terms of what? Credibility? Dignity? Respect?

Jack Gallo:
I'm talking about money.

Dennis Finch:
Lost a lot of that, too.

Maya Gallo:
You know, your life is empty.

Dennis Finch:
At least he remembers my birthday.

Maya Gallo:
You bastard!

Jack Gallo:
Hey, Princess.

Maya Gallo:
Too little too late! I wanted a pony!

Nina Van Horn:
Why did I just tell you all that?

Dennis Finch:
I say nothing, you confess. A little Jedi mind trick I picked up along the way.

Nina Van Horn:
How long must I be punished for never having been to Japan?

Elliot DiMauro:
Hey, Jack. Look who's here.

Jack Gallo:
Hey, Donnie. Who has a pretty suit? Donnie does!

Maya Gallo:
Dad, he's not really slow. Remember?

Jack Gallo:
What? A guy can't complement another guy in a childlike voice?

[to another worker]

Jack Gallo:
You there! Who's got a shiny tie clasp? You do!

Dennis, when are you gonna stop hiding from behind your desk and come join me in the brotherhood of salesmen?

Dennis Finch:
I don't know. Would I have to wear the coonskin cap?

Jack Gallo:
Oh, Kevin, how are things down at the mail room?

Kevin Liotta:
Okay. How are things down at the rich, old bastards club?

Jack Gallo:

Kevin Liotta:
Finch, I said it, but he didn't laugh.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, who's the one I always forget?

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
So you sell insurance now?

Oh, I'm not selling anything. I provide piece of mind.

Maya Gallo:
Is that somehow connected with the toupee?

I don't follow.

Maya Gallo:
You used to be bald.

No... you must be mistaken.

Jack Gallo:
May I have everyone's attention? I have a very sad announcement. Blush Magazine's very first employee, Russell Henderson, died last night in his sleep at the age of 83. Russ was a good bookkeeper, and a dear friend to all who knew him. So in his honor, please join me in a moment of silence.

[everyone stands silent; Kevin walks in]

Kevin Liotta:
[after an uncomfortable pause] We were stranded in the snow! Our radio was broken! For the love of God, we had to eat something!

Jack Gallo:
Okay, silence over.

I made a go of it. But paying rent, making car payments, reaching for stuff... Eh, it's just not who I am.

Kevin Liotta:
In what year did the Spanish-American War began?

Dennis Finch:
Wait a minute. That's a trick question. Spain would never mess with us. We'd kick their asses. Am I right, dude?

Maya Gallo:
You took this picture?

Elliot DiMauro:
Yes, I did.

Maya Gallo:
It's called "Self Portrait."

Elliot DiMauro:
Yes. That's how I see myself.

Maya Gallo:
As a man named Mark Krendall?

Elliot DiMauro:
Yes. I see myself as Mark Krendall. Aren't we all Mark Krendalls inside?

Mark Krendall:
Hello, I'm Mark Krendall.

Elliot DiMauro:
See, Maya? This guy gets it.

Nina Van Horn:
Your picture is the hit of the show. You should betray Maya more often.

[Maya is about to pose nude for Elliot]

Maya Gallo:
I feel weird doing this.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, I'm a professional. Just think of me as a doctor. A doctor who took baths with you.

Nina Van Horn:
You have no choice. Either use this picture and let the world know that you're an artist, or use this one and let the world know that your grandma is Merle Haggard.

Kevin Liotta:
I gotta go. I have a ticket to Seussical. I found it on the street.

Nina Van Horn:
You don't know the first thing about throwing a hissy fit. You should be flying off the handle. You should be breaking stuff. You should be waking up the next morning smelling of gasoline and saying, "What the hell did I do?"

Jack Gallo:
Let me ask you this. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Dennis Finch:
Standing out there.

Jack Gallo:
Twenty years?

Dennis Finch:
Out there.

Jack Gallo:
Thirty years? Forty years? Fifty years?

Dennis Finch:
Out there, out there, buried next to you in the Gallo family tomb.

Nina Van Horn:
So you gave him wine.

Maya Gallo:
Wine laced with some cat tranquilizer.

Nina Van Horn:
You didn't!

Maya Gallo:
He's not the only one who can take naked pictures. Here.

Nina Van Horn:
Is that a flower coming out of...

Maya Gallo:
I used gardening gloves.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, I am more proud of you now than I have ever been before.

Jack Gallo:
Why am I spending all this money on your college education? I thought you were going to buckle down and study for this exam.

Dennis Finch:
I'm trying! But when I study, it's like I'm teaching myself - and I'm an idiot. I'm being taught by an idiot.

You couldn't score in a monkey whorehouse with a bag of bananas.

As fashion editor it's my job to look good. As a Keebler elf, it's your job to make delicious little cookies.

Don't worry about it. I mean, everyone's yearbook photo is a little embarra... Oh, my God! You were a little fatty.

So, the truth finally comes out. The legendary Elliot DiMauro was once a nerd.

No, I wasn't.


Ha, that's very funny.


That's not funny.


Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah? Would a nerd bring a supermodel to a funeral in a stretch limo with four-hundred roses shaped in a giant tear?

No, but the nerd king might.

Dennis, I see this magazine as my castle, and you are, for lack of a better word, my gargoyle.

I can't decide which one to take to the Hamptons. Leone has perfect legs, but Trisha has perfect breasts.

What a coincidence. You're a perfect ass.

Good morning. Hmm, tension in the air. Let me guess: Mr. Love Machine here was going yappity-wappity about getting it on with the ladies. And Mother Superior was all, "What a pig!" And you were all, "But me likie them women." And you were all, "Boo-hoo-hoo! What about our brains?"

Finch, do you want to get smacked?

Kinda. I'm not proud of it.

People don't respect me because I'm the boss. It's getting respect that's made me the boss.

Ah, I see.

[moves away a bottle of scotch]

No more for you.

[Elliot has a zit on his nose]

Whoa, Krakatoa!

It's just a little blemish.

It's like an escape hatch for your brain.

[just coming in] So sorry about your pimple, Elliot.

How did you know?

I saw it as you got out of the cab. I mean, we're only nineteen floors up.

I'm going to that memorial service to inform the citizens of Loserville, New Jersey that their top export is Elliot DiMauro.

Who was Mr. Farrel?

He was my high school coach. We used to call him Farrel the Ferret.

Why did you call him that?

You know, because he was a big man.

Why didn't you call him Farrel the Barrel?

People weren't that clever in my town. When the train went by, everyone would clap.

Nina, I need your help. I need a suit to wear to a memorial service.

What do you want the suit to say?

I want it to say that I'll be sad for an hour, but on the way back, I'm having sex on a limo.

Hugo Boss, charcoal grey. It's what my tennis instructor wore to my second husband's funeral.

Maya, what's more important to a bird? That it has wings or that it has the confidence to fly?

Uh... Wings?

Wrong. Witness the penguin, a flightless bird. Do you know why penguins can't fly?

Because its wings can't support its body mass?

Maya, there was a time when penguins filled the sky, until the day their confidence was shattered, and they never flew again.

Ah, I see.

[takes away scotch bottle]

No more for you.

[reading from Elliot's yearbook] Captain of the chess club. Ha ha ha!

I'm surprised you weren't in the marching band.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Were you ever invited to play the Gator Bowl? I didn't think so.

Maya Gallo:
Is Erlene the one who's married to the sharecropper?

Nina Van Horn:
No, that's Lurlene, and they're divorced now. The weed killer he was using made him grow breasts.

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
Excuse me? I'm looking for Nina Van Horn? I'm her sister Erlene.

Dennis Finch:
Well, well, well. You must be dusty from your travels. May I give you a sponge bath? I'm 70% kidding.

Jack Gallo:
Yesterday, during my announcement, someone booed me. That stung. And I have one thing to say to that booer: thank you. Thank you for making me realize that I was out of touch with you and your needs. So henceforth, that door is always open.

Dennis Finch:
Wow, I think that was the wisest, most mature thing you have ever done.

Jack Gallo:
And so the trap is set.

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:
I did that to put the booer at ease, and now he's going to come to me. And when he does, that's when I'll have him. [Laughs]

Dennis Finch:
Should I book you a cell with the Riddler and the Penguin?

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
[arm wrestling Elliot] Come on, you don't want to lose in front of this little lady.

Maya Gallo:
We're not together anymore.

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
Well, in that case...

[beats Elliot]

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
Are you really that insecure?

Nina Van Horn:
I've had five husbands and four noses.

Maya Gallo:
Erlene wants to see some museums, so we're taking her on a little tour.

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
I really want to see the Frick.

Nina Van Horn:
The frick? I'm sorry, but someone made that up to fool you into saying something naughty.

Elliot DiMauro:
Actually, there is a Frick Museum.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, the Frick! I thought you meant the Keister Museum.

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
[in bed with Dennis] That was incredible. I thought I was a woman before, but after that, I don't think any man can compare with... compare with... I'm sorry, can we cut?

Dennis Finch:
What's the matter, baby?

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
Can anyone buy this? I mean, look at me... look at him.

Dennis Finch:

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
No offence.

Dennis Finch:
None taken. But you were into it. A guy can tell.

Maya Gallo:
I'm really sorry about this. He's been paying off the writers to put him in these kind of scenes. Earlier in the season he was with two lesbian boxers.

Erlene Noodleman, Nina's Sister:
I don't really watch the show.

Maya Gallo:
And there was this episode where I was in a baby doll... [They walk away, leaving Dennis alone]

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, and that's the way it's gonna stay! Can somebody hand me my pants?

Nina Van Horn:
Honesty is one of those things people say they want, but they really don't, like education or children.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't like walking. It's so pedestrian.

Maya Gallo:
You're walking.

Nina Van Horn:
God gave us feet for three reasons: to be massaged, pedicured, and tied to the other end of the bed.

[Maya distracted Nina while she was walking across the street by pointing out a street juggler and now she's in a cast]

Nina Van Horn:
Little tip: never yell, 'Look, he's got six balls!' at someone who's about to step off a curb.

Dennis Finch:
Check it out, my Planet of the Apes collection is almost complete.

Jack Gallo:
You know, I don't get that movie. Are the lady apes supposed to be sexy?

Dennis Finch:
I don't think so.

Jack Gallo:
Yeah, neither do I.

Vicki Costa:
Can I come in?

Jack Gallo:
Sure, unless you think I'm being too pushy or bloated.

Vicki Costa:
I didn't say bloated.

Jack Gallo:
It was implied.

Jack Gallo:
All of the great captains of industry are doing it.

Dennis Finch:
Kirk, Kangaroo, Crunch... although technically, Crunch is a Cap'n.

Jack Gallo:
[takes Dennis' action figure] Tell me what you really think or Dr. Zaius gets it.

Dennis Finch:
Please don't hurt my monkey.

Nina Van Horn:
[finds a pill on the floor] Hello, old friend.

[puts pill in mouth, then spits it out]

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, dammit! It's a Tic-Tac!

Jack Gallo:
It's Fashion Week. Nina, I'm sure you're looking forward to all those parties.

Nina Van Horn:
I resent that. Just because you flatline at a couple of parties they label you a party animal.

Jack Gallo:
I want you to be honest. Really let me have it.

Maya Gallo:
Well, you can be pushy.

Jack Gallo:
There you go.

Vicki Costa:
And you're self-centered.

Jack Gallo:
That's it.

Elliot DiMauro:
[stands up and slams hand on table] You belittle me!

Jack Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
I give and give and you never give anything back!

Jack Gallo:
All right, Sally, take a Midol.

Dennis Finch:
He's trying to take away what I love the most: serving him. He's hoping I snap and come crawling back. He's a diabolical genius that one, like Dr. Frankenstein or Katie Couric.

Maya Gallo:
[finds Nina still on the floor] Oh, Nina! Were you there all night?

Nina Van Horn:
I think I blacked out a couple of times.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, I'm so sorry... Wait a minute. If you have been there all night, why is there fresh ice in that glass?

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, kiss my ass, Nancy Drew!

Maya Gallo:
Dad, please don't run away.

Jack Gallo:
I'm not running, I'm surviving. Does the antelope stand by the waterhole and converse with the surly panther? Not in my Africa.

Elliot DiMauro:
The longest relationship I was in was six months, and that was because I was alternating with twins.

Dennis Finch:
What's up, chief?

Jack Gallo:
Not much, except that acording to this heart monitor, I'm clinically dead.

Dennis Finch:
Let me be the first to say, you were a great, great man, and dibs on your wife.

Eve Gallo:
Nina, you look fantastic.

Nina Van Horn:
Me? It's like you found the Fountain of Youth.

[they turn away from each other]

Eve Gallo:
Poor thing. The years have been cruel.

Nina Van Horn:
Boy, Father Time sure gave her a good spanking.

Maya Gallo:
You two are so alike.

Jack Gallo:
Yes, we both spend my money.

Eve Gallo:
And we each took a bath with my sister, only I was three at the time.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, hide this painting. Put it somewhere where no one ever goes.

Dennis Finch:
Gotcha. I'll put it in Maya's bedroom.

Bill Slatton:
I know what makes you tick, Dennis Finch.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, right.

Bill Slatton:
I know you live in a world of fear. I know you stay awake at night, and as you stare at the darkness you know exactly what it feels like to be dead.

[after a pause, Dennis runs away crying]

Bill Slatton:
I may not have a job in a fancy magazine, but I have something you will never have: dignity. By the way, if you ever need golf lessons, I go by the name of Doctor Putts.

Elliot DiMauro:
Who are you?

Bill Slatton:
I'm the new guy.

Elliot DiMauro:
Who ordered a new guy?

Nina Van Horn:
I did, but there's been a mistake. You're supposed to show up at my friend Binnie's apartment wearing a gladiator outfit.

Bill Slatton:
Jack sent me here to crack the whip.

Nina Van Horn:
Again, that would be me.

Jack Gallo:
Maya, remember during the divorce we had that talk about how it wasn't your fault?

Maya Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
We won't be having that talk.

Maya Gallo:
Hey, nice suit. Where have I seen it before?

Dennis Finch:
Fred Savage wore it in the Wonder Years. Got it on eBay.

Fanny Finch, Dennis Finch's Mother:
Dennis Quimby Finch.

Dennis Finch:
Mommy! I mean, hello, mother.

Jack Gallo:
Sorry I can't stay, but I have an aerobics class across the street. I'm dating the instructor.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, you're still with Jill?

Dennis Finch:
[sing-song] Jack and Jill. I hope she's on the pill.

[Jack stares at him]

Dennis Finch:
I'm sorry.

Jack Gallo:
How could you say that in front of your mother?

Dennis Finch:
She doesn't understand what I'm saying.

Fanny Finch, Dennis Finch's Mother:
I don't.

Maya Gallo:
Why did he stop shooting?

Elliot DiMauro:
I asked him about it.

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
He said the world was grey and cleaned his ear with my car keys.

Fanny Finch, Dennis Finch's Mother:
You've never lied before. Becoming vice-president of Blush has changed you.

Dennis Finch:
Just so you know, her name's Fanny.

Maya Gallo:
Fanny, as in tushie?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, and you have a big rack. We're all God's children.

Dennis Finch:
It's her first time in New York. In fact, it's her first time out of Albany after the divorce.

Maya Gallo:
Then she should go to MoMA. They're having an exhibition on the history of the fountain pen.

Dennis Finch:
How have you not found mister right?

Nina Van Horn:
Here, give this to Horst.

Elliot DiMauro:
What is it?

Nina Van Horn:
It's a hate letter he wrote me.

Maya Gallo:
Wow, so many pages... of the same two words.

Nina Van Horn:
You want me to pose for a photograph for him?

Elliot DiMauro:

Nina Van Horn:
Well, forget it!

Maya Gallo:
The entire world would see this photograph.

Nina Van Horn:
I'll go change.

I detest her!

Elliot DiMauro:
Then express it, through your camera.

Nina Van Horn:
That's that black box on your sweaty hands.

I'd rather eat a dog!

Nina Van Horn:
Then that would be cannibalism, wouldn't it?

Nina Van Horn:
You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna be celibate.

[Maya laughs as she passes by]

Elliot DiMauro:
Don't let that discourage you, all right? That's only one person's opinion.

Jack Gallo:
[from inside his office] Nina? Ha ha ha!

Jack Gallo:
We just need to find someone who can pass for a high school kid.

Maya Gallo:
Yeah, but where?

Dennis Finch:
He he! You said "buttwear."

Jack Gallo:
It's just for one day. Stanley can fill in for you.

Kevin Liotta:
It's Kevin.

Jack Gallo:
You don't look like a Kevin.

Kevin Liotta:
I know. I don't feel like a Kevin.

Mr. Peters:
What's your name, young man?

Dennis Finch:
D. Finch.

Mr. Peters:
And the D stands for?

Dennis Finch:
D-cup, that's the way I like my ladies.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, your boyfriend is sitting behind my desk naked smoking a cigar.

Nina Van Horn:
That is so romantic.

Nina Van Horn:
I spent the entire weekend watching the tape of my A&E Biography, and I've realized a few things.

Elliot DiMauro:
How many don't involve your looks or your weight?

Nina Van Horn:

Elliot DiMauro:
Or your hair?

Nina Van Horn:

Elliot DiMauro:
Make it quick.

Dennis Finch:
I hated high school the first time around. I was too fragile to play sports, never have a date, never went to the prom...

Maya Gallo:
But you must have had friends.

Dennis Finch:
Just a bunch of guys who called me Denise and took my pants.

I am in the mood for a Nina colada.

Nina Van Horn:
If anyone needs me, I'll be in ecstasy.

Jack Gallo:
[about Kevin's singing] Such sweet sounds from such an odd bird.

You know, your mind games may work on Mr. Peters, but not me. I dont' have any secrets, I have nothing to hide.

Dennis Finch:
Good for you. By the way, nice nose job.

Shut up, D-bag!

When I come back, I will turn the charm up from uno to ocho.

Elliot DiMauro:
What airline do you work for?

Jack Gallo:
I'm telling you, he has the voice of an angel.

Elliot DiMauro:
Aha. And a basement full of hitchhikers.

Maya Gallo:
You're a 33-year old going on a date with a high school cheerleader!

Dennis Finch:
Head cheerleader. Top of the pyramid.

Maya Gallo:
[sarcastic] Oh, bitchin'.

Dennis Finch:
First of all, no one says "bitchin'" anymore. And secondly, it is bitchin'. I'm going back to high school and this time I'm doing it right.

Elliot DiMauro:
[after Nina resists Miguel] I'm proud of you, Nina. Come on. I'll buy you a drink.

Nina Van Horn:
I can't.

Elliot DiMauro:
Why not?

Nina Van Horn:
Because if I move, I'll have an orgasm.

I've totally fallen in love you, and nothing you say can change that.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, Krissy. I'm 33 years old. I know that might be cool to your gang...


Dennis Finch:
Let me explain...

Ew! Ew, ew, ew! D-cup is 33! The old guy totally wanted to perv on me at the lake!

Nina Van Horn:
Could you hold on for a moment?

I will be on an erotic holding pattern.

Mr. Peters:
Very nice. That's going to look real good on your permanent record.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, no. Not my permanent record. Now I can't be an English teacher and wear a high-energy sweater vest.

Mr. Peters:
I warn you.

Dennis Finch:
Let me guess. You became an English teacher just until you could finish your serious novel.

Mr. Peters:
That's enough.

Dennis Finch:
And you it's fifteen years later, and you're afraid to show it to your wife because it's not any good.

Mr. Peters:
It's a work in progress!

Nina Van Horn:
Who knows what I could have accomplished if I hadn't been sidetracked by men? I could have been president, or a teacher, or at least mastered multiplication and goes into.

Dennis Finch:
Sorry I went all Road Rules on you.

Oh, it was more than Road Rules. It was Real World Hawaii.

Nina Van Horn:
I looked straight at the navel of the beast and said, "No, gracias."

Dennis Finch:
I had a chance to D-Finch a high-school girl, possibly in a paddle boat, and I too said, "No, gracias."

Nina Van Horn:
Mine was Spanish.

Dennis Finch:
Mine took Spanish.

Dennis Finch:
That's it, time for a Finch attack! Crank it, spank it, smack it on the bing-bong!

Maya Gallo:
All I'm saying is that a woman's lack of self-worth can be measured by a yardstick I like to call the bikini.

Dennis Finch:
I likes them small so they don't hold in the big.

Maya Gallo:
Can you not look at my chest when you say those things?

Dennis Finch:
Sure. Just turn around and bend over.

Elliot DiMauro:
You know, Finch. I admire your honesty.

Dennis Finch:
And I admire your feminine boots.

Maya Gallo:
This competition is childish and immature, and I can't believe you would treat a woman like that.

Elliot DiMauro:
We did it to you when you first came here.

Maya Gallo:
You did? Thanks, you guys!

Maya Gallo:
You're fighting over Amy like she were Molly Ringwald or something.

Dennis Finch:
You know, there's this section in the video store called New Releases.

Nina Van Horn:
If you think I can't kick you in the head, that's where you're wrong. I was a dancer in Vegas.

Maya Gallo:
Back off, sister! I didn't stay a virgin through grad school without learning a few moves.

Elliot DiMauro:
It's not just the way she dresses and what she says. She's intelligent and charismatic and creative, and I can't wait until tonight when we become a sweaty tangle of limbs.

Maya Gallo:
There is something to be said about positive reinforcement.

Jack Gallo:
Yes, and that thing is... [Razz]

Elliot DiMauro:
[Dennis is now Amy's assistant] I'm screwed! He's going to cater to her every whim. This is what Finch does best.

Maya Gallo:
He's not that good an assistant.

Elliot DiMauro:
He boils and bottles Jack a special shampoo.

Maya Gallo:
So how did it go in court?

Nina Van Horn:
Guilty. Can you imagine? A man in a black robe and brown loafers has the nerve to tell me I'm indecent.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, you were caught having sex in a glass elevator.

Nina Van Horn:
What I do in public is my own damn business.

Jack Gallo:
So what did the judge give you?

Nina Van Horn:
Fifty hours of community service, but the joke's on them. Most of the garbage on the highway is mine anyway.

Adrienne Barker:
Dennis, you're not having one of your weird jealous fits, are you?

Dennis Finch:
Jealous? No.

Delivery Guy:
Excuse me, miss. I need someone to sign for this.

Dennis Finch:
No one is impressed by your muscles, so beat it!

Elliot DiMauro:
[to Kyle, a hand model] Have we ever worked together?

I doubt it. I mostly work in the west coast. For some reason I get more hand jobs out there.

Dennis Finch:
I need your advice. There's this guy Kyle.

Jack Gallo:
I get it. Kyle is you.

Dennis Finch:
No, Kyle's this other guy, and he's trying to sleep with Adrienne.

Jack Gallo:
I see, and Kyle is having trouble in the sack.

Dennis Finch:
I'm not Kyle!

Maya Gallo:
I volunteer at a retirement home. You can serve your time there.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't know. I feel uneasy around the elderly. But not you, Jack. I feel just great around you.

Jack Gallo:
I didn't hear that.

Nina Van Horn:
We need to get him a hearing aid.

Maya Gallo:
The key is to keep it upbeat and cheerful. All right, who wants to discuss the reign of terror in Bosnia?

Nina Van Horn:
Three sailors walk into a bar...

Mr. Henderson:
Hey, I've heard this joke!

Nina Van Horn:
It's not a joke. I'm trying to tell you about my weekend.

Dennis Finch:
I have a little present for you. Not salt, just Pepper.


Dennis Finch:
Your supposed dead dog. I found her in your grandmother's backyard.

How did you know?

Dennis Finch:
I just thought to myself, where would I go to hide my darkest, deepest secret? I'd go to the only woman I trust: Nana!

Jack Gallo:
You're jealous because you're insecure.

Dennis Finch:
I am, and I shouldn't be.

Jack Gallo:
Yes, you should. You never let her see the real you. For Gosh's sake, you have her thinking you were a marksman in the Gulf War.

Dennis Finch:
Tank commander, but I see your point.

Jack Gallo:
If you want your marriage to work, you have to be honest with her.

Dennis Finch:
There has to be another way.

Jack Gallo:
Honesty, Dennis. It's the key to a healthy marriage.

Elliot DiMauro:
Jack, Ally wants to know if you can join her for lunch.

Jack Gallo:
Tell her I'm at the dentist.

Jack Gallo:
[to Dennis] It's a little game we play.

Elliot DiMauro:
I wouldn't worry about this Kyle. They're just buddies, like in "When Harry Met Sally".

Dennis Finch:
Harry slept with Sally.

Elliot DiMauro:
Really? I left early.

Jack Gallo:
I got the perfect present for you. I don't want to give it away, but do you own a canoe?

Dennis Finch:
No, thanks.

Jack Gallo:
You're in danger of getting a gift certificate.

This is such a turn off.

Dennis Finch:

I liked you because you were gentle and sensitive. If I wanted a macho jerk, I would've stayed with Maria.

Dennis Finch:
I'm not macho. What are you talking about?

You know what? We're through.

Dennis Finch:
Wait, come back! I'm a total wimp! I've got a porcelain kitten in my gym bag!

Jack Gallo:
This is a real gym, hard core. This is not like those places where you Slim Down with Salsa.

Dennis Finch:
It's Tone Up with Tango, and I use ankle weights. These bozos wouldn't last the day.

Jack Gallo:
She's not normal. It's one thing when women mud wrestle in bikinis. There's dignity in that.

Nina Van Horn:
Let's play Brain Fever. It sounds sexy and tropical, like malaria.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're dating a woman boxer?

Nina Van Horn:
That's perfect. You can knit her a new jock strap.

Nina Van Horn:
So she's a female bisexual boxer?

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, here's a hundred dollars. I want you to buy yourself a hooker. It'll be the most normal relationship you've ever had.

Jack Gallo:
Wait a minute. How do we know you and Kevin haven't worked out some sort of system?

Kevin Liotta:
[shouting] I'm not a cheater!

Jack Gallo:
Okay, that's good enough for me.

Jack Gallo:
You know, I was quite the boxer.

Dennis Finch:
I blew up a tank in the Gulf War.

Jack Gallo:
You can't let me have anything, can you?

Dennis Finch:
You know, I'm a fan of the ol' fisties game.

Who's your favorite fighter?

Dennis Finch:
Muhammad Ali.

Anyone else?

Dennis Finch:
Sugar Ray Super Sugar Crisp?

Brain Fever Brain:
What are you, stupid?

Nina Van Horn:
Aw, that sounds just like my pa.

Maya Gallo:
I'll be looking forward to it.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, don't look too far forward, because you might find yourself looking backwards. At yourself, running sideways.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, are you drinking my good scotch?

Nina Van Horn:
Calm down, it's mostly water now, anyway... I'm guessing.

Elliot DiMauro:
So Jack just stood there, saying nothing?

Kevin Liotta:
He looked angry, like how an owl looks when you keep it in the bath for too long.

Jack Gallo:
I wonder if they have soft-shelled crabs yet? You know what I like about them?

Maya Gallo:
Eating them make you feel powerful like a giant squid.

Jack Gallo:
Shark, Maya. I'm a giant shark.

Jack Gallo:
You're fired.

Dennis Finch:
You can't just fire me. You have to give me some warning.

Jack Gallo:
You're right. Look out, you're fired.

Jack Gallo:
Look at all these gifts.

Maya Gallo:
[picks a plush bee and reads card] "Let's bee friends."

[picks a plush bear]

Maya Gallo:
"I can't bear to be apart."

[picks up a plush tiger]

Maya Gallo:
"I miss you, and I'm not lion."

Jack Gallo:
That one doesn't even make sense. It's a tiger.

Maya Gallo:
Which is "not lion".

Posse Member:
Oh, Dogg. Are you crying, man?

Snoop Dogg:
No, I ain't crying. I miss that little blond fool.

Jack Gallo:
Whose pants are these?

Allie, Maya's stepmother and former classmate:
Boop! Got your nose!

Jack Gallo:
No, Allie. That won't work this time. You haven't got my nose.

Nina Van Horn:
Here's what you do. This worked for me the second time I shot Jack's Yorkies.

Ms. Picklesbee:
And here's the SkyMall magazine you requested.

Jack Gallo:
Perfect. Let's see if this stuff is as tempting on the ground.

Nina Van Horn:
Look at her standing there like a shorn ape. You know what I'd like to do? I'd offer her a makeover, then I'd cover her in glue and bees. Angry, stinging bees.

Snoop Dogg:
I'm going next door to buy a Bentley. I forgot where I parked the last one.

Dennis Finch:
All right. Get a receipt this time.

Dennis Finch:
I'm going on a world-wide tour, first class everything. Hotels, food, fly women, water parks.

Jack Gallo:
Water parks?

Dennis Finch:
Snoop and the gang love to beat the heat.

Snoop Dogg:
Yeah, the got a slide in Singapore that does a loopity-loop.

Dennis Finch:
I hate to be a nag, Snoop, but you're supposed to be on stage in... Whoa, long time ago!

Nina Van Horn:
Friends, clear your calendars. Two nights from tonight, the A&E network is airing my Biography.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, Nina. That's great.

Dennis Finch:
Bottom of the Barrel Week continues, with Nina Van Horn.

Nina Van Horn:
It's called Comeback Week, you little hedgehog.

Dennis Finch:
Oh! Did you know the hedgehog at the zoo is pregnant? Artificial insemination.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, you're blonde.

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
Wow! And may I say, you look hot.

Maya Gallo:
Thank you, Nina. That's so sweet.

[after Nina leaves, Maya speaks into her tape recorder]

Maya Gallo:
Women are jealous, feel threatened by new me.

Nina Van Horn:
Just think, a TV show dedicated entirely to me. Just me. Me, me, me. It's really quite humbling.

Dennis Finch:
Calm down. They also did one on Yosemite Sam.

Dennis Finch:
Of course, I had a secret that no one could have ever guessed.

Jack Gallo:
You were in love with her.

Dennis Finch:
I was in love with her.

Nina Van Horn:
Dear God, I know that it would be selfish of me to ask for this man to live, but if you could just allow him to linger until nine o'clock tonight - eight o'clock Central - I would be forever grateful. Hail Mary, the Holy Ghost... David and Goliath, and all the rest of them. Amen.

Dennis Finch:
She's perfect. She has the body of Britney Spears and the wisdom of Princess Leia.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, what are you doing?

[sees him staring at a blond woman bent over]

Jack Gallo:
Ah, I see you also appreciate a nice backyard.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, don't...

Jack Gallo:
Just because I'm married, doesn't mean I can't apreciate the view.

Dennis Finch:
You're the boss.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, yes. Come to daddy.

[the woman turns around; it's Maya]

Maya Gallo:
Oh, morning, dad.

Dennis Finch:
Want me to drive you uptown so you can hit on you mom?

Dennis Finch:
She's here. What do I do?

Jack Gallo:
Listen to your head, but don't be afraid to follow your heart.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, right. Guy doesn't even recognize his own daughter.

Elliot DiMauro:
There's nothing wrong with a little fantasy. It's healthy. Shows I'm willing to be intimate with you.

Maya Gallo:
What was I, some tattooed floozy in thigh-high boots you picked up on some bar?

Elliot DiMauro:

Maya Gallo:
Then what?

Elliot DiMauro:
A naked blonde stranger who wanted to have sex with me. Men don't need all that extra stuff.

Ow! Ow! Put me down!

Then how am I supposed to lift you up?

Dennis Finch:
You don't lift her. You allow her to fly!

Dennis, you came. Justin, this is the guy who's going to help us.

Help us do what? Find the Lucky Charms?

Maya Gallo:
How did the aquarium shoot go?

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, they threw us out. Apparently, my flash enraged the giant squid.

Maya Gallo:
Elliot, we need to talk.

Elliot DiMauro:
Not now. I'm busy.

Maya Gallo:
You're eating pudding.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yes, but I'm fantasizing it's Jello.

Dennis Finch:
Does Elliot know?

Maya Gallo:
Not yet. He's in a photo shoot at the Bronx Zoo.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, did you hear the rhino there has a pet kitten named Rocky? You learn a lot if you rent the headsets.

Maya Gallo:
How was the zoo shoot?

Elliot DiMauro:
Terrible. None of the animals wanted to come out, except for a spider monkey who spent the whole day pleasuring himself. I'm so tired. I just want to lie down.

Maya Gallo:
[steps in with her blonde hair] Are you sure?

Elliot DiMauro:
Then again, you snooze, you lose.

Jack Gallo:
So, how is your friend enjoying my new flat-screen TV?

Actually, my father just bought...

Jack Gallo:
Well, this one's better.

How are we doing, Mr. McMahon?

Ed McMahon:
Get this religious freak out of here!

Nina Van Horn:
Ed, you're alive! I brought you out of your coma!

Ed McMahon:
Coma? You said it was a concussion!

Maya Gallo:
Here's my proposal. We go out for dinner tonight.

Elliot DiMauro:
You mean a dinner date?

Maya Gallo:
No, no. Not a dinner date. A dinner meeting. More formal than hanging out, but more casual than a date. Any questions?

Elliot DiMauro:
Yes. If we make out, will you bring the proper forms?

Dennis Finch:
No offense, Jack, but I think I can choose how soon I can date again. I'm a grown man. Ooh, check out the boobies!

Maya Gallo:
Guess who's on her way up? My old assistant Cindy!

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, no, not that gold brick of stupid from the idiot bank.

Who else wants a hug?

Dennis Finch:
I'll ask around.

[walks away]

Nina Van Horn:
Better not. No telling what I'll do with my hands around your neck.

I had to turn all my animals the other way before we did uppy-downy.

Dennis Finch:
Ladies and gentlemen, I have big news. I have mended my broken heart and are back on the prowl.

Jack Gallo:
That's great.

Nina Van Horn:

Jack Gallo:
What's her name?

Dennis Finch:
[holding copy of Blush] Well, I don't know her name yet, but for now I'm calling her "page 106".

Jack Gallo:
Pardon me, Nina. Dennis and I need to have some guy talk.

Nina Van Horn:
I'll start. So, what about that cute guy from shipping?

Nina Van Horn:
Dennis, where's my Roladex?

Dennis Finch:
I don't know what you mean.

Nina Van Horn:
Eight models called me to complain that you called them asking for dates.

Dennis Finch:
One of them accepted.

Nina Van Horn:
She was afraid! She thought you were calling from inside her home.

Dennis Finch:
Adrienne was voted the seventh most beautiful woman in the world. I am willing to go as low as thirty. Thirty-one if she has a trampoline.

Nina Van Horn:
She's on her way up. Are you ready?

Dennis Finch:
I came out of my mother ready.

Nina Van Horn:
That's pleasant.

Nina Van Horn:
For the first time in my life I know what's it like to be high on life. It's not as much fun, but my driving's improved.

Maya Gallo:
As I told ten other people, I am very into men. I'm just single because I have higher standards.

Elliot DiMauro:
You dated me.

Maya Gallo:
Why does everyone keep throwing that in my face?

Nina Van Horn:
I would like a sailboat for a present.

Jack Gallo:
I gave you a sailboat for your last wedding.

Nina Van Horn:
The Coast Guard repossessed it. Something about illegal cargo, blah, blah, blah.

Dennis Finch:
Come on, padre. Let's get you suited up.

Minister #2:
I'm not Catholic.

Dennis Finch:
No one cares.

Kevin Liotta:
I don't need much, just a kitchen, a bedroom, and a place for my karaoke machine. If I'm not singing, I'm not living.

Maya Gallo:
Why are you doing this to me?

Nina Van Horn:
Why does the sun shine? Why does the rain fall?

Dennis Finch:
What are you doing here?

Nina Van Horn:
Just reliving some memories.

Dennis Finch:
You didn't go to college.

Nina Van Horn:
I know, but two years ago I went out with a sophomore at Columbia. He spent all his cash money to buy me this bracelet, but then again, I taught him things you don't learn in school, unless you go to school in Bangkok.

Nina Van Horn:
[to herself] You are beautiful and you have zero percent body fat. You are beautiful and you have zero percent body fat...

Jack Gallo:
So, is this a great seat or what?

Nina Van Horn:
It fits like a glove. A fabulous ass glove.

Dennis Finch:
Do we have any corn on the cob?

Kevin Liotta:

Dennis Finch:
Do we have any biscuits left?

Kevin Liotta:
We ate them all.

Dennis Finch:
Shoot. Looks like we're gonna have to throw chicken at people.

Kevin Liotta:
Living together is gonna be great.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. Watch me hit that hooker with a drumstick.

Dennis Finch:
I want the whole Felicity experience, only I'm not cutting my hair.

Who are you?

Dennis Finch:
I'm your roommate.

He looks so old.

What are you, thirty?

Nina Van Horn:
Closer to forty.

Dennis Finch:
You want to hang out at the quadrangle, or the newly renovated Driscoll Center?

I don't think so.

Nina Van Horn:
They hate you.

Dennis Finch:
They don't hate me.

You're mom's right. We hate you.

Nina Van Horn:
You're devious and selfish. Why haven't I dated you? Oh, that right. Because you're poor and tiny.

You know what? You're all right.

You're better than all right. You're okay.

Maya Gallo:
No hard feelings. Peanut brittle?

Dennis Finch:
Oh, I wonder what will happen when I open it? [opens can] It's peanut brittle.

Elliot DiMauro:
I don't get it.

Maya Gallo:
[laughing] Check the expiration date.

Maya Gallo:
A landscape. It has a nice Ansel Adams quality to it.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's because it's a picture of an Ansel Adams picture. That's what he does, he takes pictures of pictures.

Maya Gallo:
Well, maybe he's making a statement.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah, "I'm out of medication."

Jack Gallo:
I just had lunch with Ally and guess what? The waiter thought I was his father.

Nina Van Horn:
That a compliment. Aren't you older than her father?

Maya Gallo:
So what do you think of me now?

Dennis Finch:
Same as before. Body, ten. Personality, four.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Now you're a three.

[Maya pinches Dennis on the nipple]

Dennis Finch:
Ooh, eight!

Mr. Weiland:
Look, missy, a promise might hold water in Bogota, but last time I checked this is America, where football means football.

Maya Gallo:
Elliot, your turtle bites.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, yeah? Well, you bite!

Maya Gallo:
No, I mean your turtle bit me.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, he does that.

Nina Van Horn:
Sorry I'm late. I was visiting my friend Binnie at the hospital. She got vertigo at the Guggenheim, fell off a railing and landed on a capucchino cart. Everyone thought it was performance art and applauded. She walked off with a broken rib and a grant from the NEA.

Dr. Hendrie:
Let me outline for you how plastic surgery can make your life better. How would you like to be surrounded by young, beautiful women?

Jack Gallo:
I am, every day. Supermodels.

Dr. Hendrie:
Ah. How would you like for your boss to stop treating you like an old fuddy-duddy?

Jack Gallo:
I am the boss. I own the whole damn company.

Dr. Hendrie:
But... Do you have a boat?

Jack Gallo:
I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't need you.

Dr. Hendrie:
I really think you should reconsider.

Jack Gallo:
Why? My life is perfect. I just hope that when you're my age...

Dr. Hendrie:
I'm seventy-two.

Mr. Weiland:
Sir, we don't play favorites here at Immigration. Because those "damned Canadians", as you call them, don't blow stuff up.

Maya Gallo:
There must be something you can do.

Mr. Weiland:
Of course, I have that kind of power. That's why I'm in this office. No air, no view, but I control the borders!

Elliot DiMauro:
No offense, Maya, but women are nurturers, not jokers.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. Helen Reddy's famous song wasn't "I Am Funny."

Mr. Weiland:
I think that with an eye lift we can make you look sixty-five again.

Jack Gallo:
I'm sixty-one.

Mr. Weiland:
I cannot apologize enough.

Nina Van Horn:
You may think this is sappy and old-fashioned, but you know where I met your dad? At an orgy.

Jack Gallo:
Well, Dennis, that was the last time I went to the bathroom as the boss.

Dennis Finch:
Ooh, I'll call the Smithsonian.

Jack Gallo:
Sarcasm I won't miss so much.

Kevin Liotta:
You want to hear a funny story? I once ran into your dad at the park.

Maya Gallo:
You did? What happened?

Kevin Liotta:
I told you, I ran into him at the park. Wow, with her in charge, this place is gonna go down the tubes.

Maya Gallo:
Why is this girl in her underwear?

Dennis Finch:
Oh, we hired her. She's going to jump out of a giant cake.

Maya Gallo:
I don't see a giant cake.

Dennis Finch:
It's at my apartment.

Jack Gallo:
If I wanted a surprise party, I would have told Dennis to throw me one.

Maya Gallo:
This is so out of the blue. What do you think brought this on?

Nina Van Horn:
Wait, I have it. Jack is having sexual problems. Men always freak out and quit their jobs whenever their Peter stops piping.

Elliot DiMauro:
They do not! I mean, I assume they don't. I mean, how would I know?

Maya Gallo:
Finch, if you're trying to suck up to me because I'm the editor now, it's not quite working.

Dennis Finch:
course it's not. It took years to learn to suck up to Jack. Sure, I'll prance around in your underpants to stretch them out, but it won't be the same.

Maya Gallo:
First of all, I would never, ever ask you to do that.

Dennis Finch:
That was the thing about Jack. You didn't have to ask.

Nina Van Horn:
When I needed a job, you were there. When I needed a friend, you were there. When I needed a kidney, you were there.

Dennis Finch:
Excuse me, I believe that was my kidney?

Nina Van Horn:
But Jack made you give it, and that's what was so sweet.

Maya Gallo:
Seven years ago, you asked me to help you become a better father to Hannah, but in typical Jack Gallo fashion, you pulled a fast one... when I wasn't looking, you became a real father to me.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, what can I say? You the man, so I decided to lay down some mad rhymes.

Maya Gallo:
Aw, you wrote him a poem. That's so sweet.

Dennis Finch:
It's not a poem, it's a hard-core, def-jam gangsta rap. I haven't had time to lay down the beats, so you'll have imagine the chains and the bling-bling and the Escalade. Here goes: There's a guy named Jack Gallo / Is he shallow? No / He just gots to go / Now he's flying solo... again, you have to imagine the boom-boom and the b*tches and the rest. All the while / he made me smile like Gomer Pyle / I look up to him like Fay Wray looked up to King Kong / Like the Chinese to ping-pong / Slap it on da bing-bong.

Jack Gallo:
Thank you, Dennis. I'm sure that meant a lot.

Maya Gallo:
That was awkward.

Kevin Liotta:
Here I come.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, no.

Kevin Liotta:
[comes skipping in a sailor suit and holding a prop lollipop] On the Good Ship Lollipop / It's a quick trip to a candy shop... Wait, where's Mr. Gallo? Finch, if this is a practical joke, I will literally rip your head off!

Nina Van Horn:
But what about the party?

Jack Gallo:
There isn't going to be a party.

Nina Van Horn:
Tell that to the brownie I ate five minutes ago.

Vicki Costa:
I don't need twelve ways to fake an orgasm. You got one good one, you're covered.

Jack Gallo:
Where's the Sweet and Low?

Dennis Finch:
[points at crotch] Right here, chief. Just ask the ladies.

Elliot DiMauro:
I think he meant the other tiny pink package.

Dennis Finch:
Any physical signs?

Elliot DiMauro:
She has put on a little weight.

Dennis Finch:
Aha! A little junk in the trunk, it's a Finch slam dunk.

[offers a high five; Elliot refuses]

Dennis Finch:
No? Too fat for tennis, is time for the Dennis.

Elliot DiMauro:
I gotta go.

Dennis Finch:
A little blubber, and Dennis buys a rubber. That's three in a row.

Jack Gallo:
When we get to the meeting, you tell them everything you told me, except that thing you called my mother. It may be true, but it's irrelevant.

Jack Gallo:
All right, what have you got?

Maya Gallo:
I have some great new, innovative ideas.

Nina Van Horn:
And some cleverly repackaged old ones.

Dennis Finch:
You're lucky I don't hit women.

Vicki Costa:
So are you.

Dennis Finch:
I'm petrified and aroused. It's like a Cher concert.

Maya Gallo:
You can have the Equal.

Jack Gallo:
Maya, I can have the Equal, I can have honey and molasses, I can go to Brazil, get a machete and hack me a stalk of pure cane, but all I want is the Sweet and Low! But apparently, what I want is irrelevant! [goes into his office]

Elliot DiMauro:
What's with him?

Nina Van Horn:
Read between the lines! The man really likes his Sweet and Low!

Jack Gallo:
The New York Post thinks we're irrelevant. Let me read to you just how irrelevent we are [puts on glasses and reads] Very.

Nina Van Horn:
When a man is like that, there's only one thing it could be: his penis.

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm gonna have to go with Nina on this one.

Maya Gallo:
It's not that. He's worried about circulation.

Nina Van Horn:
In his penis.

Maya Gallo:
He thinks the magazine is in trouble. For thirty years he's been able to solve the problem, but now he doesn't fell like he can reach down and pull it out anymore.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't make me say it.

Dennis Finch:
All women reach a point when the only thing lower than their self esteem is their standards. And that, my friend, is Finchy time.

Maya Gallo:
She's driving everyone crazy!

Jack Gallo:
Good! Creative people do their best work when their angry. Mozart used to throw pastry at his cat.

Maya Gallo:
No, he didn't.

Jack Gallo:
Maybe it was Billy Joel.

You're having a costume party?

Nina Van Horn:
Not just a costume party, the Halloween party of the year. Only A-list guests, plus some people from Blush because Maya couldn't keep her big, fat mouth shut.

Jack Gallo:
Have you no shame, coming in as Gandhi and stuffing yourself with buffalo wings? Why didn't you come as FDR and go around with crazy legs?

Dennis Finch:
Robin Hood is here to rob from the rich and give to the b*tch.

Maya Gallo:
Hey, is that one of Simon's music awards?

Nina Van Horn:
Yeah. You see that pirate chick over there? I'm going to bludgeon her to death with Best Album of 1983.

Maya Gallo:
That's crazy!

Nina Van Horn:
I know, Synchronicity should have won hands down.

Simon Leeds:
I can't remember the last time I had this much fun.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, that's sweet.

Simon Leeds:
No, seriously. I can't remember.

Simon Leeds:
Penny and I are ancient history, like the Sphinx or the Pet Shop Boys.

Nina Van Horn:
Excuse me, everyone. How many people in here have slept with Simon Leeds?

[all the women raise their hands]

Nina Van Horn:

Simon Leeds:
Big deal. How many people here have slept with Nina Van Horn?

[everyone raises their hands]

Nina Van Horn:
For the record, I only went to second base with the unicorn.

Maya Gallo:
What is your problem?

Elliot DiMauro:

Maya Gallo:
You are always fighting her over the smallest little thing.

Elliot DiMauro:
Little? Yesterday, she takes a banana, she peels a little and takes a bite, peels a little, takes a bite... Peel it all the way down, we're trying to run a business here!

Jack Gallo:
Nice leotard.

Dennis Finch:
It's a medieval hunting outfit. Nice muu-muu.

Jack Gallo:
It's a magical shroud of mischief.

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Rich bastard.

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:
This is better than that time he tried to do a push-up.

Nina Van Horn:
Or that time you caught him sleeping with your wife.

Jack Gallo:
That was not funny.

Maya Gallo:
This is just like high school. You're like that boy who teases the girl he likes. Maybe she's smart, a little awkward. Her body's not quite developed yet, and then one summer, Blam!, and now what am I going to do with these?

Elliot DiMauro:

Maya Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
[to Vicki] Hey, Betty Boop.

Vicki Costa:
Hey. And you are?

Maya Gallo:
Fran Leibowitz? Hello, the author? Famed humorist?... I'm Kramer.

Vicki Costa:
Kramer! Now that's funny!

Elliot DiMauro:
Hey, Nina. Looking forward to that party tomorrow.

Nina Van Horn:
[to Maya] Is there anyone you haven't told?

Jack Gallo:
Nina, I want you to be completely honest with me.

Nina Van Horn:
All right. Your magic tricks are annoying and I ran over an old lady with your car.

Dennis Finch:
I'm Peter Pan! Look at me, I'm flying! I'm Sandy Duncan, I'm eating Wheat Thins, I have no depth perception!

Maya Gallo:
I had no idea Dagget was doing so badly.

Jack Gallo:
He's no worse than the others. But what is the point of giving an employee an evaluation if it doesn't motivate him?

Maya Gallo:
Motivate him to do what, wet himself?

Kevin Liotta:
You smell like a rainbow.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, I get it. You found out I'm doing the employee evaluations.

Nina Van Horn:
What was that, sexy?

Maya Gallo:
Sorry, Nina, but flattery won't win you a good review.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, then what will?

Maya Gallo:
Doing a good job.

Nina Van Horn:
It's a little late for that, isn't it?

Elliot DiMauro:
Don't you think you're taking this honesty thing just a little too far?

Dennis Finch:
Au contraire, mon frere without hair.

Dennis Finch:
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Adrienne Barker:
Ooh, we should split a grapefruit?

Jack Gallo:
Dagget, go wait ouside, and none of your insolent eye contact.

Maya Gallo:
I can't evaluate the staff. They're my peers. I'm one of them.

Jack Gallo:
Of course you are, my little heir to the throne.

Dennis Finch:
Yo, Kevin. How's life on the mail room?

Kevin Liotta:
I'm still *sorting* that out.


Dennis Finch:
Yeah. Nice *delivery*.

Kevin Liotta:

Gentlemen, we are now privy to all thinks Lucas. Ooh, check it out! Character descriptions from the next movie.

Dennis Finch:
"Baki-kwa. A shark with legs and a Mexican accent." How does he do it?

Adrienne Barker:
Your friends are perverts.

Dennis Finch:
What do you mean?

Adrienne Barker:
All my underwear is gone.

Dennis Finch:
If you keep your panties in an unlocked drawer, you're dancing with the devil.

Dennis Finch:
I'm dating one of the most beautiful women in the world, and I have feelings for another woman.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, I don't want to be involved.

Dennis Finch:
She's right outside.

Jack Gallo:
I'll pretend I'm getting a doughnut.

Dennis Finch:
That's it, I'll do something romantic.

Jack Gallo:
There you go.

Dennis Finch:
Maybe a poem.

Jack Gallo:
Nothing in writing! Well, at least avoid the phrase, "I owe you everything."

Nina Van Horn:
Look what walked up to me at Saks and said, "Fill me up with Maya!"

Kevin Liotta:
Hey, Finch. The guys took a vote, and we all agree that your wife is the one we most like to see wrestle Xena in the slave pit.

Dennis Finch:
Okay, let's go mingle, and tone down the drool.

Adrienne Barker:
Hello? I'm on the phone.

Dennis Finch:
Hello? Hello? Will you stop saying that? It wasn't clever ten years ago, what makes you think you have a fresh spin on it?

Adrienne Barker:
Dennis, what's the matter with you?

Dennis Finch:
Me? You're the one yakking on the phone in the middle of a romantic dinner!

Adrienne Barker:
At least I don't drone on and on about some stupid sci-fi movie!

Dennis Finch:
Any one of which you would kill to be in!

Adrienne Barker:
Yeah, but not watch a thousand times with a bowl of Lucky Charms on my lap!

Dennis Finch:
That's a cheap shot! I'm hypoglycemic!

Adrienne Barker:
You're hypo-everything!

Dennis Finch:
Then maybe I shouldn't be your husband!

Kevin Liotta:
Tanya. When my parents sent me to Dungeons and Dragons camp, I had your poster with the waterfall hanging over my bed.

There must be some mistake. That poster only came out last year.

Kevin Liotta:
That's the one.

Dennis Finch:
Aren't you coming to bed?

Adrienne Barker:
Hello? I have to take out my contacts, silly.

Dennis Finch:
[low, mocking voice] Hello? Your hellos are getting annoying!

Adrienne Barker:
Hello? I can't understand you when you mumble?

[after Maya says Elliot shoots too many sunsets]

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, by the way, why don't you come to my shoot in Miami? You can block the sun with your big giant head.

Maya Gallo:
Where did that come from?

Elliot DiMauro:
I'll warn the locals to expect an eclipse.

Jack Gallo:
You two are still here?

Dennis Finch:
Um... there was supposed to be a meteor shower.

Jack Gallo:
I don't see anything.

Nina Van Horn:
It may have been rescheduled.

Nina Van Horn:
How could you not be turned on? I mean, come on...


Dennis Finch:
It's nice, but it's not for me.

Nina Van Horn:
That's insane, I'm for everybody!

Nina Van Horn:
You smug little hamster of a man! You think you're holding all the cards? Well, you're not holding any cards. And if you are, they're low cards, like twos and sevens.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, call the tennis club and tell them to rehire that locker room attendant. I found my wallet in the car.

Nina Van Horn:
Tell Jack that I'm taking a long, long lunch which may lead into an early weekend.

Elliot DiMauro:
I have to be out of the club by eleven. I have that photo shoot at the Intrepid.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, right. Remember, be respectful. That ship is a monument to the brave men who fought and died for this country.

Elliot DiMauro:
But you still want the models to straddle the big guns, right?

Jack Gallo:
Oh, yeah.

Nina Van Horn:
You come back here, Dennis Q. Finch! Nobody walks away from Nina Van... Nina Van... Nina Van Nobody! Rejected by a reject. Oh, God, I've hit rock bottom!

Dennis Finch:
Then my job is done.

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
I got you. I finally got you! It took me nine years, but I got you! Uh! Uh! Take it, sweetie!

Nina Van Horn:
What are you talking about?

Dennis Finch:
I'm talking about revenge. I'm talking the sweet juicy nectar...

[mimes biting fruit]

Dennis Finch:
... of revenge

Elliot DiMauro:
[reading card Maya got for Jack] "I'm glad we got over our little misunderstanding." Wow, they really got one for every occasion, don't they?

Maya Gallo:
You have no idea. I saw one that said "So you had your second heart attack..."

Maya Gallo:
You know, I'm usually not a big fan of flan, but this flan is flavorful.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't you patronize me! I've had more dates than you've had trips to the little boy's department at Sears!

Dennis Finch:
[cleaning a keyboard] Oh, semicolon. You're one tough bastard, but I gotcha!

Dennis Finch:
Intellectual and stimulating? Hmmm... I could read Shakespeare while you spank me.

[Maya has thrown a murder-mystery dinner, and Finch is hitting on a woman dressed as a French maid]

I'm Jeanette, the indentured French chambermaid.

[she curtsies, and Finch looks down her cleavage]

Dennis Finch:
I'm sorry, could you repeat that?

I'm Jeanette, the indentured French chambermaid.

[she curtsies again, and Finch looks down her cleavage again]

Dennis Finch:
I'm sorry, one more time...

Oh, Jeanette!

Excuse me, my lord.

[coming up to Finch with a platter] Banger?

Dennis Finch:
That's the plan.

Maya Gallo:
Here, Nina. It's your character for my murder mystery party.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, thank God. I thought it was a subpoena.

Jack Gallo:
I'll let you know that once I stared directly into the steely eyes of a white tiger.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah, in Vegas, in Siegfried and Roy.

Jack Gallo:
Hey, working with those two guys, those cats can get pretty bitchy.

Okay, where's the safari hunter?

Jack Gallo, Elliot DiMauro:
I am.

We can't have two safari hunters.

Elliot DiMauro:
Fine. You're the safari hunter. I'll be the guy at the Armani party.

Maya Gallo:
You'll see, this is much better than some industry party. This is a night of violence, betrayal and sexual intrigue.

Nina Van Horn:
Have you ever been to an Armani party?

This is so demeaning. I never should have quit stripping.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, wait a minute, you're Misty Peaks!

Oh, God! You're that guy who always wants change for a dollar!

What do you mean I'm difficult to work with? Who said that? Well, obviously the first beating didn't get through to him.

You bastard!

Dennis Finch:
I never claimed to be otherwise.

[Megan and Finch are out on Maya's balcony]

Dennis Finch:
I'm about to make your fantasy come true.

Great. Just try not to land on my car.

Maya Gallo:
You're the bastard son of the wealthy land baron.

Dennis Finch:
And you're the bitchy daughter of a wealthy publisher.

Maya Gallo:
No, it's your character for my murder party tonight. By the way, it's 1883, not 1853, so adjust your costumes, but I know it's last minute, so I won't get all anal about it. So, are you all syked?

Dennis Finch:
I'd be syked if you say "anal" again.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, as my mother always said, stay away from my men.

Maya Gallo:
Anyway, you're here, and your costume is so authentic.

Thanks. Only my buttons are not real whale bone. Keep it on the QT?

Look, acting on a soap is not selling out, so get that holier-than-thou look off your face. I'm only doing this for the health insurance. I'm getting surgery on my deviated septum. I lived hard in the eighties. It's a real mess in there.

Maya Gallo:
This is not part of the dinner!

Jack Gallo:
No. Tonight, murder was the appetizer. That's not on the cards, I just made that up.

Dennis Finch:
You can't fake our kind of chemistry. We're like two magnets with privates.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, well, well. Look what the incredibly late cat dragged in.

Maya Gallo:
I slept over at Elliot's place again and had to run back home to change.

Nina Van Horn:
Dear, may I suggest going back during lunch and giving it one more try?

Maya Gallo:
You gave me this.

Nina Van Horn:
I was incredibly mad at you that Christmas.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, you're gonna catch a lot of flack for this little hint of nudity on the cover.

Jack Gallo:
Hey, I got where I am by being bold, and I apologize to no one.

Nina Van Horn:
Have you told Maya yet?

Jack Gallo:
She'll see it on the newsstand, I'll tell her it was a mistake.

Jack Gallo:
The only reason I talked to you twenty years ago was because you were next to the pretzels.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, yeah? Well, the only reason I hung out with you was because I thought you were Elliot Gould.

Dennis Finch:
So, did she mention a guy named Dennis Finch?

Yeah. She said that he's a conniving little perv.

Dennis Finch:
That guy makes me so mad!

Dennis Finch:
Is Maya's apartment rent controlled?

Nina Van Horn:
I think so.

Dennis Finch:
[pushes fingertips together] Interesting.

Nina Van Horn:
Are you planning something devious?

Dennis Finch:
Of course. Why else would I be doing this?

Elliot DiMauro:
You weren't that shy when you were licking the back of my neck on the subway.

Maya Gallo:
I didn't lick your neck on the subway.

Elliot DiMauro:
When I come out of the shower, you're singing me a song.

Elliot DiMauro:
I thought this place didn't even exist.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, yeah? It doesn't exist? If it doesn't exist, then where am I dancing? Where am I dancing!

Elliot DiMauro:
Is that how you dance?

Dennis Finch:
Oh, my God, I did it. I am the savior of the House of Finch! I am the Savior of the House of Finch! I am the King of the Finchiest House of Finch that ever there was!

You're Dennis Finch?

Dennis Finch:
Uh... I love you?


Dennis Finch:
Come 'ere, baby!

Maya Gallo:
Sorry I'm late. Did I miss the meeting?

Dennis Finch:
Yes, but don't worry, I covered for you. I was all, "No! I disagree! Dad!"

Margo Langhorne:
So how did you fare in the blackout?

Nina Van Horn:
What blackout?

Margo Langhorne:
Didn't you get dressed in the dark this morning?

Nina Van Horn:
By the way, loved your piece on fashion disasters. I see you got to keep the clothes.

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Okay, you're in a meadow high in the Alps. A young Shirley Jones asks you to make her a woman.

Jack Gallo:
Is she wearing a bonnet?

Dennis Finch:
Yes, and leading a cow.

Jack Gallo:
Will you stop with those cows?

Jack Gallo:
We better call Margo's boss to straighten things out. What excuse haven't we used yet?

Dennis Finch:
Uh, let's see. The only ones left are, "She's going through menopause," and "She's a sociopath."

Nina Van Horn:

Maya Gallo:
Hey, new shoes?

Elliot DiMauro:
Yep. Gloria, the girl I'm dating, made them. She's studying to be a designer. She's amazing.

Maya Gallo:
They're... nice.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nice? These are a work of art. The structure, the design, these shoes are going to take the world by storm.

Maya Gallo:
How can you tell the left from the right?

Elliot DiMauro:
I have no idea.

Elliot DiMauro:
This looks like the dawn of a new era.

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, it's the age of Nina Van Horn!

Dennis Finch:
I know this one. 62?

Nina Van Horn:
The grown-ups are talking, dear.

Elliot DiMauro:
Now don't you start. If I wanted to see two queens snipe at each other, I'd have stayed in the men's room.

Dennis Finch:
I'm taking lunch orders from the Carnegie deli. Want anything?

Jack Gallo:
Roast beef on rye.

Dennis Finch:
Gotcha. One Donald Trump.

Jack Gallo:
What do you mean Donald Trump?

Dennis Finch:
He's got a sandwich named after him.

Jack Gallo:
I've been going to that deli longer than he has. When are they going to name something after me? What am I, chopped liver?

Dennis Finch:
No, that's the Morey Amsterdam.

Dennis Finch:
Lunch order! Nina?

Nina Van Horn:
No, thanks. I ate last week.

Maya Gallo:
It's so nice outside, I'm eating out in the park today. I just started reading the most wonderful book called "Jonathan's Attic."

Dennis Finch:
Is that the sequel to "Jonathan Finds a Door in His Ceiling"?

Elliot DiMauro:
Let's get you to wardrobe and get weighed. That always cheers you up.

Nina Van Horn:
No, I'm not in the mood.

Maya Gallo:
How's Nina taking it? Imagine the humiliation.

Nina Van Horn:
Hey, everyone! Guess who's famous? They said I behaved like a teenager. Can you believe it? Teenager!

Jack Gallo:
Margo steps down, you rise up, it's called a power vacuum. When the dominant faction grows old and weak, a new one rises up to take its place. Which is why we humans have to keep an eye on those stinking monkeys.

Maya Gallo:
I don't get it. Why do they hate each other?

Elliot DiMauro:
Well, Nina is jealous that Margo gets taken more seriously, and Margo is jealous that Nina gets taken more often.

Nina Van Horn:
I remember one time Margo stole my ideas on cardigans, so I went and stole her boyfriend. Then she had me audited, and I had her framed for arson.

Nina Van Horn:
So this is what Margo Langhorne left the world of fashion for. It's all so... peaceful.

Margo Langhorne:
It suits my needs.

Nina Van Horn:
The trees, the magnificent field, that quaint scarecrow that bares a striking resemblance to me.

Margo Langhorne:
I wanted to put it down, but the neighborhood kids like to throw rocks at it.

Dennis Finch:
I bring good news from the Carnegie Deli.

Jack Gallo:
You got them to name a sandwich after me?

Dennis Finch:
I give you the Jack Gallo, hold the Maya.

Jack Gallo:
This is great! I finally have something... [Picks up sandwich] What is this, a joke?

Dennis Finch:
No, check it out. It's a pita stuffed with watercress, wheat germ and avocado. Used to be called the Liberace.

Elliot DiMauro:
Isn't it time you stopped this competition with Margo?

Nina Van Horn:
What competition? Margo's doing the best job she can, and I'm doing the best job I can.

Jack Gallo:
Margo Langhorne just retired.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, my God! I won! I won!

Nina Van Horn:
The world is my walk-in closet, Fifth Avenue my hamper.

In a borough just north of the island of Staten / Neath the towers that tower over the isle of Manhattan / Streets were aglitter like a sequined drag queen / And Christmas joy was aflush at Blush magazine / The workers wrapped presents with a nip and a tuck / Everyone was happy...

Maya Gallo:
God, people suck!

He expressed his displeasure with color and flair / Using words that our censors would not let us share.

Nina Van Horn:
Everyone is so quick to blame the absentee father, but let me tell you something: it's casual wear that's ruining this society.

Elliot DiMauro:
Christmas is so depressing. It's gotten too comercial, it's lost all its spiritual meaning.

Dennis Finch:
No it hasn't. That is such a clich?.

Jack Gallo:
Check this out! Lollipops in the shape of Jesus.

Jack Gallo:
How about you, Nina? You like bouncing young men on your lap.

Nina Van Horn:
No, I couldn't.

Jack Gallo:
Are you sure?

Nina Van Horn:
I'm quite certain. The judge was most explicit on that point.

We now return to the office of Blush / Where Finch has just accused Nina of being a lush.

Maya Gallo:
I happen to think some people look good in casual.

Nina Van Horn:
Like who?

Maya Gallo:
Well, like me.

Nina Van Horn:
Good God, that's a fashion statement? I thought you were just allergic to everything else.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, Maya. Poor, naive woman-child Maya.

And then a thought popped into his head / A thought full of evil and malice and dread.

Dennis Finch:
I'll teach them a lesson. Oh, yes.

...the evil Finch ranted / This is one Finch who would not be taken for granted / He asked for a yard, and they gave him an inch / So this year, Christmas would be stolen by a Finch.

For Nina, a gift she would surely despise /Some cheap wrinkle cream, industrial size / Now it was Elliot's turn to get his digs / For the bald man, a set of flowing blond wigs / For Maya and Jack, gifts equally vicious / The Finch's revenge would be awfully delicious.

Maya Gallo:
[Nina comes wearing casual wear] Nina, look at you!

Nina Van Horn:
You'll never guess who I met last night. J. Crew!

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, Maya, there is a J. Crew. And he helped me rediscover the true spirit of casual wear. I walked to work, and I was warm and comfortable in a way I haven't felt since I was a little girl.

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
I know you don't believe me, but J. Crew lives inside each and every one of us.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, I called the company, and you were right. There is no J. Crew. There never was. He doesn't exist.

Nina Van Horn:
Then who the hell did I sleep with last night?

Now, I don't know for sure, but so I am told / The Finch's black heart turned completely to gold.

Dennis Finch:
That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.

For once Finch felt like more than a peasant / Then he noticed that Elliot had opened his present.

Elliot DiMauro:
"To Elliot from Finch: Take that, you bald-headed loser!" What the hell?

But the Finch is clever, he always survives.

Dennis Finch:
[Pulls on fire alarm] Fire! Fire! Run for your lives!

And those jingle bells rang from New York to New Jersey / Merry Christmas to all, and happy Hannukah to Persky.

Thank you, sir?

Dennis Finch:
I'll do it, because a gift is its own reward. Although since it's Christmas, a better reward would be a new set of wheels. Prefably a moped, with a sidecar for the honeys.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, you're not getting a moped.

Dennis Finch:
Moped, motorscooter, whatever.

Jack Gallo:
Guess what I have in here?

Dennis Finch:
A human head?

Jack Gallo:
Better. Hannah's new puppy. Isn't he adorable? I'd love to cuddle you and hold youand hug you forever... Okay, gotta run.

What'll you have?

Nina Van Horn:
Something Christmassy, say... double scotch on the rocks.

Why is that Christmassy?

Nina Van Horn:
What are you, a priest? Just pour.

Nina Van Horn:
You're joking, right?

Elliot DiMauro:
What do you mean?

Nina Van Horn:
That's not a Christmas tree. It's all scrawny and anemic and it looks like it hasn't seen daylight in months.

Elliot DiMauro:
So do you!

Nina Van Horn:
We live in a world gone mad! I swear I'd sleep with the next man I see wearing a hat. [Elliot enters wearing a beret]

Dennis Finch:
Run, dude!

Finch opened his present with great anticipation / Everyone had pitched in, so he had hight expectations / He opened the bag, it made his blood curdle / His gift was a calendar shaped like a turtle.

Dennis Finch:
"Turtles of the World"?

He said with great rage / Turtles and turtles on every page.

It's always the same. My face gets all scrunched up, my eyes are half closed, and I end up looking like...


A smurf?

Eleanor Roosevelt sneezing?

What the hell is a smurf?

It's that little blue man on your wife's lunchbox.

Why do we even need photo IDs?

Because otherwise, any lunatic could walk in off the street and do Nina's job.

What are we talking about?


Sex dreams.

Sounds like fun. Who had a sex dream? I want details.

Maya did, about Elliot.

You people are sick!

So, a sex dream. How was I?


You want me to do a photo ID. That's like asking Picasso to paint your bathroom.

No, it's like *telling* Picasso to paint your bathroom.

When I was on a photo shoot in Australia, this Aborigine tribesman refused to have his picture taken because he thought I was going to steal his soul.

Don't tell me. You got him to relax and took a great picture.

No. He bit me and stole my jeep.

And your point is?

Don't bite me.

So, this is your studio?


Shouldn't there be a sign for the models that says, "you must be this dumb to enter"?

[about a flimsy nighty] What is this?

It was for your story on health care.

What does that have to do with health care?

She was also wearing a nurse's hat.

Come on, people! We need new stories. Any ideas?

I got it. How about a ten page layout on the comeback of fur?

What comeback of fur?

The one she's been trying to launch ever since she bought those snow leopard skin hot pants.

This picture sends the wrong message.

What message are you trying to send?

"My name is Maya Gallo, and I'm a professional."

And this says?

"My name is Maya Gallo, my naughty girlfriends and I are waiting for your calls."

[to Hannah, over the phone] Hi, Hannah. Daddy's going to sing a song about... his desk.

[playing his banjo and singing]

Markers and pencils and pens / And keys to my Mercedes Benz / A cup and an empty green bottle...

[coming in] Damnit, Jack!

Oh, look, it's a grumpy ex-model.

I have never taken a good picture in my life.

You're exaggerating. You've taken lots of good pictures. What about that one of you surfing?

That was a caricature.

I thought your head looked big.

[looking at Maya's ID photo] This picture captures the real you.

Someone should, for science.

It's too sexy!

I'm not following you.

This picture you took of me is too sexy!

I understand the word "too" and the word "sexy", but put them together, it's just gibberish.

So, what's in this thing?

It covers everything from employee behavior to fire safety, with just a dash of the Iraqi penal code.

No sexual relations between employees? This is an outrage!

Relax. Models aren't employees.

All hail the manual!

Elliot, what are you thinking about?

Oh, nothing.

Hey, me too.

Wait a minute, you little weasel! "Hemlines shall be in direct proportion to the age of the wearer."

It's very simple: if you wore miniskirts in the '60s, spare us in the '90s.

Yeah, so cover up those bony broomsticks, will ya?

Dad, what do you think of this picture?

[whistles] She's a looker. Reminds me of a girl I used to run around with.

Dad, it's me.

I see. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go in my office and gouge my eyes out.

Nina Van Horn:
You remember that PR woman from Cosmo who tried to run over her boss with her car? She was turned into A-list party material overnight. Why? Because she had a hook.

Maya Gallo:
So my hook is I'm a sexual predator?

Nina Van Horn:
Hey, back off! That's my hook.

Jack Gallo:
You know, I used to date a model who posed for lingerie ads.

Elliot DiMauro:

Jack Gallo:
That's it, no point, just boasting.

Maya Gallo:
This is ridiculous! I'm being accused of something I didn't do, and I'm supposed to just sit back and take it?

Jack Gallo:
Welcome to all three of my divorces.

[after viewing Staci's hemorrhoid commercial]

So, what did you think?

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm... speechless.

Dennis Finch:
I'm not.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yes, you are.

Nina Van Horn:
Who is that guy with Maya?

Dennis Finch:
I don't recall. Perhaps a dead president might jog my memory.

Nina Van Horn:
Okay, here.

[give Dennis some money]

Dennis Finch:
His name is Steve McPherson. He's a writer and Maya's helping him with his articles.

Nina Van Horn:
Where did he come from?

Dennis Finch:
I'm blanking.

[Nina gives him more money]

Dennis Finch:
He's a failed playwright, so he got into journalism.

Nina Van Horn:
Anything else?

Dennis Finch:
I can't remember.

[Nina gives him more money]

Dennis Finch:
I still can't remember.

[Nina gives him more money]

Dennis Finch:
Seriously, I can't remember, but nice doing business with you.

Jack Gallo:
Such an exciting time. The moving in, the getting married... the first arguments, the new girl from accounting, the alimony... Now I'm sad.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, God! Why did it have to be hemorrhoids?

Jack Gallo:
I think it's great. You should be proud of her.

Elliot DiMauro:
You think so?

Dennis Finch:
You know what they say. You have to start at the *bottom*.

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm going to have lunch with Staci.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, will that be buffet or sit down?

Elliot DiMauro:
Look, I'm okay with her doing a hemorrhoid commercial.

Dennis Finch:
I know, I'm itching to see it again. Have a swell time. Get it? Swell, because...

Elliot DiMauro:
I get it!

Elliot DiMauro:
So, Miss "women aren't objects"? Is this the pot feeling up the kettle.

Maya Gallo:
I didn't feel up any kettle. This is all a scam.

Jack Gallo:
Scam or not, we need to protect ourselves. So if anyone asks, this meeting took place in March 1994.

[Staci the "hemorrhoid girl" dumps Elliot]

Dennis Finch:
You know what? You showed a lot of class. A lesser man would have rectum. That's the last one.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, the Salvation Army just called. That chest of yours, just stick it out and they'll be all over it.

Jack Gallo:
Allie, it's not the repair man's fault. The reason the dishes are coming out broken is because that's the garbage disposal.

Dennis Finch:
You know George Lucas is my idol. Just this year I've written fourteen Star Wars, eight Indiana Joneses, and a sequel to Willow. You have a dwarf and a sword, the thing writes itself.

Jack Gallo:
I don't care is he is the president of Iraq. Only Selleck can pull off that moustache.

Jack Gallo:
Vicki has been asking for more work to do.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, maybe I want a higher position.

Jack Gallo:
You could actually do the work I assign you.

Nina Van Horn:
And what perks would this new position entail?

Jack Gallo:
I want it done by Friday.

Nina Van Horn:
So now we have to work weekends too?

Elliot DiMauro:
Sorry if I'm late. Everyone just wants to thank me. Does anyone thank the sun for shining everyday?

Jack Gallo:
Did you just compare yourself to the source of all life on this planet?

Elliot DiMauro:
It's a heck of a picture.

Maya Gallo:
I'm so proud of you, dad. Here Elliot is being completely arrogant, and you rise above it. You are a great man.

Jack Gallo:
I'm gonna crush him like a bug.

Maya Gallo:
Wait, what?

Maya Gallo:
You can't manipulate people like that. What are you, a puppet master?

Jack Gallo:
I was going to say savvy manager, but puppet master is cute.

Maya Gallo:
We're not puppets, we're independent people.

Jack Gallo:
No, you're not.

Dennis Finch:
What this cocktail needs is half a dash of Finch.

Dennis Finch:
What's the worst thing I can do to a woman?

Maya Gallo:
Go out with her, and after taking her virginity, dump her and then go to the prom with Susan Wilson.

Dennis Finch:
I like that, but it might take too long.

Dennis Finch:
I have a good idea for a Star Wars movie, where Chewwie and Boba Fett put together a softball team of misfit Jedis.

George Lucas:
[as elevator closes] That's good.

Dennis Finch:
It is? Oh, my God! He likes it!

Jack Gallo:
I can't have someone in here acting like he's better than anyone else. That's my job.

Dennis Finch:
You don't know her like I do. Underneath that hard exterior is a fragile, insecure woman with a liver held together with tape and glue.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, please. A woman is not gay just because she stares at another woman, brushes against her and French kisses k.d. lang at a children's literacy benefit.

Jack Gallo:
George, there's something I've been meaning to ask you. That Indiana Jones, he's based on me, right?

George Lucas:

Jack Gallo:
The rugged good looks, the world traveler, the hat. I have a hat just like that.

George Lucas:
You got me.

Jack Gallo:
I knew it!

Elliot DiMauro:
Do you bring greetings from the future?

Dennis Finch:
Yes, and there's still no cure for baldness.

Jack Gallo:
You boob, you assured me Conrad was dead!

Dennis Finch:
He has to be, why else would they cancel Jake and the Fatman?

Jack Gallo:
That's *William* Conrad! Next time get it right.

Dennis Finch:
[to himself] Next time write your own book.

Jack Gallo:
What'd you say?

Dennis Finch:
I was apologizing.

Dennis Finch:
I have what's called a body built for fashion.

Elliot DiMauro:
Finch, you have a body built to assist Santa Claus.

Jack Gallo:
If Robert Conrad finds out, he could sue me for millions, and do you know what they'd call me if this got out?

Dennis Finch:
Jack ass? A liar? A fraud? There's no right answer.

Nina Van Horn:
Say, aren't you Robert Conrad?

Robert Conrad:

Nina Van Horn:
Goodness! You don't waste any time, do you?

Pardon me, but could you please keep it down?

Robert Conrad:
Excuse me?

It's just that we're trying to conduct business over here.

Robert Conrad:
Really? So are we. We're considering a merger, between my fist and your jaw.

Robert Conrad:
Don't worry, I'll be back.

Jack Gallo:
You wanna pick a date?

Robert Conrad:
Sure. [they pull out their agendas]

Jack Gallo:
How about Thursday?

Robert Conrad:
No good. I'm picking apples upstate. How about the third?

Jack Gallo:
No, I'm seeing my urologist.

Robert Conrad:
Who do you go to?

Jack Gallo:
Friedman, up on 54th.

Robert Conrad:
Is he good?

Jack Gallo:
Great. Light touch.

Jack Gallo:
It's just a humble autobiography about an extraordinary man.

Dennis Finch:
Translated from the gibberish by his assistant.

Maya Gallo:
I'm proud of you.

Jack Gallo:
Thank you, Maya. That's great coming from someone who's not just trying to kiss my ass.

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, it's better than the Bible! I'm almost at page seven, and I'm riveted.

Nina Van Horn:
I got bored of reading about Jack's ancestors being chased across Europe, and I skipped to the index to look for the parts with me in them. I'm only mentioned four times.

Elliot DiMauro:
Did they count that picture of you at the Playboy mansion?

Nina Van Horn:
I'm only listed as "Unidentified topless woman on pogo stick."

Nina Van Horn:
Son of a b*tch! Four mentions. Do you know how that makes me feel? Like a chewed-up piece of gum that someone threw in the gutter and was carried away by rats! I'm sorry, you were saying something?

Please, go away.

Dennis Finch:
"Rage to Riches". Came in second.

Maya Gallo:
All right! What did I get?

Dennis Finch:
Did you pick him to win?

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Then nothing.

Maya Gallo:
Rats! I just lost $50!

Dennis Finch:
50? Why'd you bet so much?

Maya Gallo:
Oh, I was only going to bet five but then the bookie said "five dimes?" and I said "Fifty dollars? What the Hell?" Fifty dollars, I truly hit rock bottom.

Dennis Finch:
Sit down. It just got rockier. Maya, dimes are thousands. Five dimes, five thousand dollars. You lost five thousand dollars.

Maya Gallo:
No, no! This isn't happening! This isn't real! Dimes are ten! FIve dimes, fifty dollars!

Dennis Finch:
Well, you'd better have it when the bookie comes here.

Maya Gallo:
The bookie's coming here?

Maya Gallo:
They tend to drop by at the five thousand range.

Dennis Finch:
Ooooh! Rags to Riches, you slow, hairy b*tch!

Here's the problem. I found this in the vent.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, that's... my laundry. I must have forgotten to take it to the laundromat, where the laundry is done.

How much is in here?

Nina Van Horn:
About twelve kilos.

Maya Gallo:
Elliot, do you know anyone involved in illegal gambling?

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, I get it. Elliot DiMauro, Italian. I must be "connected." I must have cousins in "waste management."

Maya Gallo:
It's just that I remember you making bets on the Super Bowl.

Elliot DiMauro:
Well, my mother is half Irish, so I must have been drunk when I did it!

[Jack is listening to a relaxation tape of seaside sounds]

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, I need to talk to you?

Jack Gallo:
Just a minute. I'm trying to relax, and I'm waiting for the foghorn.

[foghorn sound]

Jack Gallo:
It's all crap from here.

Nina Van Horn:
Reason number one why I should have a limo: as an editor of this magazine, I need to be seen in a position of power.

Dennis Finch:
As opposed to her usual position, passed out on her table. It's so easy.

Nina Van Horn:
Enjoy it while it lasts, Finch. Puberty changes everything.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, your sounds of the jungle tape just came in.

Jack Gallo:
Is it any good?

Dennis Finch:
You like monkeys?

Jack Gallo:
Leave it on my desk.

Dennis Finch:
What are you betting on?

Maya Gallo:
Rags to Riches, race 23.

Dennis Finch:
Jamaican dog racing?

Maya Gallo:
Yes. I like dogs, I went to Jamaica on spring break, and I'm always racing from one place to another.

Dennis Finch:
Sometimes I wish you were a guy so I could punch you.

So, have you considered our little situation?

Maya Gallo:
I have. You talk about honor, but I want you to know that you are nothing more than a petty thug. I'll give you the money, but I want you to know that now I can't go to Club Med, Oaxaca. And this was the year I was going to work up the nerve to jet ski.

You're upset about this, aren't you?

Maya Gallo:
I think the frowny faces on the zeroes speak for themselves.

Maya Gallo:
I'm writing a very edgy article on women gamblers, and I'm looking for some hot leads.

Dennis Finch:
On the Yellow Pages? Good work, Matlock.

Maya Gallo:
I'm looking for Gamblers Anonymous. Did you know that women are the fastest growth demographic among gamblers?

Dennis Finch:
Did you know you work for a fashion magazine?

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina, what's going on?

Nina Van Horn:
These are my children, Est?e and Vidal.

Elliot DiMauro:
Since when?

Nina Van Horn:
Since I'm getting audited today.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're getting audited? You should've used my guy. He's a creepy little weasel who knows every loophole and gets a sexual thrill out of cheating the feds.

Nina Van Horn:
Who is it?

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:
Are you really that good?

Dennis Finch:
Last year the government paid me twenty grand not to grow corn.

Nina Van Horn:
You're hired.

You have a lot of deductions here, Ms. Van Horn.

Nina Van Horn:
Thank you.

And you have a write-off here for something called a buttock lift.

Nina Van Horn:

And it's listed under travel expenses.

Nina Van Horn:
It is further north than it was.

Nina Van Horn:
Come on, Elliot, you go out with supermodels without knowing their last names.

Elliot DiMauro:
Most of them don't have last names.

Dennis Finch:
Jack is stuck writing his memoirs, so he's been banging that ball against the wall for three solid days.

Elliot DiMauro:
Sounds irritating.

Dennis Finch:
That's nothing. You missed what will forever be known as Banjo Thrusday. Which was immediately followed by Missing Banjo Friday.

Tell me, Jack. What gets you up in the morning?

Jack Gallo:
I'm sixty years old. What do you think?

Jack Gallo:
Nice to see you don't hold a grudge.

You know me.

Jack Gallo:
You know, I have a baby daughter now.

You do? Why you old dog.

Jack Gallo:
Yes, and she'd just love one of your beautiful toys. I think I'll buy here this choo-choo here.

Excelent. Top-notch choice.

Jack Gallo:
How much do I owe you?

Okay... one choo-choo train, that'll be twelve million dollars.

Jack Gallo:
Excuse me?

Twelve million dollars, you back-stabbing son of a b*tch!

Nina Van Horn:
Listen to me, I can't go to jail! I can't bear the humiliation of knowing how few cigarettes I'm worth!

I know what you're trying to do.

Jack Gallo:
No, you don't. No one ever does.

Dennis Finch:
I believe people shouldn't be judged by numbers on a form, and if you think that you can intimidate this poor woman with your Gestapo - Oh, yeah! - Gestapo scare tactics, then you've obviously never crossed paths with Dennis Finch!

Finch. That's F-I-N...

Dennis Finch:
No, no! Gotta go.

Jack Gallo:
[introducing Herb to the staff] ... our assistant Dennis Finch...

Dennis Finch:
Our assistant?

Jack Gallo:
That's right. Treat Herb the same way you'd treat me.

Dennis Finch:
Gotcha. No, sir, those pants don't make your butt look big.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, man, he's going to kill me.

Maya Gallo:
Don't worry. He wouldn't be able to choose a weapon.

I can't keep up with all this. The crazy pace, the push-button phones...

Elliot DiMauro:
No way. Last time I took you on a photo shoot with me, you walked in on Kate Moss taking a shower.

Dennis Finch:
It was an innocent mistake. I was trying to walk in on Elle McPherson.

Nina Van Horn:
[pulls a gun on some carolers in the elevator] All right, one more fa-la-la and Tiny Tim gets it in the good leg.

Nina Van Horn:
Elliot, bad news. You're not going to the Caribbean.

Elliot DiMauro:
What happened?

Nina Van Horn:
The models all got food poisoning at the Mizrahi show.

Elliot DiMauro:
What, all five of them?

Nina Van Horn:
Apparently, they shared a bad shrimp.

Dennis Finch:
D. Finch reporting for booty.

Maya Gallo:
What about you?

Jesus Santos:
Me? I'm working hard for the American Dream.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, what's that?

Jesus Santos:
To open my own smoothie bar. Jesus's Juices.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's it! Shoot's canceled!

Nina Van Horn:
What is the problem?

Elliot DiMauro:
I can't find my lens!

Nina Van Horn:
Don't you have, like, thirty of them?

Dennis Finch:
Yes, but they're not all his lucky thong lens.

Nina Van Horn:
Lucky thong lens?

Elliot DiMauro:
Eight years ago I was doing my first swimsuit photo shoot on St. Tropez, and from the moment I arrived none of my shots were coming out right. I thought my carrer was over. As I walked back to the hotel, this local boy runs up and stuffs something in my pocket. I looked down, and it was this lens, this perfect lens. But when I looked up, the boy had vanished, and in his place... a white dove!

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, I get it. They have mushrooms in St. Tropez.

Dennis Finch:
I have a weird feeling that if I were to go to the Caribbean with you and some hot models, all your stuff would just turn up.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh? Well, I have a weird feeling that if I jam my fist down your throat, I might find your spleen.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, but you won't find your lens.

Jack Gallo:
No presents for Christmas? That's like Easter without high-stakes poker.

Maya Gallo:
I think we should give the money to Jesus, the night custodian.

Jack Gallo:
I know him. He's a nice guy.

Maya Gallo:
You know Jesus?

Jack Gallo:
Don't be so surprised. I have a rapport with the night cleaning staff.

Dennis Finch:
If by rapport you mean that point-wink thing you do, then yes, you is down with the crew.

Dennis Finch:
[on phone] Of course it's a round trip. Have you ever been to Albany?

Jesus Santos:
Maya. Centuries ago, the Maya raped and pillaged my people, but I am sure you are nice.

Nina Van Horn:
I really think that money should go to my Kenny. He's a member of an oppressed minority.

Dennis Finch:
Who, the trouserly challenged?

Nina Van Horn:
He has brown eyes. They did a study, and it turns out blue-eyed dancers make far more money.

Jack Gallo:
Who did a study?

Nina Van Horn:
Me and my friend Binnie.

Dennis Finch:
It looks like a photo of someone's hand dangling your lucky lens over a toilet. What kind of devious bastard would do such a thing?

Elliot DiMauro:
That's your watch.

Dennis Finch:
You're right. That son of a b*tch has my watch!

Jesus Santos:
Here, a silver rose. The rose because it is beautiful, and silver because it is very expensive.

Maya Gallo:
[shaking Dennis' hand] Hello, I'm Maya.

Dennis Finch:
Ah, well, "bye-a."

Maya Gallo:
Uh, no. I'm here to see Jack Gallo.

Dennis Finch:
And I'm here to make sure you don't. Next time, call for an appointment; that way I can reject you on the phone, and then you won't have to get all gussied up.

[Nina selects "no-yes-yes-no-no-no" from a line of models; she comes to Maya and mistakes her for a prospective model]

Nina Van Horn:
Honey, I don't know who your agent is, but you need to grow six inches, lose twenty pounds, and find a hairdresser who gave up cocaine with everyone else.

[Nina turns to walk away]

Maya Gallo:
Excuse me - do you own this magazine?

Nina Van Horn:
No, that would be Mr. Gallo.

Maya Gallo:
And I would be Mr. Gallo's daughter.

Dennis Finch:
Hey hey, oh, you're Jack's daughter - you babe. Dennis Finch, Jack's executive assistant. His right-hand man. Actually, he's more like a father to me.

Maya Gallo:
Ah, then you haven't seen him in a year either.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, dear, you can understand why I didn't recognize you. I mean, there is virtually no resemblance.

Maya Gallo:
Go away.

Nina Van Horn:
Ah, there it is.

Jack Gallo:

Maya Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
Yeah, it sure is. Come on in. Don't you have a birthday coming up?

Maya Gallo:
Yeah, in about eleven-and-a-half months.

Jack Gallo:
Good - I was afraid I missed it.

Jack Gallo:
When are you going to accept the fact that Allie and I are very much in love?

Maya Gallo:
"Very much in love"? Is there a special room where the models go to throw up?

Jack Gallo:
Here we go! It's my wedding all over again.

Maya Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
Don't play innocent - you were heckling our wedding vows.

Maya Gallo:
You let the woman quote *The Lion King!*

Dennis Finch:
Listen up - I just got the cyber-skinny on our little friend Maya: Stanford grad, dean's list, no current boyfriend, but she is on the pill.

Nina Van Horn:
You got all that on the internet?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, and rifling through her purse.

Nina Van Horn:
Look at her, writing her first big article for Papa.

Elliot DiMauro:

Nina Van Horn:
"So?" First it's an article, then it's a job; before you know it *she's* in charge and I'm back at the boat show wearing that damn mermaid suit.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, dear, I understand you're writing this month's relationship column. Can I peek?

Elliot DiMauro:
You peaked years ago, honey.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, dear, I understand you're writing this month's relationship column. Can I peek?

Elliot DiMauro:
You peaked years ago, honey.

Nina Van Horn:
So, is this article the first of many?

Maya Gallo:
I doubt it; it's called, "My Father Is A Jackass."

Nina Van Horn:
She'll be gone by the end of the day.

Dennis Finch:
Great; just make it look like an accident.

Nina Van Horn:
No, no, no! She's leaving on her own.

Dennis Finch:
Got it; we never spoke.

[Nina smiles quizzically and gives a thumbs-up]

Elliot DiMauro:
Look at these photos; see if any of them will go with your article.

Maya Gallo:
[looking] God! Could her dress get any higher?

Elliot DiMauro:
No. Her mother was there.

[discussing the evils of the fashion industry]

Elliot DiMauro:
All I'm saying is that we're not the enemy. We just like looking at beautiful things.

Maya Gallo:
And who decides what's beautiful?

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, I do! That's the best part.

[phone rings; Dennis answers]

Dennis Finch:
Jack Gallo's office.... Hey, boss. How did it go?... All right!

Dennis Finch:
[to Maya] They had the baby.

Maya Gallo:
Yeah, well, congratulations.

Dennis Finch:
[to Jack] Maya says, "Congratulations," but it's in a tone that connotes disinterest.... Whew!

Dennis Finch:
[to Maya] Eight pounds, twelve ounces.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
[to Jack] She's making sport of your courageous wife's pain....

Dennis Finch:
[to Maya] Blue eyes, dark hair, great lungs.

Maya Gallo:
Just like Elvis.

Dennis Finch:
[to Jack] She's comparing the baby to a bloated drug addict.

[Maya walks away]

Dennis Finch:
[to Maya] Hey, it's a girl: You got a sister.

Maya Gallo:
A sister? She's not my sister.... Oh, my god. She's my sister. I have a sister.

Dennis Finch:
[to Jack] Now she's just babbling.

Maya Gallo:
So, have you two picked out a name?

Jack Gallo:
We're in negotiations. I want "Hannah," after your grandmother, and Allie wants "Morgan."

Maya Gallo:
"Morgan" was our high school quarterback. Allie lost her virginity to him.

Jack Gallo:
"Hannah" it is.

Jack Gallo:
[looking at a photo] Uh-oh, nipple.

Dennis Finch:
Really? Give it! I see, there's Waldo. Good eye, chief.

Elliot DiMauro:
Let me see. Oh, yeah, turkey's done.

Maya Gallo:
Hopefully, this concludes Mutual of Omaha's Nipple Safari.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, Maya. I forgot you were still here.

Maya Gallo:
Well, it was my fault for wearing a shirt.

Elliot DiMauro:
No one turns down Elliot DiMauro... 53 times.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, that was Ally. Something about King Lear.

Maya Gallo:
King Lear?

Dennis Finch:
You know, to snore or not to snore?

Nina Van Horn:
I always hated Shakespeare in high school.

Dennis Finch:
Why, did he write something mean in your yearbook?

Dennis Finch:

Carmen Electra:

Dennis Finch:
[offers a hug] What, no hug?

Carmen Electra:
Finch, I already hugged you twenty minutes ago in the lobby.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, right. I forgot. Forgive me?

[they hug]

Elliot DiMauro:
Mr. Finch, please don't squeeze the Carmen.

Dennis Finch:
Ah, I see Carmen Electra made the cover.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah - great shot, isn't it? Notice how I made her sexuality leap off the page.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, yeah - you're a genius. You took a picture of one of the hottest women in the world and somehow made her look beautiful. What's your secret - are you using some kind of film?

[discussing Elliott's cover shot of Carmen Electra]

Elliot DiMauro:
I can't wait to show it to her.

Dennis Finch:
She's just gonna turn you down again, pal.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nobody says no to Elliott DiMauro... fifty-three times. [sighs]

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, there's a fine between courting and stalking. A Connecticut judge once spelled it out for me.

Maya Gallo:
How can you hate Shakespeare? In one couplet, Shakespeare is able to capture the gamut of human emotion: love, joy, sorrow, fear...

Elliot DiMauro:

Maya Gallo:
You too?

Elliot DiMauro:
Face it, no one actually loves Shakespeare. They just say they do, like cuddling.

Maya Gallo:
If that's so, then why have his plays been performed for four hundred years?

Nina Van Horn:
I saw Shakespeare in the park. Seemed like four hundred years.

Elliot DiMauro:
Carmen loves me. She just doesn't know how to express it.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. That's it. She can't express it. Maybe this is what she's thinking.

[tears the picture of Carmen Electra off the cover, tears a hole where her lips are, and puts it in front of his face, the mouth going on the hole]

Dennis Finch:
Oh, Elliot. I'm Carmen Electra from TV's Baywatch. Get lost, you pasty freak. I wouldn't even let my stunt double give you mouth-to-mouth.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's cute. But this is what she's really thinking.

[takes the photo and puts it to his face]

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, Elliot. Not only are you a genius, but you are the sexiest guy on the beach. I'd like to run in slow motion towards you and climb your lifeguard tower. Oh, help me! The riptide's got me! I'm going down! I'm going down!

Carmen Electra:
Elliot, are you through?

Elliot DiMauro:

Dennis Finch:
Care to make it 54?

Maya Gallo:
The man wrote 37 plays, each more brilliant than the last. Except for Pericles. I think he phoned in that one.

Elliot DiMauro:
Methinks the lady doth pack too much.

Nina Van Horn:
A skycap, a skycap, my kingdom for a skycap!

Maya Gallo:
My kingdom for a muzzle.

[Elliot and Nina are stuck in an elevator]

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, this is perfect. Some idiot ripped out the emergency phone and replaced it with a bottle of gin.

Nina Van Horn:
It seemed like a good idea last week.

Jack Gallo:
Does anyone else mind if I call Maya peanut?

Dennis Finch:
You should hear what we call her.

Jack Gallo:
[his electronic door is acting up] Dennis!

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:
I can't get the door to stop doing that thing! Is someone using the microwave?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. Baxter is making a baked potato.

Jack Gallo:
Get in here and help me!

Dennis Finch:
Are you wasted? I'm not going anywhere near that thing. It's like a John Carpenter movie.

Jack Gallo:
[as the door is going haywire] Dennis, for the love of God! Stop the baked potatoes!

Dennis Finch:
Oh, you hate to see this.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
You're the only woman in here. That kind of boy-girl ratio does not favor the Finch.

Maya Gallo:
[about Jack's remote control door] Why would anyone need something like that?

Nina Van Horn:
Let me tell you about the bad day I've had. It all started when I woke up... [Jack closes door on her]

Maya Gallo:
I want one of those.

Maya Gallo:
How could you give those tickets to Elliot and Nina?

Jack Gallo:
They asked me for them.

Maya Gallo:
But I'm the one who loves Shakespeare!

Jack Gallo:
How was I supposed to know that?

Maya Gallo:
It was my major in college. I named the family cat Othello.

Jack Gallo:
So? You named your turtle Amelia Earhart. That didn't mean you wanted to be a pilot.

Maya Gallo:
Actually, it did. I logged in over 400 hours.

Elliot DiMauro:
Licking stamps?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, I was. Now I'm just answering obvious questions.

Nikki Ellston:
Hi. Licking stamps?

Dennis Finch:
Good question. Yes, I am.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina, I told you I'd never work with Nikki Ellston.

Nina Van Horn:
I thought you said Mickey Rooney.

Elliot DiMauro:
Why would I say Mickey Rooney?

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, that's right. *I* won't work with Mickey Rooney. Don't ask.

Elliot DiMauro:
[on Dennis' clothes] I didn't know Gap for Kids had a pimp department.

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, I want a raise... in, a raisin.

Dennis Finch:
Could have warned me about the cage.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah, I'm going around telling everyone I was locked in a cage. I warned you to stay away from her. You are going to stay away from her, right?

Dennis Finch:
Yes, definitely... Probably not.

Elliot DiMauro:
She put you in a cage.

Dennis Finch:
Well, when you think about it, we all live in a cage. Isn't society, by nature, the biggest cage of all?

Elliot DiMauro:
Society doesn't take the key with it when it goes to Starbucks.

Nikki Ellston:
What are you doing later?

Dennis Finch:
[in disbelief yet almost accusatory] Are you asking me out?

Nikki Ellston:
I think it'd be fun.

Dennis Finch:
Maybe we're not on the same page here, here. Um, you mean, going out? Like in dinner, a movie... naughty time?

Nikki Ellston:
Mmm, I don't eat dinner - and I hate movies - so... when do you think you'll be able to get out from behind that desk?

Dennis Finch:
It's gonna be a couple minutes.

Elliot DiMauro:
This is the beginning of your worst nightmare.

Dennis Finch:
No, my worst nightmare involves being covered in frogs.

Jack Gallo:
The budget is extremely tight right now.

Nina Van Horn:

Jack Gallo:
Yes. We all have to make sacrifices.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, your solid gold spy pen just arrived.

Elliot DiMauro:
She left you in the woods, buddy. Nice girls don't do that.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah! There were bees, and other loud things.

Nikki Ellston:
Those were just tree frogs.

Dennis Finch:
Tree frogs? Good God! If I had known that earlier, I would have run into a big rock and killed myself!

Nina Van Horn:
What's going on?

Maya Gallo:
Oh, good, you're here. We're having an intervention.

Nina Van Horn:
Hey! Those are vitamins, I swear.

Maya Gallo:
No, the intervention is for Dennis.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, goody! I've never been in on this end of one. Who wants a drink?

Dennis Finch:

Elliot DiMauro:
Finch, this is an intervention.

Dennis Finch:
[to Nina] Ha, ha, ha! I knew those weren't vitamins!

Nina Van Horn:
I think it's time for an Indian chant.


Jack Gallo:
Nina, no.

Nina Van Horn:
This intervention sucks.

Dennis Finch:
A man doesn't go sprinting through the sticker bushes in his underpants without coming out a little wiser.

Elliot DiMauro:
We have to stop Finch, before it turns into Fatal Attraction.

Jack Gallo:
I loved that movie! He goes out with a woman once, and she becomes totally obsessed. Gotta boost a man's ego.

Elliot DiMauro:
You don't understand. Nikki, she... she has a wild side.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, poor, puritanical, horse-and-buggy-driving Jedediah.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're going to regret this.

Dennis Finch:
The only thing I regret is not putting talcum on under these pants.

Maya Gallo:
Why can't you let Finch have this one? You go out with thousands of models all the time.

Elliot DiMauro:
You don't understand. Nikki is crazy.

Maya Gallo:
You're so jealous.

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm not saying Nikki's crazy because I'm jealous. I'm saying she's crazy because she is crazy.

Nikki Ellston:
Hi, Elliot.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, hey, Nikki! This is Maya Gallo.

Nikki Ellston:
Maya Gallo. You wrote that article about teen heroin addicts in the Village Voice.

Maya Gallo:

Nikki Ellston:
I read that piece. I was really moved.

Maya Gallo:
Thank you. [Nikki leaves] Wow. You weren't kidding. What a loon.

Elliot DiMauro:
Believe me, she makes a good first impression.

Maya Gallo:
Yes. When I was little I was petrified that there was a monster under my bed that would complement my work.

Jack Gallo:
Five thirty and he's still not back from lunch? Even in the seventies that wouldn't fly.

Maya Gallo:
You were right, Elliot. She is nuts.

Elliot DiMauro:
I told you. Now let's get him before she sends him to a biker bar in a sundress.

Maya Gallo:
How do you know that?

Elliot DiMauro:
I just know, okay?

Dennis Finch:
The cage was the last straw for you, wasn't it?

Elliot DiMauro:
Right after the cage. And a little time after that - boom! - it was over.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, I'm going out.

Jack Gallo:
Remember, stay away from that Nikki.

Dennis Finch:
I'm going to a party with her.

Jack Gallo:
Have fun!

Here, Dennis.

Oh, another scarf. What are the odds?

No. It's an ascot. The pictures tell the story of a young boy so daring he stole wisdom from the moon.

Thank you. I will cherish it always.

[to Elliot]

Trade you for the screaming monkey.


I haven't felt this way since 1969 to 1978.

Maybe it was something we ate.

It's the damn Lemon Wacky Hello! Check the ingredients.

[reading label] "Cornstarch, citrus taste and hello."

I've still *got* it!

I'll have the pharmacy send over more cream.

[gives Maya a scarf] Here, I saw this and thought of you. The pictures tells the story of a young girl so beautiful she stole envy from the moon.

Oh, it's beautiful. Thanks, dad.

Here, Nina. I got you one too.

Something's amiss. Something's askew. Yeah. Something or someone is out of whack.

[after the planning board falls] Elliot, you took a picture!

That had nothing to do with it.

No, you took a picture of the whole board. You have the order of the pages on film.

Hey, you're right. Let's check.

[opens the camera and takes out the undeveloped film]

You know, it's usually darker when I do this.

How was China?

It was wonderful. You know, it's the Year of the Rat, but I keep writing Year of the Dog on my checks. The guy at the airport told me that one.

Not as well as you, I'll bet.

You know, I once had an affair with a high-ranking Chinese dignitary. Don't ask me his name.

It's a deal.

You know, this isn't that delicious. Maybe over there "lemon" means dirt.

There, an article on aging next to an ad for vodka. Problem... solution.

Elliot, take a picture of me with my perfect board.

Move a little to the left. I want to get both of your heads in the frame.

Remember when I told you I fixed the board?


Well, I fixed it all right. I fixed it to death.

The day a productive man can't enjoy a tasty treat from the Orient is the day I move into a cave and sleep on my own beard.

I'm looking for a Nina Van Horn.

Take her away.

I have given my friend here a detailed description of the perp.

Are you a sketch artist?

I dabble. This is the man you're looking for.

Well, it shouldn't be too difficult. How hard is it to find a cowboy with eight arms and a beak?

And salty earlobes.

I think I have everything I need.

Are you going to show it to the other cops?

Oh, yeah!

Something's different. Everything's in sharp focus. I'm thinking clearly. Oh, just in time for happy hour!

[wearing wading overalls and holding a net] Be careful out there. There's like a million bats flying down Lexington Avenue. But I'm on it.

Jack Gallo:
Come on, have a little faith in the girl. Nina could play that part.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, thank you, Jack.

Jack Gallo:
I totally buy you as a homewrecker.

Nina Van Horn:

Jack Gallo:
Oh, you're no good for that.

Matt Bentley:
You know, Maya, you could learn a lot from her. This is a woman who gets high on a drug called America.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, I do like my reds, whites and blues.

Maya Gallo:
[drinks from a coffee mug] Oh, my God! This is whisky!

Nina Van Horn:
[holds a similar mug] Oh, my God! This is coffee!

Dennis Finch:
My mom said if I didn't finish college, I would wind up in a dead-end job. Dead-end job. Pfft! Jack said I could be his assistant *forever*!

Jack Gallo:
Is that all you do all day? Make wise-ass comments?

Dennis Finch:
No. I answer the phone funny.

Nina Van Horn:
Who wants to try a bowl of delicious home-made my stuffin'?

Jack Gallo:
Nina, there's nothing in that bowl.

Dennis Finch:
And by bowl he means your head.

Nina Van Horn:
I have an hour until my audition, so I want to stay in character. Listen to this. "Simple Times Stuffin', the easy way to spice up your next lynchin'."

Jack Gallo:
[reads Nina's script] The word is "luncheon."

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, good. That makes my character that more likeable.

Maya Gallo:
I don't want him to think I'm a crazy freak in bed!

Dennis Finch:
Then sleep with him. That'll teach him a lesson.

Jack Gallo:
Do you know what he said was the secret of his success? He said he didn't have an office.

Dennis Finch:
It's what shot me to the top.

Nina Van Horn:
Guess what? I just got a call from my old acting agent.

Dennis Finch:
Let me guess? They want you for "When Plastic Surgeons Attack."

Nina Van Horn:
Hello there, Finch. Don't get up.

Jack Gallo:
[about "The Six Million Dollar Man"] I stopped watching when they gave bionics to the dog. You spend six million bucks on an animal, it should talk.

Elliot DiMauro:
This is my sixth grade picture. Guess which one's me?

Dennis Finch:
My God, did you ever have hair?

[Nina has to cook]

Nina Van Horn:
No problem. You can do this.

[lays ingredients on counter]

Nina Van Horn:
Well, I'm stumped.

Nina Van Horn:
All right, Bently, here's the deal. I don't cook; I'm not Southern; I've never voted; I drink like a sailor, often in the company of sailors; and I was peripherally involved in the abduction of Patty Hearst.

Matt Bentley:
I don't know what to say. You've never voted once?

Jack Gallo:
Look at that bridge. That's the George Washington Bridge.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, no.

Jack Gallo:
The man deserves a bridge. In fact, he was a bridge. A bridge from tyranny to freedom.

Dennis Finch:
Where did this come from? Did you see movie? Read a book?

Jack Gallo:
Book. I'm nearly at page three and I'm riveted.

Jack Gallo:
Get me the Stafford catalog. I want to own something of the man, something that will inspire me every day.

Dennis Finch:
So the Ben Franklin phase is over?

Jack Gallo:
Yes, Get rid of the kite. Leave the key.

Jack Gallo:
From now on, we're gonna be the toughest damn fashion magazine in town. Except maybe for Glamour. Those guys are a bunch of hooligans.

Nina Van Horn:
This is such a classic Maya Gallo move. You take a perfectly good faomus person like Ray Liotta and instead of rising to his cool, celebrity status, you drag him down to your pedestrian level.

Ray Liotta:
I don't want to be a celebrity anymore. I just want to do boring, ordinary boyfriend stuff.

Nina Van Horn:
Then you, sir, have hit the soulmate lottery.

Jack Gallo:
Is that the Maya thing?

Dennis Finch:
You know about the Maya thing?

Jack Gallo:
Who doesn't know about the Maya thing?

Maya Gallo:
Hey, what's going on?

Ray Liotta:
Remember in Hannibal when Hannibal made me eat my own brain? This is worse. Because it's not my brain this time, Maya. It's my real heart.

Nina Van Horn:
You're a moron, Ray.

Ray Liotta:
This is great. Just a couple of regular people calling each other morons.

Dennis Finch:
This is much better than my Maya thing. Mine was just Maya changing into a sports bra.

Maya Gallo:
Give me that!

Jack Gallo:
Listen at you two, complaining about soda. Do you realize the kind of hardships George Washington's men had to endure that winter at Valley Forge?

Dennis Finch:
Kinda. The AC is great, but sometimes it gets a little chilly.

Jack Gallo:
You're a deal maker now. Everything you do must say, "Here I am. I am powerful. I am important."

Maya Gallo:
Hey, isn't that your ex-wife?

Jack Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
I have to go to Paris.

Elliot DiMauro:

Nina Van Horn:
Why? I'm the fashion editor, and Paris is the fashion capital. Besides, there's something in Jim Morrison's grave I need to get back.

Elliot DiMauro:
What, you mean you want us to pretend that Jack's here and drive Nina crazy... oh, you are delightfully evil.

Dennis Finch:
Yes. Won't you join me?

Jack Gallo:
I can't believe I'm paying alimony just so she can spend it on that dog.

You know what his name is? Jack. Guess why?

Jack Gallo:
Because you had him castrated too?

No, because he humps everything that moves.

Nina Van Horn:
Are you any good at practical jokes?

Kevin Liotta:
Well, I've been in a bunch.

Nina Van Horn:
Good. You're going to help me pull a joke on them.

Kevin Liotta:
But those guys are my friends.

[Nina lowers her shoulder strap]

Kevin Liotta:
You want me to throw them off the building?

Jack Gallo:
People, Maya and I are going to Paris for a big take over deal, but it's top secret, so no questions.

Elliot DiMauro:
What are you taking over?

Jack Gallo:
A hot French fashion magazine called Jolie. We're buying it cheap, firing the staff and turning it into French Blush, but that's all I'm telling you.

Kevin Liotta:
Hi, Nina. You look really pretty today.

Nina Van Horn:
That's sweet. And you are?

Kevin Liotta:
I'm Kevin. I've worked here for three years? I bring you your mail every day? I said "hi, I'm Kevin" at you at the Christmas party and gave you the watch your wearing right now?

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, well. It doesn't matter.

Elliot DiMauro:
Don't you think we're being too mean?

Dennis Finch:
Too mean? That's like saying the internet has too much porno. It doesn't.

Elliot DiMauro:
[pretending Jack is in his office, angry] He only ate half his donut.

Nina Van Horn:
But Jack always finishes his donut. Maybe it's his second one.

Dennis Finch:
The point is, he put one down.

[Jack and Roberta come out of the airplane bathroom] Congratulations. You've just joined the mile high club.

Jack Gallo:
Watch your mouth, buddy. We were just talking. And FYI, I've been a member since '63.

Maya Gallo:
I feel guilty flying first class.

Jack Gallo:
What's the alternative?

Maya Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
Ha!... Oh, you're serious.

Kevin Liotta:
You have some voice mail.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, put it on my desk.

Kevin Liotta:
No, I mean your phone is blinking.

Nina Van Horn:
Of course it's blinking. That's how you know it's plugged in. [Kevin pushes a button on the phone]

Answering machine:
You have eight hundred and fifty seven messages.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina wants to tell Jack she's not going to live in fear anymore.

Nina Van Horn:
Not true, Jack! I find it exhilarating!

Nina Van Horn:
[Kevin has doctored a recording of Jack's messages] Perfect. Now all we need is to build a realistic Jack puppet, put a tape recorder in his mouth, and lower it into his office.

Kevin Liotta:
Uh, I was thinking we could just pretend he's calling on the phone.

Nina Van Horn:
Hmm. Two equally brilliant plans. What to do? What to do?

Maya Gallo:
I had no idea finding an assistant was so hard.

Jack Gallo:
Be patient. The right one will never let you down. It may even become your best friend.

Maya Gallo:
Dad, "it" is standing right there.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, right. Sorry.

Dennis Finch:
That's all right. "It" just got goosebumps.

Nina Van Horn:
I can put an end to this discussion if you agree to hire a man. This man.

[pulls out a photo]

Nina Van Horn:
His name is Nacho. He works at my dry cleaners, but he wants to be an actor.

Maya Gallo:
[gives photo back] Just let me know when Amy comes in.

Nina Van Horn:
Hey, he can lick his own eyebrows!

Dennis Finch:
Here, let me see that. Hey, I've seen this dude in a movie. A movie with all dudes.

Nina Van Horn:
And why were you watching it?

Dennis Finch:
I test myself once a year. I was A-OK.

Dennis Finch:
I'd like to be that coffee mug, That way she would have her lips all over me.

Kevin Liotta:
I'd like to be that spoon, so that she could pick me up by my ankles and dip me in steaming hot coffee.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, Maya. Your brain is thicker than a milkshake but not nearly as delicious.

Kevin Liotta:
I have butterflies in my stomach.

Elliot DiMauro:
Kevin, that's just nerves.

Kevin Liotta:
No, they're real butterflies. Long story.

Elliot DiMauro:
I'd save that story for your second date.

Dennis Finch:
Are you game, baby? 'Cause I'm gamey, Amy.

Nina Van Horn:
Blush magazine is like an aquarium, where fish get together to put out a magazine.

Maya Gallo:
Listen, I have some stuff to do...

Nina Van Horn:
Just hear me out. Now in this aquarium, there are many, many different kinds of fish. There's the little goldfish like Finch; The huge octopus, which is Jack; the beautiful starfish, that would be yours truly; and the crusty barnacle, such as yourself.

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
Okay, you can be a sand worm. The point is, you bringing Amy was like bringing a black widow into our little aquarium.

Maya Gallo:
That's not even a fish!

Nina Van Horn:
Exactly! So what is she doing here?

Nina Van Horn:
Fire her, before she fires you.

Maya Gallo:
I don't think she can do that.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, she threw her soda can in the trash. Not the recycling bin, the trash.

Maya Gallo:
She is toast!

Maya Gallo:
I'd like to give you a parting gift, it's called advice. At your next job, stay quiet, do your work, and keep the balloons under the big top.

Jack Gallo:
[catches the guys looking at Amy] Need I remind you that this is a place of business? At least hold some work in front of you so that it looks like you're doing something. Buzz me if she takes off the jacket.

Elliot DiMauro:
You know, Kevin, I know a lot of women. I can hook you up.

Kevin Liotta:
Look, if this is a joke, it could end badly for you.

Elliot DiMauro:
No, I mean it. I can help you out.

Kevin Liotta:
We are talking about girls, right? I mean, you're not going to "helping me out."

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot I was standing in the office of Wimpy McDonothing, vice-president of being crapped on.

Nina Van Horn:
I know why you're not threatened by her. Her breasts are not bigger than yours. Well, she's young. They could still be growing.

Maya Gallo:
I remember my first boss. Mr. Finkle. He was quite a boss. We used to call him Mr. Stinkle.

Amy Watson:
Did he smell bad?

Maya Gallo:
No, that was the thing. He was completely odorless.

Kevin Liotta:
You pick the movie. Just nothing where the animals talk like people. That always freaks me out.

Nina Van Horn:
You think too much.

Maya Gallo:
That's my style.

Nina Van Horn:
Yeah, well, you've been trying the same style for fifteen years now. How's that working out?

Elliot DiMauro:
Did you ever have something happen to you that you knew was life changing?

Dennis Finch:
Umm... when I was six, I walked in on my grandma taking a shower.

Elliot DiMauro:
I meant something positive.

Dennis Finch:
That was positive. It taught me to knock.

Maya Gallo:
You made up a story to have sex with me!

Chris Williams:
Correction, we already had sex, then I made up a story, and then we had more sex, so there's this sort of murky middle ground.

Jack Gallo:
We have three pages to fill for next month. Suggestions.

Nina Van Horn:
How about something really sexy?

Jack Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
Well, I shouldn't have to do all the work.

Elliot DiMauro:
Why are you tormenting me?

Dennis Finch:
To prove to you that good never wins, evil wins.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's not true!

Dennis Finch:
Join us.

Elliot DiMauro:

Dennis Finch:
[makes devil horns] I'll make you immortal. Give you a fiddle of gold. Yes. Yes! Join the team!

Maya Gallo:
I'm not sure I know what to do.

Nina Van Horn:
Just follow my lead. It goes a little something like this. [Flirts with someone in the bar] It's all in the hips.

Maya Gallo:
But you were sitting down.

Nina Van Horn:
Not in my mind.

Maya Gallo:
What about that woman from Vogue?

Jack Gallo:
She wore a monocle. I can't have that here.

Jack Gallo:
You slept with Chris, didn't you?

Maya Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
That's all right. I slept with the girl with the monocle.

Jack Gallo:
Nina, how are the interviews for the new assistant going?

Nina Van Horn:
I'm just about to start.

Jack Gallo:
Good, I think I'll sit in.

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, I don't need your help choosing my own assistant.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, is that so? Let's look at some of your previous choices, shall we?

Nina Van Horn:
Okay, lets.

Jack Gallo:
Remember that pretty boy John Harder?

Nina Van Horn:
John Harder? No, his name was John Davis.

Jack Gallo:
Then how come I kept hearing you in your office shouting John Har - Oh. I guess that explains Billy Faster.

Nina Van Horn:
Brad, don't take this the wrong way, but you're not pretty enough to be this useless.

Dennis Finch:
Did someone just say nude?

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
I definitely heard the word nude.

Elliot DiMauro:
From the other side of the office?

Dennis Finch:
It's kind of a gift.

[c*cks his ear]

Dennis Finch:
G-string. Gotta go.

Jack Gallo:
A little magic never killed anybody... except for Houdini.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, I once posed for nude photos.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah, we've all seen your screensaver.

Nina Van Horn:
Finch, have you seen my worthless assistant?

Dennis Finch:
You mean Sucko the Magnificent? He's with Jack.

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
Yes, and I'll slit my throat if I hear one more "Ta-da!" followed by "Ha!"

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, we need to talk about Brad. He comes in late, he never does any work, he takes long lunches... be honest, Jack. Are you grooming him for my position?

Dennis Finch:
I think you're jealous of little Maya, of her vision, of her talent. Because maybe, just maybe, she's becoming the artist you wish you could be.

Maya Gallo:
You're not seeing the pictures.

Dennis Finch:

Elliot DiMauro:
Wake up, Maya! He wants to see you naked!

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
He wants a free peek!

Maya Gallo:
He does not!

Elliot DiMauro:
Is he gay?

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
Then he does.

Martin Spancer:
What has Greenberg captured here? The essence of a flower, or the point of view of an aggressively average thinker?

Dude, I'm right here!

Maya Gallo:
Have you seen my new intern?

Dennis Finch:
No. Maybe that's why I had to buy my own licorice.

Maya Gallo:
Dennis, he's not here to be your gofer, he's here to learn.

Dennis Finch:
Well, he can learn to kiss my tiny heinie.

Dean Cassidy:
Am I late? I took the express elevator and ended up on the roof.

Dennis Finch:
That's where they're having the genius convention.

Nina Van Horn:
I am dating a celebrity! I don't know why that's so fascinating to all of you! Any questions?

I am looking for Nina Van Horn.

Dennis Finch:
And you are?

The Amazing Zigmund! It's on my card.

Dennis Finch:
Dude, I don't have your card.

You do have my card. It's inside that banana.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, my God!

Thank you!

Dennis Finch:
Dude, I brought this from home!

Dennis Finch:
You should have seen it. This little blonde hottie was all boo-hoo, then she tripped on a mop and did a flippity-flop, and she fell on her fanny and I saw a little panty.

Jack Gallo:
Nina, have you met Pamela Anderson?

Pamela Anderson:
You're Nina Van Horn.

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, so? [Pamela slaps Nina]

Pamela Anderson:
I believe you know what that's for.

Nina Van Horn:
I do, and I believe you know what this is for.

[slaps Pamela]

Pamela Anderson:
No, I don't. What?

Nina Van Horn:
For slapping me.

Jack Gallo:
I'm the volunteer for the tiger trick.

Pamela Anderson:
No, you're not. I am.

Jack Gallo:
What? That's impossible!

Pamela, get ready for the tiger trick.

Jack Gallo:
That could mean anything.

Pamela Anderson:
Don't take it so hard. I'm just a bigger celebrity.

Jack Gallo:
I'm Jack Gallo, publisher of Blush magazine.

Pamela Anderson:
I'm the fantasy of every man in America.

Jack Gallo:
Not this man, honey. Now let's end this with a big, long hug.

You thought I was gay?

Nina Van Horn:
Well, of course.

I'm not gay, I'm British!

Nina Van Horn:
Our whole pretend relationship was based on a lie!

Pamela Anderson:
Ziggy, we're on.

Okay, I... just need to be focused.

Pamela Anderson:
Okay, just think of a hot, hunky guy.

Maya Gallo:
Where have you been?

Dean Cassidy:
I was waiting in line for your sandwich.

Maya Gallo:
[opens bag] What part of whole wheat don't you understand?

Dean Cassidy:
They were out, so I just assumed...

Maya Gallo:
Lesson number one: a good journalist doesn't assume.

Dennis Finch:
Lesson number two: have your dad own the magazine.

Dean Cassidy:
She is crazy!

Dennis Finch:
You know what they say. Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed.

Dean Cassidy:
How old are you?

Dennis Finch:
What are you doing? That's not his job.

Maya Gallo:
His job is whatever I tell him to do.

Dennis Finch:
[answers phone] Mistress Maya's House of Discipline.

Jack Gallo:
Our meetings have been a disorganized mess lately. So last night I wrote down ideas on how to improve them.

Dennis Finch:
Let me see. All it says here is the word "Ideas" and drawings of fighter planes blowing up Godzilla.

Jack Gallo:
Not bad, eh?

Nina Van Horn:
Sorry I'm late. I just had the most horrific experience.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, did Dorothy's house fall on you?

Nina Van Horn:
Back off, Munchkin.

Jack Gallo:
Will everyone please focus?

Dennis Finch:
Jack, your new Slushie machine is here.

Jack Gallo:
Meeting adjourned.

Nina Van Horn:
Dennis, is it worth cutting off a toe to fit into a really great pair of shoes?

Dennis Finch:
They make your legs look great.

Nina Van Horn:
Good bye, little piggy.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, my God! Carol Flankenship. Where can I hide?

Dennis Finch:
Quick, behind this pencil.

Nina Van Horn:
That woman is so obnoxious. Every other word out of her mouth is "delicious". "Oh, that coat looks delicious!" "Oh, that movie was delicious!" "Oh, look at the moon. Isn't it delicious?"

Elliot DiMauro:
[impatient] Where the hell is the Chinese food? Sorry. I'm starving. Please stop saying delicious.

Maya Gallo:
Get me a meeting with him. Today, if possible.

Dennis Finch:
That's not my job.

Maya Gallo:
What is your job?

Dennis Finch:
No one knows.

What kind of freak writes this?

Dennis Finch:
He's kind of a loner. Rides from town to town on a Harley. Running from a crime he didn't commit, but taking time out to keep the ladies happy.

It's you, isn't it?

Dennis Finch:

Dennis Finch:
You think I asked for this talent? I'ts a curse. You think Peter Parker wanted to be bitten by that radioactive spider?


Dennis Finch:
That's right. But being a superhero, he did his duty. And by the way, that guy wore spandex, which is way gayer than anything I'm doing.

Jack Gallo:
You know, Elliot, the lesson here is, the world is like one big Slurpee.

Elliot DiMauro:
Why is that?

Jack Gallo:
Well, we're all made of the same stuff - water, ice, some syrup. But no matter which color we are - red, yellow, brown - we are all equally delightful.

Elliot DiMauro:
But blue is the best.

Jack Gallo:
Well, yeah, blue is the best.

Carol Flankenship:
By the way, your purse is delicious.

Nina Van Horn:
[angrily tries to force it down her throat] Why don't you just eat it, then?

Dennis Finch:
Thank God you could make it.

Make it fast. I'm getting ready for a deposition.

Dennis Finch:
Calm down, you're not a real lawyer, you're a professional victim.

I have three days to nail down the symptoms of rabies. I won't get a nickel unless I'm foaming like the Jersey shore.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, for the last time, I'm not a lesbian.

Nina Van Horn:
Yeah, right. I've seen the way you walk by, shaking your tush. I know that's for me. Well, sorry, toots, but my bus doesn't stop there.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to. [walks over to two women at the bar]

[English accent] Hello, ladies. I'm Phil Collins.

Finch, you suck.

Dennis Finch:
You suck.

Well, guess what? My sister called and she said you have hands like a girl.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, well, she has b*obs like a boy.

Dennis Finch:
If word of this got around where I work, the teasing will not stop, and believe me, I have it coming.

Dennis Finch:
[Elliot has been talking to a Russian model] Dude, she's hot. You gonna Vladimir her Putin?

[Elliot leaves]

Dennis Finch:
Sorry, was I being too Volga?

Nina Van Horn:
Everyone, I want you to meet Tululah. We met at a rave. Well, actually, I was at the rave. She was outside shouting "I love you" at a mylar balloon.

Maya Gallo:
You can't exploit this poor woman.

Nina Van Horn:
She's not poor. She's a baroness. That's what it says on her cardboard crown.

Dennis Finch:
What are you doing?

Vicki Costa:
Don't worry, Finch. I'm not going to touch you. I'm just looking for the fear.

Dennis Finch:

Vicki Costa:
I find what you're most afraid of and then I strike.

Dennis Finch:
Do you have access to elves?

Vicki Costa:
He, he, he, he.

Dennis Finch:
Answer me!

You disgust me, and not in a good way.

Maya Gallo:
[thinking] I may have been too hard on Vicki. It may be good to have another woman in a position of authority, break the glass ceiling together... like the damn queen of the world! Why doesn't my dad love me?

Dennis Finch:
If I eat Count Chockula, a Ding Dong and a packet of sugar, will I blackout?

Vicki Costa:
[gives Dennis a foil swan] Here, we didn't finish dessert.

Dennis Finch:
How ironic. I was going to give you the bird.

Nina Van Horn:
Excuse me, has anyone seen my crazy person?

Dennis Finch:
I see your little game. You're all "I'm gonna get ya", and I'm all "Ooh, when's the axe gonna drop?" Well, guess what? There is no axe, 'cause you ain't got the onions, sistah!

Vicki Costa:
I may not have the onions, brother, but I made you cry. So ta-ta! Baby go to sleep now!

You all smell like robots.

Dick Clark:
If this doesn't come off by New Year's Eve, I will destroy you.

Jack Gallo:
Thanks to your monkey shines, I have been uninvited to the fishing trip, and the after party, and the omelet lunch. And I just bought a platinum wisk.

Oil is coming out of my nipples.

Dennis Finch:
You know what this is?

Jack Gallo:
The outside of the office you're supposed to be in?

Dennis Finch:
No, they're filming The Nomad.

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
The Nomad. It's a TV show. He travels from town to town solving crimes, armed only with his wits and the occasional help of a superintelligent raven.

Jack Gallo:
That sounds stupid.

Dennis Finch:
You sound stupid! I'm sorry. He's been through so much.

Jack Gallo:
I don't get that show. If he's a nomad, how does he get his mail?

Dennis Finch:
You know what? We don't need viewers like you.

Maya Gallo:
[About Elliot not voting] I used to have a boyfriend who felt that way. No, wait. That was Stalin.

Maya Gallo:
You know, nothing about that show makes sense. How do you lose an eye in a fire?

Jack Gallo:
Thank you!

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm serious. I can't vote because I've been to prison.

Maya Gallo:
Seriously? What happened? What did you do?

Elliot DiMauro:
I stole a car, took it for a joy ride.

Maya Gallo:
A car?

Elliot DiMauro:
I was nineteen. Oh, and it was a mail truck. I wanted to see how fast it would go. Not that fast.

Dennis Finch:
Elliot, I have a message for you. Oh, no. This is not for you, it's for a Mr. J.L Bird. Mr. Jai-L Bird.

Elliot DiMauro:
Who's he?

Dennis Finch:
A new guy. Oh, here it is. No, this isn't for you either. This is for a Grant F. Auto. Grand Theft-Auto.

Elliot DiMauro:

Dennis Finch:
Prisoner on the rampage! Lockdown! Lockdown!

Dennis Finch:
Paging Mr. Saul Itaryconfinement.

Dennis Finch:
He's like a god to me.

Jack Gallo:
You know, I'm sitting right here.

Robert Galatin:
Mother, could you get some ice?

Nina Van Horn:
And put it in a cocktail?

Nina Van Horn:
All I'm saying is what kind of rabbi wears a clip-on beard?

Jack Gallo:
Nina, may I be honest?

Nina Van Horn:
It's so hard to know ahead of time.

Nina Van Horn:
You're gonna love hotel living. If they decline your credit cards, just say you're with the band.

Dennis Finch:
[answering the phone] Morning, Blush. Underpaid phone monkey speaking.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, Maya, your friend Woody Allen is on his way up. Should I push back your 4:00 with Foghorn Leghorn?

Maya Gallo:
Haven't you ever wanted to have a deep intellectual conversation with someone other than Claudia Schiffer?

Dennis Finch:
David Copperfield. I wanna know how that windblown freak got Claudia Schiffer.

Nina Van Horn:
You know whose brain I've always wanted to pick? Gore Vidal.

Maya Gallo:
Wow, impressive. Gore Vidal.

Nina Van Horn:
Did I say Gore Vidal? I meant Vidal Sassoon.

Dennis Finch:
Maya Gallo, presenting the great Woody Allen.

Woody Allen:
Please, the great Woody will do fine.

Dennis Finch:
Also, Mark Twain called, can't make it for racquetball.

Woody Allen:
Maya, come have dinner with me. I know this place that's so trendy the waiters insult themselves.

Elliot DiMauro:
You should watch out, pal.

Woody Allen:
You better watch out... cause that's a nice shirt and I'm a bleeder.

Dennis Finch:
My dinner with Woody? What's next, my pedicure with Neil Simon?

Maya Gallo:
Very funny, but to quote the real Woody Allen, if you'll excuse me, I'm due back on Planet Earth.

Woody Allen:
I love it when women quote me.

Nina Van Horn:
Uh-oh. If these are my eye drops, then what did I give Jack?

[Jack screams]

Elliot DiMauro:
Minty fresh corneas?

Maya Gallo:
Woody, we need to talk.

Woody Allen:
Geez. That's what the guys at Orion said when they showed me the grosses for Zelig.

Woody Allen:
[talking to the camera] So that's how it ended. She was a great girl, maybe even the love of my life, but that's the way it goes.

Maya Gallo:
What are you doing?

Woody Allen:
I did see her one more time.

Dennis Finch:
Maya, Woody Allen again.

Maya Gallo:
Urgh! I told you not to call me until you got help!

Woody Allen:
[on phone] Uh, I'm holding for Maya Gallo.

Maya Gallo:
Preston, I know it's you! You don't even sound like Woody Allen anymore!

Woody Allen:
Preston? Who-who's Preston? This is Woody Allen. I just called to say that I read your piece and I think that you're a great writer.

[as Woody talks, Preston appears with a bouquet of flowers; Maya stands aghast as he sees him and realizes she has been talking to the real Woody Allen]

Woody Allen:
[a.k.a Preston] Hi.

Woody Allen:
Although, you know, not the best conversationalist.

Elliot DiMauro:
Got any gum?

Nina Van Horn:
I have some breath freshener. A lady's always prepared.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah, for a sobriety test.

Maya Gallo:
He has the heart of a philosopher.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah, in a jar on his desk.

Jack Gallo:
I can't wait to tell my wife I was just in the men's room with Woody Allen.

Woody Allen:
I can't wait to go home and change my shoes.

Woody Allen:
Nice kid. He's like the Von Trapp they left behind.

Maya Gallo:
[catches "Woody" spying through her window and screams] What are you doing?

Woody Allen:
At the moment, I'm having a major heart attack. I haven't heard screaming like that since I told Tony Roberts he couldn't be in Purple Rose of Cairo.

Woody Allen:
I know why you don't like me. You're an anti-semite. Why don't you go to your dark room and develop the master race?

[Dennis and Rhonda come out of the elevator after making out]

Jack Gallo:
We've been waiting for the elevator for twenty minutes.

Dennis Finch:
Only eighteen of that was foreplay.

Jack Gallo:
Do you know how I got rich?

Nina Van Horn:
Your parents exploited poor immigrant laborin sweatshops and left their blood money to you?

Jack Gallo:
Sure, that gave me a boost in the beginning...

Rhonda Ferrara:
So you're Chief Moneybuckets. You look like a couple handsful of fun. Let's say we undo some of those vest buttons and watch the raft inflate?

Jack Gallo:
[uneasy] She seems nice.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, I want you to find all the information you can on a Marjorie Moynihan.

Dennis Finch:
The maid? Dude, you can do better than that.

Jack Gallo:
Marjorie, Nina and I were involved in a petty competition, and we may have led you to believe that we care more about you than we actually do.

Marjorie Moynihan:
How much do you care about me?

Jack Gallo:
Very, very little.

Nina Van Horn:
Even less.

Maya Gallo:
Mike is so great. We met at a self-fulfilment seminar. It's so great to have someone who gets you.

Dennis Finch:
I know. It's like with me and Rhonda.

Maya Gallo:
The way he laughs, the way he kisses...

Dennis Finch:
The way she cuffs me, the way she doesn't leave bruises... [both sigh in unison]

Maya Gallo:
Rhonda, I know it's none of my business, but I want to ask you a personal question.

Rhonda Ferrara:
Yeah, it's pierced.

Jack Gallo:
What is that on your neck? Did you get branded?

Dennis Finch:
No. Rhonda heated up a belt buckle and gave me a little love burn.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, this woman, is she holding you against your will?

Dennis Finch:
No, we're cool.

Jack Gallo:
I see. She's watching us, isn't she? Blink three times if you want me to call the authorities.

Dennis Finch:
You know, I've met a lot of girls and some were filthy and some were dirty - but she was filthy AND dirty, she had it all.

Elliot DiMauro:
Jack, what are two words that sell magazines?

Jack Gallo:
Multiple orgasms.

Maya Gallo:
That's fried chicken. What are you doing?

Jack Gallo:
I've decided to take my new cholesterol medicine for a spin.

Maya Gallo:
But I thought your doctor to stay away from fatty food.

Jack Gallo:
My doctor says one thing, my butcher says another. Who are you going to believe?

Maya Gallo:
Don't you have a huge crush on her?

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, I deal with supermodels on a daily basis, and I can assure you... that I love her so much it hurts!

Dennis Finch:
How come nobody told me?

Red Finch:
What do you mean? I E-mailed you from the fire house almost every day.

Dennis Finch:
I didn't get... Oh, you're Big Flamer. You know what, I always delete those.

Red Finch:
Copy rooms. Little dark spaces jammed with paper and chemicals and electricity. Why don't they just write "Kaboom" on the door?

Hello, sugar cookie.

Tyra Banks:
What did you call me?

No, I meant...

Tyra Banks:
I am a person, not a little cheap piece of your eye candy! So to imply otherwise is an insult to my job, to me, and my gender!

But I...

Tyra Banks:
You know what, you just need to get lost!

[Pushes Persky away, notices the cookies on the desk]

Tyra Banks:
Mmm, sugar cookie.

Hey, chicken.

Red Finch:
What did you call me? The term is post-traumatic stress syndrome, not chicken, or sissy, or little foo-foo firehouse Quimby!

But I didn't mean...

Red Finch:
You think you're man enough to look in the eye of the orange beast? How dare you judge me? Who made you God?

[pushes Persky away; notices fried chicken on counter]

Red Finch:
Hey, chicken.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, dad.

Red Finch:
What the hell are you doing here?

Dennis Finch:
Sure, we'll join you.

Dennis Finch:
Why are you two holding hands? Why are you wearing the same clothes as last night?

Nina Van Horn:
Before you jump to any conclusions, there's a perfectly good explanation. Your father and I had sex.

Jack Gallo:
Nina. What's that crazy, mixed-up broad up to now?

Red Finch:
We're dating.

Jack Gallo:
Good for you. She's the best.

Red Finch:
I know what you're thinking, and you don't have to worry anymore. Mr. Van Horn and I are through running around like a couple of crazy teenagers.

Dennis Finch:
Thank God.

Nina Van Horn:
That's right. We're getting married.

Dennis Finch:

Red Finch:
Come on, Dennis. Give your stepmom a big hug.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, well, well. Red Finch back in town. Why didn't someone shout "man on the floor!"?

Dennis Finch:
Nina, get away from my dad!

Nina Van Horn:

Red Finch:
You want to know when was the last time me and you mother had relations?

Dennis Finch:
No, I don't.

Red Finch:
The day Johnny Carson said goodbye to America, your mother was a hot pool of need. We went at it like two rabbits.

Dennis Finch:
I was at home that night. We shared an afghan! Ugh!

Elliot DiMauro:
For God's sake, put that stun gun away before you kill someone.

Jack Gallo:
What makes you think I haven't already?

Dennis Finch:
He's not ready for someone like her. All his life my dad has only been with one woman. Nina's been with five.

Dennis Finch:
I can't believe you two... got together.

Red Finch:
Hey! One more crude comment like that and I'll throw you through a window.

Jack Gallo:
The Kid is not about "cute"! The Kid is about bullfights and bar fights and old fishermen and young whores!

[Dennis is in a catatonic state]

Red Finch:
There is only one thing that can snap him out of it. Dennis, your math tutor is here.

Dennis Finch:
Margie? Margie?

Red Finch:
Three bucks an hour, and all he did was stare at her bosom.

Jack Gallo:
Do you think Spider Man eats bugs?

Red Finch:
You're not too old for a spanking.

Nina Van Horn:
And I hope I never am.

Maya Gallo:
What are you bidding on?

Jack Gallo:
I don't know. An elephant tusk, a stuffed marlin...

Maya Gallo:
Something dead to spruce up the living room?

Jack Gallo:

Red Finch:
Open the door, or I'll break it down!

Nina Van Horn:
He's just like the Big Bad Wolf. Rowr!

Elliot DiMauro:
You know, the keys are over there on the desk.

Red Finch:
Oh, thanks.

Nina Van Horn:
[hits Elliot] Killjoy.

Dennis Finch:
I like Nina, a lot... in a carnival sideshow kind of way.

Dennis Finch:
Look at him. Thirty years of fighting fires, never once called in sick. Three days with Nina and he's eating through a tube.

Nina Van Horn:
[takes some pills a nurse brings in] Thank you. I needed that.

The Doctor:
Those aren't for you!

Nina Van Horn:
I'm sorry. What do I owe you?

The Doctor:
Are you on any other medication?

Nina Van Horn:
Of course.

The Doctor:
Which medication?

Nina Van Horn:
I'm going to need some paper, a pen, and a Spanish dictionary.

Dennis Finch:
You're not the first man Nina's put in the hospital. In fact, you're not the fourth.

Jack Gallo:
Elliot, come on in.

Elliot DiMauro:
If you don't mind, I prefer to stand here, where I'm two steps away from the first aid kit.

Red Finch:
Nina is like candied apples. Once a year at the harvest festival, ooh boy, what a treat. But you don't have one every day, certainly not three times a night.

Nina Van Horn:
Do you know how many times I've been married?

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:
Is there someplace we can find out, 'cause Binnie and I have sort of a bet.

Nina Van Horn:
Okay, I'm in a hotel room floor, I'm fully clothed and there are no empty orange vials.


Nina Van Horn:
This is a stumper.

This kinda rocks.

Nina Van Horn:
Yes it does. You know what would make it rock even more?

Prescription back medication?

Nina Van Horn:
That's it, I'm gonna cry.

You publish this magazine?

Dennis Finch:
When I'm not jumping my motorcycle over shark tanks.

[makes motorcycle noises]

You're dangerous. I like that.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, well, sometimes I dump a bucket of poison over my head just for laughs. Whatever.

Elliot DiMauro:
You know what I'm not going to do with this money? Spend it on my grammy.

Jack Gallo:
Yes, you will.

Elliot DiMauro:
She's got a hold on me, Jack.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't want anyone to know I'm a grandmother, so if anyone asks, you're a temp.

How about a model?

Nina Van Horn:
Good, just be sure to dumb down your vocabulary.


Nina Van Horn:


Nina Van Horn:
There you go.

Here's your drink, grandma.

Nina Van Horn:
You're a sweet child, but if you call me that again, I'm going to have to take a swing at you.

Nina Van Horn:
This is great. None of us is getting exactly what they want, and we all resent each other a little, just like a real family.

Jack Gallo:
I need help deciding what to give Maya for her birthday.

Elliot DiMauro:
You know what I give my grandma? A book of coupons. She can use it for things like lunches, checker dates, and free back rubs.

Jack Gallo:
How about instead of creepy grandma dollars, I just give her regular American dollars?

Elliot DiMauro:
You're judging me, aren't you?

Jack Gallo:
You rub your grandma.

Nina Van Horn:
Ah, you scored your first free drink in the big city. I'd better check it for poison.

[takes a sip]

Nina Van Horn:
Inconclusive. Further tests may be required.

Maya Gallo:
I wish you two would lay off this birthday stuff.

Elliot DiMauro:
I think I know what this is about, Maya. Thirty five is a hard birthday. When I turned thirty five, I ate and cried and ate and cried and ate and cried...

Maya Gallo:
My birthday is five months from now.

Elliot DiMauro:
That can't be right.

Maya Gallo:
Remember seven months ago when you proposed to me on my birthday and then you fainted and ruined my birthday? That was my birthday.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, yeah.

We're going to the zoo to see the new monkey house.

Monkeys blow.

Hey, they share ninety percent of our DNA. Does ninety percent of you blow too? Forget it, I don't wanna know.

Elliot DiMauro:
Just be grateful you're still thirty-four and not thirty-eight, like me. Wow. Thirty-eight. [picks up a donut] Hello, old friend.

Dennis Finch:
Maybe later I'll show you the somerpepper. It's like the somersault, but... you'll see.

Nina Van Horn:
Tess, you want to go places, try new things, and that's great. I did it at your age. But you have to draw the line somewhere, and this... [points at Dennis] This is the line.

Jack Gallo:
Nina, can I help you?

Dennis Finch:
No one can help her until she helps herself.

Nina Van Horn:
If you're suggesting that there's a similarity between my search for my parents and her search for me, I fail to see it.

Nina Van Horn:
All right, I'll see her. But she is getting Nina Van Horn, nothing more, nothing less. I can't just snap my fingers and become a mother.

Hi. I'm Chloe.

Nina Van Horn:
[tearfully] Baby girl!

Where is my father now?

Nina Van Horn:
No idea. Next.

What's his name?

Nina Van Horn:
Bob. No, Bill. No, Bruce. No, Ben. Pass. Next.

I guess that answers if you loved him.

Nina Van Horn:
Is there anything in that pad of yours about my favorite colors or plants I have smoked?

Nina Van Horn:
I'm ready to be in your life, whatever that may mean. I can be a confidant, a friend, even a mother. I'm ready for anything.

What's going on?

Tess, I want you to meet Nina.

Oh, hi, grandma.

[Nina faints]

Nina Van Horn:
Chloe. They told me her name is Chloe.

Maya Gallo:
That's a beautiful name.

Nina Van Horn:
I wanted to name her Fluffy. Until the last minute, I was hoping it would be a kitten.

Nina Van Horn:
Do I look like I've been drinking?

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
Well, I will in five minutes.

Nina Van Horn:
I slept with Mick Jagger.

Are you saying Mick Jagger is my father?

Nina Van Horn:
No, I was just bragging.

Nina Van Horn:
I couldn't take care of her. I was just a girl. I had no prospects, no education, no skills. Well, I could milk a cow with both feet, but that's nothing to build a future on.

Dennis Finch:
That thing about milking with your feet.

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
I know this is probably inappropriate and not the right time, but did you ever...

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:
Must you always hug after everything? Meeting's over - hug. Lunch is done - hug. We just finished hugging - let's hug.

Maya Gallo:
We're going to try something different, a little bit dangerous... involving you, me and Finch.

Dennis Finch:
I think I like where this is going.

Maya Gallo:
You be yourself, Finch will be Chloe.

Dennis Finch:
I don't like this.

Maya Gallo:
And I will be the spiritual guide.

Dennis Finch:
Like Yoda?

Maya Gallo:
If it helps you, yes.

Dennis Finch:
[imitates Yoda] Mmm, yes, help me it does.

Maya Gallo:
You don't want to meet her, not like this.

Jack Gallo:
Meet who?

Maya Gallo:
No one.

Dennis Finch:
Who, your bastard daughter? [Nina gasps and drops the bottle she's holding]

Dennis Finch:
Oh, my God! Did I guess it? I didn't know! I just guessed it, I got it!

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, I want you to go to my desk and bring me my biggest, pinkest pill.

Maya Gallo:
Got it.

Nina Van Horn:
It may look like a paperweight, but it's not.

[after Maya says something poetic to Nina]

Dennis Finch:
I know this moment is not supposed to be boring, but somehow she pulls it off.

Elliot DiMauro:
It's a gift. A gift that no one wants.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, what's that body part that sounds dirty but is not?

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:
Thank you.

Jack Gallo:
Rock stars are pathetic. They are always surrounded by fawning groupies and yes men who tell them what they want to hear. Am I right, Dennis?

Dennis Finch:
Of course, Chief. You've done it again.

Jack Gallo:
Everyone's so excited about this Simon Leeds. What's so great about him?

Dennis Finch:
The chunky girl from PR threw her panties at him.

Jack Gallo:
There was a time chunky girls from PR used to throw their panties at me.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, but they were called bloomers, and the Wright Brothers owned a bike shop.

Simon Leeds:
You are like two 25 year olds, or three 17 year olds, only better because we can fit in a small car.

Maya Gallo:
I wish I was old enough to have partied in the seventies.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't worry about it, Maya. We wouldn't have invited you anyway.

Dennis Finch:
Good morning, Vicki. [drops pencils] Oops, clumsy me.

Vicki Costa:
You are so childish. You did that on purpose so I can bend over while you watch.

Dennis Finch:
Did I? Or did I do it so I can bend over while you watch?

Nina Van Horn:
I can't stand Simon Leeds. In 1975 he spilled his Bloody Mary all over my one-of-a-kind white Halston dress.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, that was twenty years ago.

Nina Van Horn:
The fact is, he never apologized to me, or to David Bowie, who was wearing it at the time.

Jack Gallo:
The point is, I have let my image slip. I need something to spruce it up.

Dennis Finch:
How about a monocle? Like Colonel Klink.

Jack Gallo:
He was a Nazi!

Dennis Finch:
Not just any Nazi. America's favorite Nazi.

Maya Gallo:
May I make a suggestion? Don't sleep with him.

Nina Van Horn:
Not sleep with him? That's like telling Picasso not to paint, or you not to... What is it you do?

Maya Gallo:
I'm good at Scrabble.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't know what that is.

Dennis Finch:
You know what I do when a girl doesn't put out?

Maya Gallo:
You don't pay her?

Maya Gallo:
Can you believe this is Nina from "Nina in the Cantina"?

Dennis Finch:
Why not? It's not like the song is called "Nina in the Think Tank."

Nick Hewitt:
[looking at Maya's interview questions] Boring. That is boring. Oh, here's a new one: If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

Maya Gallo:
That was just in case the interview was in real trouble.

Nick Hewitt:
Well, in that case, ponderosa pine.

Dennis Finch:
You have a right to be mad. You know what I do when I feel mad? I smash something

[gently nudges the vase Jack made him]

Dennis Finch:
Go for it.

[Elliot smashes a porcelain cat next to the vase]

Dennis Finch:
No! Not my porcelain cat!

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm sorry. I'll replace it.

Dennis Finch:
It? It had a name! Oh, Skittles.

Nick Hewitt:
I don't consider myself a dreamer so much as a man who dreams.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, your mascara is running.

Nina Van Horn:
You see what happens when you don't test this stuff on animals? That's it, I'm buying a rabbit.

Elliot DiMauro:
What you got there?

Dennis Finch:
The new Annie Leibowitz coffee table book.

Elliot DiMauro:
[puts coffee mug on book] Hey, look. It works.

Dennis Finch:
I seem to have struck a nerve.

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm sorry. Annie Leibowitz is a first-rate photographer, even if her work's not that avant-garde. I have been working with body paints for years, and nobody notices. She puts pinstripes on Demi Moore and boom!, everybody goes nuts. Whatever.


Dennis Finch:
Best fifty-three bucks I ever spent.

[tosses book in trash]

[Jack has made an ugly vase, and wants Dennis to keep it on his desk]

Jack Gallo:
I want people to see that underneath this business suit lies the soul of an artist. Can you believe that was inside me all this years?

Dennis Finch:
That's what it looks like.

Maya Gallo:
I have more.

Nick Hewitt:
Let me guess. "Were you the first to wear leather trousers, Nick?" "Are you reuniting the band, Nick?" "What does pigeon blood taste like, Nick?" Well, yes, no, and chicken.

Maya Gallo:
I thought Nina was Nina in the cantina.

Nick Hewitt:
No, Twiggy is Nina.

Maya Gallo:
Then why is her name in the song?

Nick Hewitt:
Well, it was the only name that rhymed with cantina.

Maya Gallo:
What about Deena? Gina? Xena?

Nick Hewitt:
That's impressive.

Industry Type:
Nick! You old dog!

Nick Hewitt:
Hello, gorgeous!

Industry Type:
Look who I brought with me.

Nick Hewitt:
Hello, gorgeous!

Industry Type:
We'll see you in London.

Nick Hewitt:
Love to, I'll give you a ring-ting-ting-ting-a-ling.

Maya Gallo:
Who were they?

Nick Hewitt:
Haven't a bloody clue.

Nina Van Horn:
Did someone mention my affair with a certain famous rock star? My ears were burning.

Dennis Finch:
That's the hair dye.

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm going to out-Leibowitz Leibowitz. Get this: the angry man of rock and roll as the Incredible Hulk. Green body paint, torn clothes, running amok through the diamond district. What do you think?

Maya Gallo:
It's cute.

Elliot DiMauro:
Cute. That's good. Like a bunny.

Maya Gallo:
No, I mean...

Elliot DiMauro:
[Angry] Like a bunny!

Maya Gallo:
Nina, you have something in your teeth.

Nina Van Horn:
Damn! The one day I eat.

Maya Gallo:
Come on! Hot model! Mazatlan! 1973! How could you not remember?

Nick Hewitt:
I don't even remember how I got here.

Nina Van Horn:
I can't believe I'm not Nina in the Cantina.

Maya Gallo:
Big deal. You're Nina Van Horn, and that's better. You're a beautiful, interesting woman, and you don't need an idiotic song to prove that you're special.

Nina Van Horn:
You're right. Besides, I'm still James Brown's Super Freak.

Jack Gallo:
Allie took me to this place in the mall where you can make your own pottery. It's like an artist colony.

Dennis Finch:
Next to The Gap.

Elliot DiMauro:
This shot is breakthrough! This is going to win awards!

Nick Hewitt:
Why not? This same shot worked for Annie Leibowitz. [Turns to sumo wrestler] You remember that, Marcel?

Nina Van Horn:
[about her bikini poster] They put up a billboard over the Holland Tunnel. 40 plus accidents in the first three months alone. You can't imagine how validating that is.

Dennis Finch:
Nina, you got more faxes from fawning idiots.

Nina Van Horn:
It makes me so happy to realize I have touched so many people.

Dennis Finch:
Mardi Gras alone must have thrown you into the triple digits.

Maya Gallo:
I am officially out of control. See this drink? I didn't pay for it. Just took it and ran.

Dennis Finch:
Ooh! It's an open bar.

Maya Gallo:
And I suppose these postcards are complimentary?

Dennis Finch:

Maya Gallo:
Well, guess who has a salt shaker down their pants?

Dennis Finch:
That's just a rumor. It's all me, baby.

Nina Van Horn:
Imagine, my bikini will be hanging in the Model Cafe for centuries to come.

Dennis Finch:
Centuries? In six months that place will be a Chuck E. Cheese.

Nina Van Horn:
I demand to know who owns this place!

Leo Kesler:
Oh, come on. You've seen the ads. A bunch of supermodels.

Nina Van Horn:

Leo Kesler:
Two Israeli guys who scare me.

Jack Gallo:
[pointing at a photo of a male model] You see that photo? I want to make me look just like that.

Elliot DiMauro:
[skeptical] Okay.

Jack Gallo:
No, I mean it, and I am willing to do whatever it takes. I'll go to the gym, toss the old medicine ball around, take a steam ba... Hey, cheese sticks!

Dennis Finch:
I have a bit of juicy gossip for you. You know how Baxter from accounting did a low-budget art film last summer? Turns out Art was his co-star.

Maya Gallo:
Judging from the movements of the staff and according to my calculations, we have to be in and out of here in less than... one hour and twelve minutes.

Dennis Finch:
Damn it, Red Leader, that not enough time! We'll have to skip ouur nap and go right to the theft.

Nina Van Horn:
I made sacrifice after sacrifice, and what did I get?

Dennis Finch:
I don't know... Money, fame...

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, please. What I didn't put up my nose I invested in a peanut-powered lawnmower.

Elliot DiMauro:
Where did she get a ridiculous idea like that?

Jack Gallo:
Letters from the publisher. I gotta start reading those.

Nina Van Horn:
You have made a big mistake!

Maya Gallo:
I'll say. It says here she died in 1972.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, please! That was only for two minutes. I'm obviously fine.

Nina Van Horn:
Please, I don't need your pity.

Dennis Finch:
I'm not giving you pity. I just feel sorry for you.

Maya Gallo:
I don't care what some dumb Blush quiz says. I'm not unadventurous.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, look at your score. You're two points away from "sleepy librarian".

Maya Gallo:
What leopard print bikini?

Elliot DiMauro:
The one Nina wore on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

Maya Gallo:
When was that?

Dennis Finch:
Let's see, Coolidge was in the White House...

Elliot DiMauro:
Staple some underwear on the walls, and suddenly you can charge twenty bucks for a hamburger. What kind of idiot would fall for this?

Dennis Finch:
Woo! This place is happenin'!

Hello, my dear, dear friends. Although your names elude me, your presence is no less important.

Who do you have to kill to get a drink around here?

I have an idea.

Hello, and welcome to Wallyphone. If you are Maya and have a great excuse for blowing me off, press one. If you don't have an excuse, press two.

Wally, I'm sorry.

For a selection of excuses available in your area, press three.

Please forgive me.

You have selected begging for mercy.

[Nina is late for a meeting and is unapologetic]

I was having sex with a man almost half my age! And you know who I have to thank for it?

The man who invented chloroform?

Nina Van Horn the supermodel? That's the Nina you've been bitching about? Oh, my God! In junior high, I would stare at her bikini poster every night, sometimes twice a night.

Dennis Finch:
I think what the gang is trying to say is that if you were a musical instrument, you would be the snoozeolin.

Whoa, back up! You lived with Andy Warhol?

Well, not exactly lived. I spent three days chained to his radiator. Performance art my foot.

Finch, the copier's not working.

Maybe the dark cloud over your head shorted it out.

Jack Gallo:
There was this guy at the Times who hated my guts for no reason. Wait, I may have slept with his girlfriend. He used to take pot shots at me during editorial meetings. But did I hit back?

No, you charmed him to your side.

Jack Gallo:
That's right. He became my biggest supporter. He even gave me five grand to start this magazine. You know what happened the day I was to pay him back? He dropped dead. Pure profit, Maya.

What are you guys doing?

Dennis Finch:
We're pointing out women we'd like to sleep with.

Oh, I thought we were pointing out women we already slept with.

Dennis Finch:
I don't wanna play anymore.

So what, Nina? You're still young.

Maybe for a senator. A model is over the hill at twenty-eight. What does that make me?

A legend.

No, no. Invisible. Twenty years ago, I couldn't walk into a restaurant without every man in the room wanting me. Now the only way I can get a reaction is by dressing like an extra from Shogun.

I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole sandwich.

Hey, Jack, can I play with your laser pointer?

Jack Gallo:
No, I traded it in for a whistle that only birds can hear. [blows whistle] I don't know. I guess I'm a sucker for nature. [bird slams into window]

Let's hear from someone who has an attention span longer than five seconds. Elliot?


Dennis Finch:
Five bucks if he sniffs at least two bagels.

Elliot DiMauro:
Why would he sniff a bagel?

Dennis Finch:
Dude, I don't know. Why does he rub the faxes on his face? Do you want to bet?

Maya Gallo:
Nina, is that delivery guy still here? I have something for him.

[runs into Nina making out with the delivery guy]

Maya Gallo:
And apparently, so do you.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, what were you thinking, helping an escaped killer?

Nina Van Horn:
He's not a killer! Good God, Maya! What do you think of me? Murder isn't sexy. Now robbing a bank... Grrrr!

[door knocks] Oh, crap! It's the police.

Nina Van Horn:
It's not the police.

This is the FBI.

Nina Van Horn:
See? I told you.

Your friend Binnie sounds like quite a character. When you said she has Grace Kelly's nose, I assumed you meant there was some resemblance.

Come with me.

Nina Van Horn:

I don't know, Mexico.

Nina Van Horn:
No, I can't go to Mexico.

Why not?

Nina Van Horn:
They won't let me in anymore.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, could you get me some water?

Dennis Finch:
Why? Someone have a bet on how many tugs it takes me to open the refrigerator door?

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, are the new bagels in yet?

Dennis Finch:
In the kitchen.

Jack Gallo:
May I have one?

Dennis Finch:
I don't see why not.

Jack Gallo:
Is there anything I can do for you while I'm up?

Dennis Finch:
You could lose the attitude.

Elliot DiMauro:
Remind me never to eat the bagels.

Dennis Finch:
Or drink the apple juice.

Elliot DiMauro:
The apple...

Dennis Finch:
You don't wanna know.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, may I give you a piece of advice?

Nina Van Horn:
No, thank you.

Maya Gallo:
You always seem to make bad decisions when it comes to men.

Nina Van Horn:
Please. I'll have you know most of my marriages have ended in death.

Nina Van Horn:
You always talk about how superficial I am. You look at Roy and all you see is a criminal, whereas I see him as he really is, handsome and sexy and gorgeous and rugged.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're betting on me now? I thought we were betting on him.

Dennis Finch:
I go where the action takes me, dude.

Jack Gallo:
Ha! There it is! Pay up.

Elliot DiMauro:
Damn it.

Dennis Finch:
What is this?

Elliot DiMauro:
I bet Jack you wouldn't say "dude" in the next fifteen minutes.

Jack Gallo:
But you came through like the predictable little monkey you are, "dude".

Dennis Finch:
I only say it because I can't remember your names.

Hello, I'm Special Agent Justin.

Nina Van Horn:
My, somebody has a high opinion of himself.

Maya Gallo:
Wait a minute! You're dating an escaped convict and the cop tracking him down?

Nina Van Horn:
I know it's wrong, Maya. I never date two men at the same time, with the notable exception of the Amazing Ching Brothers who were joined at the hip. But I only loved the one on the right.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, don't you see what's happening? You are faced with the most basic decision: Good versus evil. Now it really can't be that hard. Good... versus evil. What do you choose?

Nina Van Horn:
I know from the tone of your voice that the answer must be obvious.

Any idea where he might have gone?

Nina Van Horn:
Not Mexico, that's for sure.

How do you know that?

Nina Van Horn:
He likes tap water. That's all he ever talks about.

Nina Van Horn:
I've made a list of their pros and cons.

Maya Gallo:
Roy *is* a con!

Nina Van Horn:
I know. I have that written here.

Jack Gallo:
My nose itches.

Elliot DiMauro:
So scratch it.

Jack Gallo:
You'd like that, wouldn't you?

I promised myself I wouldn't eat until I captured Roy; but then again, you say a lot of things when you're full of French toast.

Maya Gallo:
That was not what it looked like.

Dennis Finch:
Good, 'cause it looked like you were making out with your grandpa.

Tom Youngerman:
Did you ever play Pebble Beach?

Jack Gallo:
Just the first eight holes, then I sliced a shot and threw my bag into the Pacific.

Tom Youngerman:
Didn't see my putter there, by any chance?

Nina Van Horn:
Nina Van Horn, drug free since '83. Well, '93.

Elliot DiMauro:
Try 10:03.

Elliot DiMauro:
He's too old for you.

Maya Gallo:
Based on what?

Elliot DiMauro:
Based on the number of times the Earth has orbited the sun since he was born.

Dennis Finch:
Let's try a little word association. Here goes. Boring.

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Outside-of-job responsibilities.

Jack Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
Ally has her hand caught in the VCR. Also, Hannah is crying.

Maya Gallo:
Of course. You'd cry too if you realized you're smarter than your mother.

Elliot DiMauro:
I know when you're lying. Your artificial septum emits a high-pitched whistle.

Jack Gallo:
What did you find out?

Dennis Finch:
Well, I found out that you can rent out a Malaysian hooker for $60 an hour. $50 if you make her laugh.

Jack Gallo:
No, about Maya's boyfriend.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, that's why I logged on.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're thirty, he's sixty. Think about it. When you're forty, he'll be seventy. When you're fifty...

Jack Gallo:
I know, he'll be eigthy.

Elliot DiMauro:
No, he'll dump you for someone who's thirty.

Maya Gallo:
Hey, What's with the outfit?

We're doing a Lover's Lane shoot.

Jack Gallo:
Based on your idea, Maya. Women in the Fifties.

Maya Gallo:
No, my idea was for a story on women in their fifties.

Jack Gallo:
Well, that's just distasteful.

Jack Gallo:
What's wrong with her? She has no interest in men. It's like she's throwing in the towel.

Nina Van Horn:
Yeah, into the women's locker room.

Jack Gallo:
What does that mean?

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying she's a lesbian.

Jack Gallo:
A notion just popped into my head. Pop, apropos of nothing. What do you say when I say "dating service"?

Maya Gallo:
That is a great idea.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, thank God.

Maya Gallo:
It can be a series of articles on how they're a good solution for the business professional, how it doesn't have the same stigma that it used to have...

Nina Van Horn:
No, no, no, dear. We mean a dating service for you.

Maya Gallo:
Me? Those things are for losers!

Maya Gallo:
Elliot, what was the name of that restaurant in France that you loved so much?

Elliot DiMauro:
Le... Something.

Jack Gallo:
Carl is not a bad guy, but I just don't think he's the one.

Nina Van Horn:
I mean, think about it. A bird in the hand is worth two if by sea.

Jack Gallo:
I don't know. He's not much of a go-getter. He's more of a sitter-arounder and reader-too-mucher.

Nina Van Horn:
How come she gets two weeks vacation and I only get one?

Jack Gallo:
Because last year you took 87 personal days.

Jack Gallo:
Ah, France. You'll love it. The quaint villages, the friendly people... Don't tell them you're a quarter Jewish.

Maya Gallo:
How would you like it if people were staring at you all day?

Nina Van Horn:
Like it? Why do you think I dress this way? Do you realize my bottom is completely numb?

Maya Gallo:
I promise I will get you something amazing.

Dennis Finch:
Yes, you will. You will go to a dark shop at Rue de St. Jacques at Marseilles. You will give this note to a man named Bobo. He will give you a package. You will not open it, you will not get it wet.

Maya Gallo:
Couldn't I just get you some cheese?

Dennis Finch:
Oh, it is cheese. It's amazing.

Jack Gallo:
And I am Jack Gallo, Maya's father.

Oh, then I guess I should have brought a pig. You see, I'm a student of world cultures, and in the Solomon Islands it is customary to offer the father a pig. Or two pigs depending on the quality of the woman. I'm sure Maya's a 28-pig woman, but if it doesn't work out, I guess I owe you a goat.

Nina Van Horn:
He's perfect for her.

Dennis Finch:
Question one: You take Maya to a restaurant. The waiter accidentally spills wine on her blouse. What do you do?

Apologize for choosing the restaurant, then spill wine on myself as a show of unity.

Dennis Finch:
Question two: You take Maya to a play, but once you get there, you discover there is nudity, but it's tastefully done, story related. What do you do?

Apologize for choosing the play, if she decides to stay, I use my body language to make it clear to her that I'm in no way aroused.

Dennis Finch:
What's your favorite Sondheim musical?

I'm going to surprise you. Passions.

Dennis Finch:
Okay, we're done here.

Can I rethink my answer to the first question?

Dennis Finch:

Elliot DiMauro:
There you go, twisting my words against me. See, this is why men don't share their feelings. Women remember.

[Finch's father thinks he's gay, and he's trying to convince him that he's not]

Red Finch:
I'm sorry I missed all those signs when you were growing up.

Dennis Finch:
What signs?

Red Finch:
That "special relationship" you had with that effeminate guy Kelly.

Dennis Finch:
Kelly was a girl!

Red Finch:
Wearing a baseball cap? I don't think so. And what about that time you fell off the roof? Ah, you screamed like a baby.

Dennis Finch:
I was 5! I landed on a rake, I split my head open! They said I'm lucky to be alive!

Red Finch:
Okay, okay, don't throw a hissy fit!

[Finch's father thinks he's gay, and he's trying to convince him he's not. Elliot walks by]

Dennis Finch:
Do me a favor, please explain to my dad that I'm not gay?

Elliot DiMauro:
You are so cute when you try to act butch.

[grabs Dennis and kisses him]

Dennis Finch:
I come from a long line of firemen. My grandpa, two uncles, both my brothers.

Maya Gallo:
So you're the only one in your family who's not a fireman.

Elliot DiMauro:
There's a rule that your legs have to be thicker than the hose.

Dennis Finch:
Actually, he's right.

Nina Van Horn:
I have a fire that needs putting out, if you know what I mean.

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:
It's a five alarm fire, if you catch my drift.

Elliot DiMauro:
Good God, Nina, the potted plants caught your drift.

Dennis Finch:
You don't know what control is. My dad once ordered me kill our Thanksgiving turkey.

Maya Gallo:
You had to kill your own turkey?

Dennis Finch:
Well, I tried to, but it made like an angry noise, and when I came to, it was gone, along with a sizable chunk of my hair.

Dennis Finch:
Dad, I'm not gay! Is this because I look like Ellen?

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, look at this old photo of us I found in some old boxes. Look at how ridiculous we look. That hair, that blouse, and for God's sake, that hemline... can you believe people used to dress like that back then?

Jack Gallo:
Nina, this was last month.

Nina Van Horn:
Such innocence. Do you think there will ever come a day when I look back at what I'm wearing today and laugh?

Jack Gallo:
Yeah, Thursday.

Hey, Dennis. There's some guy downstairs with an ax looking for you.

Dennis Finch:
Is he a tall, greasy guy with "Mayhem" tattooed on his neck screaming about how I stole his girlfriend?

No. Big, older man.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, hell! It's my dad.

Red Finch:
[carrying an ax] Guess what they're handing out at the convention center?

Dennis Finch:
Let me guess, axes?

Red Finch:
You always were the wise one. Here, it's yours. [hands Dennis the ax]

Dennis Finch:
Thanks. This will come in handy never.

Guy with Tattoo:
[comes out of elevator] Where's Dennis Finch?

Dennis Finch:
Over here.

Guy with Tattoo:
[seeing the ax] Never mind.

Nina Van Horn:
So your father is having dinner at your place?

Maya Gallo:
How did you know?

Nina Van Horn:
He borrowed my pepper spray.

[sees a bowl of fruit] Hey, fruit.

Red Finch:
[grabs Pesky by the lapels] Hey, hey, hey! Listen, you homophobe! The term is gay. Gay, do you understand? Gay! Not fruit, or fairy, or salad shooter.

But I was...

Red Finch:
We don't need your hate crimes around here! Who made you God, huh?

[tosses Pesky aside; sees bowl of fruit]

Red Finch:
Hey, fruit.

Maya Gallo:
Dad, you're being a snob.

Jack Gallo:
A snob? Maya, your great-grandfather used to wake up at the crack of dawn to deliver milk around this city in a horse-drawn wagon.

Maya Gallo:
Your grandfather was a milkman?

Jack Gallo:
No, he was clinically insane... exactly the kind of person I want to protect you from.

Maya Gallo:
Thanks for letting me borrow your furniture, Mrs. Boukidis. My dad's coming over for dinner, and I...

Mrs. Boukidis:
I know, you don't want your dad to think the neighborhood's gone down the crapper. Me, I'm an optimist. There must be eight hundred heads in New York, only four ended up in our dumpster.

Dennis Finch:
Why would anyone think I'm gay?

Red Finch:
[Waiter arrives] Finally. Boilermaker, boilermaker, boilermaker...

Dennis Finch:
Sea breeze.

Jack Gallo:
How about a drink?

Red Finch:
Scotch, Jack?

Jack Gallo:
Johnny Walker, Red?

Simon Leeds:
I'm taking you to Maine for lunch. There's this place there that serves genuine New York style pizza.

Lily Barton:
I get it, you memorized an article I did for a magazine 30 years ago.

Dennis Finch:
You got me.

Lily Barton:
Let me guess... you live alone, you're into sci-fi, and you like cats.

Dennis Finch:
See? I know you, you know me...

Lily Barton:
Elliot, I think your photos are disgusting and deeply disturbing.

Elliot DiMauro:
But you'll show them, right?

Lily Barton:
Oh, God, yes. This kind of crap sells.

Jack Gallo:
Simon told me that Nina snores.

Nina Van Horn:
Simon is telling things about me? I don't think I like that.

Jack Gallo:
He says she's louder than a concert at Wembley.

Dennis Finch:
Only much easier to get into.

Sorry, but she deserves to be with a real man.

Dennis Finch:
No, she doesn't, she deserves to be with me.

Nina Van Horn:
So sorry I'm late. My friend Binnie and I had a huge fight. Her new fiancee moved into the apartment, and suddenly there are rules about smoking next to his oxygen tent.

Dennis Finch:
Poor Maya. Once again you've embarrassed yourself.

[puts feet on table, has on fuzzy slippers]

Maya Gallo:
What's with the slippers?

Dennis Finch:
Calm down. They're not real fur.

Maya Gallo:
There's Elliot's cover girl. Gosh, I bet she's bright. "Hello, I'm a skinny model. Do you like my purse? It's smarter than I am."

Dennis Finch:
[funny voice] "Hi there, Finch. Can you give me a spanking?" Wait, what are we playing?

Jack Gallo:
[working on a crossword] Four letters. Ancient Yucatan inhabitant.


Maya Gallo:
Please, I'm thinking.

No, that's the answer. An ancient Yucatan inhabitant is a Maya.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, my God! That's your own name, and you didn't get it!

Dennis Finch:
I've been between apartments ever since my wife passed away.

Nina Van Horn:
She's not dead.

Dennis Finch:
It's a coping strategy, my doctor said it's fine!

Maya Gallo:
I have an idea. Sex and the internet.

Jack Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
Recent appellate court decisions...

Jack Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
She's a model, isn't she?

Elliot DiMauro:
I don't think it's really any of your business.

Maya Gallo:
So it is a model. She must be from this month's issue, because you've dated all the old ones. Let's see, could it be page 24? Or page 48?

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, it's embarrassing. Just close the magazine.

Maya Gallo:
I'm sorry.

[closes magazine]

Elliot DiMauro:
[points at cover] It's her.

Nina Van Horn:
[looking at a naked Dennis] It's like looking at a young Nadia Comaneci.

Elliot DiMauro:
You'll be happy to hear that Kaylene broke up with me. So run off and alphabetize your CDs, or whatever you do to celebrate.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, I'm going to treat you differently from now on.

Dennis Finch:
Me too.

Nina Van Horn:
Except during the day, when I'll continue to make fun of your puny physique and how you never get any sex.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. And don't expect me to ease up on the jokes on your sluttiness and, you know, glug-glug-glug.

Why don't you go out with him? Take your own advise.

Maya Gallo:
You have a pen stuck up your nose.

Do I? [takes half of pen out of nose] Or is this just a great way to meet women?

Maya Gallo:
Quick, quick! Channel six, fast.

Jack Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
My blind date is on. I want to see what he looks like.

Charlton Heston:
Hello, I'm Charlton Heston. Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun.

Jack Gallo:
Maya, no!

Maya Gallo:
No, no! Channel six.

Jack Gallo:
You're reading too much into this, Maya. They're just puppets. Except the one with the monocle. He really burns my ass.

Nina Van Horn:
You know how everyone says that to plan for the future you should make a sound financial investment? Well, I've taken the plunge.

Elliot DiMauro:
Great. Is it that mutual fund I told you about?

Nina Van Horn:
Better. A trendy new nightclub.

Dennis Finch:
Shrewd plan. But for safety's sake, you should take some of that money and throw it off a plane.

[Jack and Elliot are watching Brian's Song]

Jack Gallo:
This is without question the greatest guy movie ever made.

Dennis Finch:
Ooh, Footloose.

By the way, I like your outfit.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, it's real giraffe. My friend Binnie accidentally ran it over at a party in Michael Jackson's ranch.

Jack Gallo:
The wolf should get more camera time. He's like a young Pacino.

Dennis Finch:
You couldn't pay me enough to do that job. Here, Jack. I finished shaving the lint off your floor mats.

Nina Van Horn:
I have good news.

Dennis Finch:
They delivered the bleachers for your bedroom?

Nina Van Horn:
At least in my bedroom it's not a one-man show.

Jack Gallo:
When you meet this guy, ask him why Mr. Mayor wears glasses and a monocle. It really bothers Hannah.

How did you wind up at Blush?

Maya Gallo:
It's a really inspiring story. Studied hard, went to college, paid my dues... got job from daddy.

Maya Gallo:
Why puppets?

I was obsessed with Sesame Street... in college.

Maya Gallo:

Don't laugh. You'd be surprised how much sense Cookie Monster makes when you're stoned.

Maya Gallo:
While Oscar the Grouch just makes you paranoid.

Yeah. And Big Bird, he looks delicious.

Elliot DiMauro:
Hi. I'm Elliot DiMauro.

Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.

Elliot DiMauro:
All good, I hope.

Yes, except about the part about you wishing you were a woman.

Dennis Finch:
[after a veiled reference to Maya on Steven's show] I can't wait to see the show after you two have sex.

Dennis Finch:
Told you that club was a bad investment.

Nina Van Horn:
You know what's a bad investment? Letting your money sit in a bank while your dreams go unfulfilled. Well, maybe it didn't turn out like I planned, but I got on that merry-go-round and reached for that brass ring, and for one brief, shining, fiery moment, I was dazzling!

Dennis Finch:
No insurance?

Nina Van Horn:
[crying] Not a dime!

Maya Gallo:
Is he saying what I think he's saying?

Dennis Finch:
Don't worry. He just wants to nail Nina.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, that is so sweet! I really needed that today.

Elliot DiMauro:
So, does this obnoxious place have a name?

Nina Van Horn:
No. No name, no sign, no one will be able to find it. So, intrigued?

[as Ms. Panda] I'm sorry I was late.

[as Mr. Mayor] That's okay, Ms. Panda. I bought a present for you anyway.

[as Ms. Panda] Ooh, a shiny gold watch!

[as Mr. Mayor] Yes, now you won't be late again. Because when you're late, you make people wait, and that is no way to start a date. There is nothing more than I hate, hate, hate!

[as Maya beats him up] You can't hurt me! The Mayor likes it rough!

Elliot DiMauro:
How are you doing? Everyone's concerned out there.

Maya Gallo:
You mean everyone's laughing at me.

Elliot DiMauro:
Not to your face, and that should count for something.

This doesn't bother you, does it? Her passed out right next to you like that?

Nina Van Horn:
Please. I toured with the Stones in '71.

Jack Gallo:
[looking at Elliot's photos] Oh, look at that woman's face. You can see life's brought her nothing but disappointment.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's my mother.

Jack Gallo:
Surely you saved some money.

Nina Van Horn:
I'm a former model with an addictive personality in a fish suit. What do you think?

Maya Gallo:
Can I ask you a difficult question?

Probably. You are really smart.

Let's see how far you can roll up that sleeve. Otherwise you'll have to take off your blouse.

Maya Gallo:
How's this?

Good. Looks like you get to keep your shirt on.

Dennis Finch:
[coming out of his hiding place] Boo. I'm outta here. Boring PG-13 blood drive.

She is a writer?

Maya Gallo:
I'm not even sure she's a reader. But she's cute and looks good in shorts, and in my dad's world that gets you a Pulitzer.

Maya Gallo:
Do you do these often?

Sometimes, but mostly I work at the children's clinic. This is quite a change of pace.

[waves hand in front of Maya's face]

Look at the choo-choo! Look at the choo-choo!

Maya Gallo:
[notices Finch has put shaving cream around her mouth] What the hell?

Dennis Finch:
Oh, Cujo, you can't be our family dog anymore.

So what do you do around here?

Nina Van Horn:
I'm the fashion editor.

Oh, so you decide what's in and what's out?

Nina Van Horn:
That's right. It's like the world is my high school.

Maya, I want to thank you for organizing this blood drive. How did you get so many people to sign up?

Maya Gallo:
We had a margarita party the night before, and nobody knew what they were signing.

You better calm down. You dont want that blood to rush too fast.

Jack Gallo:
Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Although I don't remember eating any breakfast this morgle...


You were trying to sneak people into a sold out show. I just thank God it was the mature audience of a costume drama, otherwise this could have erupted into pandemonium. I've seen it happen.

Jack Gallo:
[giving Elliot a card] Come and see me sometime.

Elliot DiMauro:
[reads card] "Tiger Lily Oriental Massage."

Jack Gallo:
Sorry, wrong card.

Elliot DiMauro:
Imagine, you walking right by this afternoon. What are the odds?

Jack Gallo:
Pretty good. I keep a mistress in this building.

I gotta tell you, Blush is my favorite magazine. That and Playgirl. Man, I love naked men!

Dennis Finch:
Hey, dude. That nurse is going to tell you to look at an airplane. There is no airplane.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, well who needs your stupid job anyway?

Jack Gallo:
You do, don't you?

Dennis Finch:

You didn't put down you blood type.

Jack Gallo:
B-positive. That's my motto, that's my blood type. Same as Maya.

Maya Gallo:
I'm B-negative.

Elliot DiMauro:
There are hundreds of people who would give their eye teeth to spend a day with me.

Maya Gallo:
Like who, your mother?

Elliot DiMauro:
For one, yes!

Maya Gallo:
Every day I wonder how I let you be on top of me.

Nina Van Horn:
Whenever things get like this, I smile naturally, like this. [smiles a big forced grin] I'm seething with rage right now, and no one would know it. Uh-oh.

Vicki Costa:
What is it?

Nina Van Horn:
I think I'm locked.

Do you ever have the murder fantasy?

Dennis Finch:
Constantly. How does yours die?

I throw him off a roller coaster. Yours?

Dennis Finch:
I strangle him with his own vest.

Simon Leeds:
Honey, your nostrils are flaring. I can see your brain.

You don't make love like an assistant. You make love like a middle manager.

Dennis Finch:
And you scream like a comptroler.

[Nina has on fake breasts]

Elliot DiMauro:
Do you have a permit for those?

Nina Van Horn:
Don't you just love'em? They say, "Here I am!"

Elliot DiMauro:
Actually, they say, "Moo, I hope some frat guy doesn't tip me over."

[Nina is looking at herself in the toaster]

Elliot DiMauro:
That's a toaster, Nina. You'd know that if you ever ate anything.

Nina Van Horn:
I'm thinking of getting a face lift.

Elliot DiMauro:
Well, be sure you get a second opinion from the blender.

Maya Gallo:
I once did a report on the dangers of plastic surgery, and do you know what the statistics say?

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, that nine out of ten men prefer women with big b*obs.

Elliot DiMauro:
And the tenth guy preferred the other nine men.

Nina Van Horn:
Maybe a boob job. Big breasts seem to be back in this season.

Elliot DiMauro:
Frankly, I can't understand why they ever went out.

Dennis Finch:
I have a bad case of screw-this-placeitis.

Nina Van Horn:
[on her fake breasts] Relax, they're on loan.

Maya Gallo:
From who? Jessica Rabbit?

Jack Gallo:
Where's the speech to the publishers?

Dennis Finch:
On your computer. It's on a file marked, and try to follow me, Speech to the Publishers.

Jack Gallo:
Ha! Computers.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, scary. But you'll get used to them, just like fire.

Dennis Finch:
Please, I've had enough contact with dominant females.

Maya Gallo:
Yes, but unlike the gorilla, I won't be giving you a tongue bath.

Jack Gallo:
As my father used to say, "the only job to be ashamed of is a job poorly done."

Dennis Finch:
What did he do?

Jack Gallo:
He wrote inspirational sentences on posters.

Dennis Finch:
I'm not a secretary!

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm confused. Don't you file, and answer phones, and type letters?

Dennis Finch:
What's your point?

Elliot DiMauro:
You're not an astronaut.

How did you fell in?

Dennis Finch:
Well, as I told channels two, four and seven, I was saving a toddler who was perched on the rail.

Elliot DiMauro:
Really? My cousin works at the zoo. He said you were running from a peacock.

Dennis Finch:
A. I was jogging, B. your cousin's a liar, and C. some peacocks are poisonous.

Jack Gallo:
See what happens when you leave in the middle of a workday?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, the Banana Council offers you three times your salary to be their spokesman.

Maya Gallo:
Wow, that's great. Isn't it, dad?

Jack Gallo:
Yes, we're all very impressed you fell into the monkey pit.

Nina Van Horn:
I know what this is about. You want to have the biggest breasts in the office.

Maya Gallo:
Curses! You've caught on to my evil plot to use my bosoms to take over this magazine, and one day, the world!

Jack Gallo:
How long have you been with me, Dennis?

Dennis Finch:
Eight years.

Jack Gallo:
No kidding? That's longer than any of my marriages.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, but I bet they got more money off ya.

Dennis Finch:
I know what you're trying to do, but you wouldn't understand. In this town, you are your job, and I'm about one inch away from wearing a hair net.

Maya Gallo:
I hoped you're proud of yourself. Dennis came to you with a problem, and do you help him?

Jack Gallo:
Yes. I thought he left here very inspired.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, Lord, you quoted grandpa.

Nina Van Horn:
Is there anything worse than Monday morning?

Elliot DiMauro:
It's Wednesday afternoon. Where have you been all week?

[Nina comes in with an orangutan]

Dennis Finch:
Hey, I've seen this movie - "Every Which Way But Sober."

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, your style is fabulous. What did you use on your hair?

Maya Gallo:
Raw sewage.

Nina Van Horn:
Boy, they really are running out of good names.

Nina Van Horn:
You may be arranging the party, but I'm going to give him the best present.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, you will, will you?

[shows Nina his present to Jack]

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
Not just earmuffs. There's a chip in the fur that plays classic routines from comedy duos.

Nina Van Horn:
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. He'll love it!

Elliot DiMauro:
How's it like working with a monkey again?

Cowboy Pete:
Like the hell I can never escape.

Erin Simon:
The president of Uzbekistan just commited suicide. He shot himself 47 times in the back.

Jack Gallo:
Some years ago I was in Chicago on business, and everyone is telling me about the ribs on this place called Twin Anchors. Well, I walked all over that damned city and didn't find it, so I stop at a little grocery store for directions, and I find this tiny old woman making tamales.

Maya Gallo:
Don't tell me, the best Mexican food you have ever eaten.

Jack Gallo:
Nope, I got food poisoning.

Maya Gallo:
Is there a point to this story?

Jack Gallo:
Yes. The delivery girl from the pharmacy next door had the finest bosoms I have ever seen. And this was back when bosoms were real, Maya.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, it just occurred to me that I forgot to warn you about Elliot. He didn't try to hit on you, did he?

Erin Simon:

Maya Gallo:
Unbelievable! I would've liked to have seen how you handled him.

[Elliot walks in from the guest room, wearing a robe]

Maya Gallo:
I take that back.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, mind if I use your robe?

Maya Gallo:
Not at all. Mind closing it?

Nina Van Horn:
But you have to come. I'm making my special punch.

Maya Gallo:
You mean vodka and food coloring?

Nina Van Horn:
Who told you?

Dennis Finch:
Hi. I'm Dennis Finch. I don't know you, but I think you're kinda cute. I would like to have sex with you. Brief, passionate sex followed by an eight-hour nap. The next morning I will brag about you to everyone. Oh, yes, I will brag. So what do you say?

Get away from me, or I'll staple your head to the wall.

Dennis Finch:
Okay. Nice talking to you.

[walks over to desk]

Dennis Finch:

Maya Gallo:
My contact says they're dumping tonight. You know how it is with sources.

Erin Simon:
Tell me about it. I had a midnight rendezvous with my contact in Lebanon. I'm five minutes late, his head comes rolling down the street like a soccer ball.

Maya Gallo:
So, what are you working on?

Erin Simon:
I've been uncovering human rights violations in Eastern Europe.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, I'm working on quite the hard-hitting piece myself.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, we need to fill a page. Write something to go with this butt shot.

Maya Gallo:
Not now, Elliot.

Elliot DiMauro:
If at all possible, try to avoid using the word "asstastic". We've already used it twice this issue.

Dennis Finch:
So whatever happened to the chick with the nice ones?

Jack Gallo:
Sheila in accounting.

Elliot DiMauro:
Hey, Maya. Mind if I use your toothbrush?

Maya Gallo:
Not at all. That's the one I use for grout.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, I'm a gentleman. I'm not going to tell you what I did or didn't do to Erin. But if you must know, ask Finch.

I once saw my dad wrestle an alligator. All I could do is stand there and watch in horror.

Maya Gallo:
Wow. Where was that?

Right over there.

Maya Gallo:
That's where I had my sandwich.

Nina Van Horn:
I guarantee you, in no time he'll have you running a six-minute mile.

Dennis Finch:
Please. Jack couldn't do a six-minute mile if you pushed him out of an airplane.

Maya Gallo:
Can I trust you?

Dennis Finch:
As long as you're not drunk or wearing a tube top.

Miss Van Horn, maybe later you and I could go out for a smootie.

Nina Van Horn:
That's a colorful way of putting it, but the answer is no.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, I want you to throw out every doughnut in the building.

Dennis Finch:
What about cinnamon buns?

Jack Gallo:
Did I say cinnamon buns?

Dennis Finch:
I see what you're trying to do. You're just trying to soak me for ideas. Well, guess what, sister? It ain't gonna happen.

Maya Gallo:
Finch, think of all the women you can tell you're a screenwriter.

Dennis Finch:
Too late, I already do.

Maya Gallo:
When we finish, I'll cook dinner for you in a tube top.

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:
Is it because I won't go out with you? I would tell you why, but I don't really know myself. Huh... I'm complex.

Oh, I am a failure. I have disgraced myself, the Navy, and the good Noodleman name.

Nina Van Horn:
Noodleman? That used to be my last name! Where are you from?

Colby, Kansas.

Nina Van Horn:
Good God! Whose your pappy?


Nina Van Horn:
Holy smokes, we're cousins!

Maya Gallo:
Elliot, remember when I showed you that bad screenplay my friend Ashley wrote?

Elliot DiMauro:
Not really.

Maya Gallo:
It was about a Golden Retriever with a bomb implanted in its brain that gets loose in the subway.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, yeah. It was called "Stay".

Nina Van Horn:
Sorry, Craig, but I'm not the only one who doesn't want to get sweaty with you. Why don't I want to get sweaty with you?

Ma'am, that is a question I ask myself each and every night as I cry into my pillow like a sad, little boy.

Oh, my Lord! My nipple's pierced! Where does that chain go?... Oh!

Oh, my God. Is that Nina Van Horn?

Dennis Finch:
About 20%. The rest is an experimental plastic brought to you by NASA.

Does she work here?

Dennis Finch:
Work? Umm... she draws a salary, let's leave it at that.

Nina Van Horn:
Now, this party will be A-list only, right?

Oh, I guarantee you will be surrounded by the Chosen People.

Maya Gallo:
Dad, didn't your doctor warn you about cheese?

Jack Gallo:
He said too much cheese.

Maya Gallo:
How much is too much?

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Who rocks the party that rocks the party?

Nina Van Horn:
Finch, what are you doing here, and why are you dressed like a gay mountaineer?

I can make it worth your while. I know about thirty kids who are having bar mitzvahs in the next year. You could earn a lot of dough-ray-me.

Dennis Finch:
Thirty kids, huh? That's enough to buys me a water bed. Maybe a Soloflex. All right, I'll think of something.

Jack Gallo:
She's been acting strange lately. I should do something.

Dennis Finch:
That would involve talking to her about her day.

Jack Gallo:
Ah, she'll be fine. She's a survivor.

Nina Van Horn:
Is this a fake party to throw off the paparazzi? How do I get to the celebrities? Is there a tunnel?

Maya Gallo:
I know what this is. You only want Hellen because she's with another man.

Jack Gallo:
That's ridiculous. You obviously know nothing about male behavior.

Maya Gallo:
I know what I saw. Yesterday she didn't have any oomph. Elliot sits down, and suddenly - Bang! Poof! - Oomph!

Jack Gallo:
Seriously, people across the street can hear you.

Maya Gallo:
Here's my piece on face lifts under thirty.

Jack Gallo:
Thank you.

Maya Gallo:
And here's my written protest.

Jack Gallo:
I'll put in in your file.

Aunt Mindy:
I'm telling your mother, young man.

Aunt Mindy, there's a thousand dollar bond on top of my dresser. Take it and zip it. All right?

[after thinking about it, Mindy takes the bond]

Aunt Mindy:
I swear to God, if I didn't need my eyes done...

Maya Gallo:
So how did your date with Helen go?

Jack Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
I knew it! You dumped her!

Jack Gallo:
It's just that I thought it through, and...

Maya Gallo:
Let me guess. Not enough oomph?

Jack Gallo:
And hardly any vavoom.

Maya Gallo:
What about ha-cha-cha?

Jack Gallo:
Your words, not mine.

You know, I'm dying without ever knowing a woman.

Nina Van Horn:
Funny, I wish I could say the same. Not that it wasn't an eye opener.

Dennis Finch:
[answering phone] House of Finch, tell the D what it be.

Elliot DiMauro:
So this is a gynecologist's office, uh? I always thought there'd be, I don't know, pictures of uteruses on the walls.

Maya Gallo:
There are.

Elliot DiMauro:
[sees them] Oh!

Dennis Finch:
I can't believe I talked to Jack like that. I can't think, I can't move...

Elliot DiMauro:
And yet you brought us to a strip club.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, I gotta eat, don't I?

Nina Van Horn:
Ah, the theater.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, what's that smell?

We're not sure, but fresh flowers do not do well here.

Jack Gallo:
You found these in his drawer?

Yes sir. Along with maps for a country called Finchatania. Apparently, everyone travels by water slide.

Jack Gallo:
Of course they do.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't be such a child. It's a clinical interaction between a woman and a medical professional trained to examine her padoodledoo.

Jack Gallo:
No, I didn't want capers on my lox.

Dennis Finch:
Didn't want capers, did ya? You hear that, gang? Guy doesn't like capers! Well guess what? I just got a new caper scraper, and it's coming in handy the first day!

[scrapes bagel on shoe]

Dennis Finch:
There you go! Go ahead, you selfish, bloated son of a b*tch! Eat up!

Nina Van Horn:
Finch, say nothing, do nothing.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, my God, is there a spider on me? Get it!

Nina Van Horn:
No, no, I mean about Jack. Act as if nothing happened, Jack will too. I assure you, he'll forget all about it.

Dennis Finch:
Nina, I yelled at the man, I screamed at his face.

Nina Van Horn:
So? I once set him on fire. I said nothing, and now here I am, dining out on the company credit card.

Elliot DiMauro:
Guess who has an office directly below us?

Nina Van Horn:
A tax attorney who refuses to give up his wife.

Jack Gallo:
[on phone] Dennis, it's me, Jack. I want you to do something for me.

Dennis Finch:
Sure thing. Jack, do not make that midnight fridge run. Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. Pudding is not your friend. Pudding is...

Jack Gallo:
No. My clock broke and I need you to wake me up at 5:00 AM so I can go fishing.

Dennis Finch:
Why don't you call one of those wake-up call services?

Jack Gallo:
I just did.

Dennis Finch:
Jack is ridiculous! "Clean my gutters." "Rotate my sofa cusions." "Smell my milk." Even I have my limits!

Nina Van Horn:
[as Jack enters] ... And that's why I love sex!

Elliot DiMauro:
[at the strip club] Oh, my God. I think... I think that's Maya's gynecologist.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, man. Your dollar, your fantasy.

What happened, Jack? You and I used to be friends too. How did we drift appart? I mean, does wither of us even remember?

Jack Gallo:
My birthday. The Russian Tea Room. You sat down naked on my cake.

I thought you were finished.

You'll have good food, good wine, it'll be like you're family. Just don't wear any makeup.

Why not?

My mom will call you a whore.

Donnie DiMauro:
Donnie wants a kiss.

Oh, that's... sweet.

Donnie DiMauro:

Oh, why not? [kisses Donnie on the cheek]

Donnie DiMauro:
No, Donnie want a kiss like on Showtime.

Donnie DiMauro:
[singing] Chicken Pot, Chicken Pot, Chicken Pot Pie!

Hey, Donnie. I think I finally have these tubes figured out.

Donnie DiMauro:
[quietly] Kill me now.

See, it's hot air that pushes things through the tubes.

Donnie DiMauro:
Donnie says vacuum.

Boy, when you get an idea in your head, you stick to it like taffy. See, when air gets hot, it rises.

Donnie DiMauro:

No, hot air. It's what causes a Pop-Tart to pop out of the toaster, or how helicopters...

Donnie DiMauro:
[normal voice] Oh, for the love of God! It's not hot air! It's not magnets! It's a vacuum, Jacko! Like a straw! You ever use a straw, huh, lab partner? Air taken out from one end is replaced from the other end, that creates air pressure that propels things through the freaking tubes!

[Notices everyone is looking]

Donnie DiMauro:
[slow Donnie voice] I love you, tubes.

[everyone still stares]

Donnie DiMauro:
Green quarter.

[still staring]

Donnie DiMauro:
Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie!

Donnie, what the hell?

Donnie DiMauro:
[normal voice] Oh, crap. Now I gotta get a job.

Donnie DiMauro:
My pants are tight!

Donnie DiMauro:
Donnie has secret. Promise not to tell anybody?

I promise.

Donnie DiMauro:
You swear? Cross your heart?

Cross my heart.

Donnie DiMauro:
On a stalk of bible books?

I swear.

Donnie DiMauro:
[normal voice] Okay, here's the thing. I'm not really slow. I just faked falling off that tree, and now they wait on me hand and foot. It is the sweetest scam in the world.

[Nina comes in with a parakeet in a cage]

What is that filthy thing doing here?

Come on, she works here.

Donnie DiMauro:
I'm Donnie with a D. Green quarter.


He likes it when people give him money.

Oh, um... here.

Donnie DiMauro:
[throws away quarter] Green quarter!

He likes paper money.

Donnie DiMauro:
Donnie want to climb tree!

[quietly, to Maya]

Donnie DiMauro:
That's a metaphor. You're the tree.

Donnie DiMauro:
Ha-ha, you're small!

Just walk away, he's very special.

Donnie DiMauro:
I love you, Ma.

Rhoda DiMauro:
You see? That makes it all worth while.

Donnie DiMauro:
I love you, table.

Donnie DiMauro:
Don't worry, I'm not really dumb. I'm only slow in the good ways.

[on phone] Uh, Finch?

Yeah, what is it?

The birds seem to have gotten out of their cages. Now the head bird seems to be pecking through the phone li...

[phone line goes dead]

You mean there's a hundred parakeets in my office?

More like 99. One of them took a sip of your "orange juice" and flew into a fan.

Donnie DiMauro:
Donnie's not stupid! Donnie's stupendous!

Careful. You're provoking the alpha male.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, I do. I used to date an ornithologist.

That's the study of trees, right?

Umm... birds. Remember, we were just talking about birds?

So what happened?

She dumped me 'cause all the other ornithologists were making fun of her for going out with a guy named Finch. Hurtful eggheads. Why couldn't they just let us be?

So Dorna Luge is back in the country. Did she bring me anything?

Here. [gives Dennis a ceramic cat]

Ooh! meow, meow! A calico! Aw, why did they had to queer it up with a pink collar?

Nice to meet you, Mrs. DiMauro.

Rhoda DiMauro:
Nice to meet you. Are you wearing rouge?


Rhoda DiMauro:
'Cause it looks like you're wearing rouge.

It's really cold outside, I swear!

Donnie DiMauro:
So, wanna go out later? Have a little sake? Get a little weird?

Donnie DiMauro:
Chicken Pot, Chicken Pot, Chicken Pot Piiiiiiiiiiiiiie!

Maya Gallo:
What position do you play?

Dennis Finch:
Catcher. Also the manager. Because of the three P's: poise, patience, and psex appeal.

I, for one, do not enjoy looking like a fool.

Dennis Finch:
You're gonna have to take that one up with God.

Steve Garvey:
You know what? I quit. I can make more money autographing baseballs.

Jack Gallo:
How, by forging Reggie Jackson?

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, have you seen my Louisville Slugger?

Dennis Finch:
Don't you remember? You were swinging it around in your office and it flew out of your hands and out the window.

Jack Gallo:
Doesn't ring a bell.

Dennis Finch:
Oh, come on. It fell twenty-three stories, went through the roof of a Gypsy cab and gave that German tourist a deep thigh bruise.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, yeah. Master race my ass. That guy was crying like a baby.

Maya Gallo:
I didn't know we had a softball team.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, we have our annual game against Cosmo this Saturday.

Maya Gallo:
I don't remember a game last year.

Dennis Finch:
Well, it was called on account of a minor incident the year before. Nina provided protein drinks and we had to forfeit the game because we thought the world was being attacked by giant hummingbirds.

Maya Gallo:
Competition brings out the worst in people.

Nina Van Horn:
Actually, bike shorts bring out the worst in people.

Dennis Finch:
I just got off the phone with my contact from the National Weather Center.

Elliot DiMauro:
You mean the recording?

Nina Van Horn:
Hey, Maya. We're thinking on a nickname for you.

Maya Gallo:
I don't want a nickname. I wanna pitch.

Elliot DiMauro:
How about Swifty?


Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:
Already taken.

Elliot DiMauro:
[thinking] Springtime. Hope. Baseball. Through all our tribulant times, one thing never changes: baseball.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, Clueless Joe. Cup goes in front.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, new guy. Can you hit?

Steve Garvey:
Well, I was the National League MVP...

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, whatever. Grab a bat.

Maya Gallo:
Shouldn't we go practice?

Dennis Finch:
Not in this weather. There's something about my shape and chemical composition that makes me a human lighting rod.

Maya Gallo:
It's just rain! You're not going to melt!

Nina Van Horn:
Sure. That's what they told my best friend Binnie.

Up next at bat is Maya Gallo, or as I like to call her, The Flash.

Nina Van Horn:

Nina Van Horn:
It's not about winning or losing, it's about destroying their self-esteem. It's fun.

Dennis Finch:
Maya, I'm taking you out of the game.

Maya Gallo:
Yeah? You and how many Green Berets?

You can cut the tension with the shards of the broken mug my Nana gave me.

Nina Van Horn:
Hey, Garvey! How's it feel to retire before baseball player salaries skyrocketed?

Steve Garvey:
Hey, Nina! How did it feel to go to your senior prom?

Nina Van Horn:
[sobbing] Who says I really wanted to go?

Dennis Finch:
I know you like to think of this as your team, but remember, this is my team. My team! I don't ask that you to love me, but I do demand your respect.

[to pretty woman]

Dennis Finch:
Scratch that. I ask you to love me.

Nina Van Horn:
Simon's parents are driving me crazy. They are so judgemental. And Simon just goes along, he's like a little boy around them.

Maya Gallo:
Some people can't get pass the parent-child dynamic. It's tragic, really.

Jack Gallo:
Hey, Princess.

Maya Gallo:
Hi, Daddy!

Nina Van Horn:
You have to come with me. These people are dull, long-winded and sexually repressed. You'll fit right in.

Nina Van Horn:
I have to dress in the cutting edge. After all, I am in the fashion industry.

Audrey Leeds:
Simon said you worked with small children.

Nina Van Horn:
Who do you think makes this stuff?

Dennis Finch:
First order of business is choosing a color for the seventh floor hallway. Will it be tasteful, dignified Gold, or that bastard son of beige, Wheat?

Jack Gallo:
I realize some of you are concerned that we always have our meetings in my office. So next week, we're having it at my club. Weinstein, you might want to sign your name as Wayne, just as a goof.

Audrey Leeds:
It must be so exciting getting married.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, you know what they say. Seventh time's the charm.

Audrey Leeds:
When you find a place, make sure it's suitable for our little dog Cecil. He prefers small, dark places with little or no traffic.

Nina Van Horn:
Then why don't you just take that little dog and shove him up your...

Simon Leeds:
Let's get some tea!

Nina Van Horn:
They expect me to cook.

Maya Gallo:
You don't cook.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't even eat.

Elliot DiMauro:
This isn't about parking spaces, Jack. It's about respect.

Jack Gallo:
I can get you that. Dennis!

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
[Reading off cards] Have you been working out? You look great.

Jack Gallo:
He's willing to say that in front of people.

Nina Van Horn:
I know you come from some little village in England, but here in America we do not sleep with Finch.

Nina Van Horn:
Denial is not just a river in England.

Jack Gallo:
He publishes some anti-corporate newsletter. What's it called? The Fink? The Snitch? The Rat?

Maya Gallo:
The Whistle Blower!

Jack Gallo:
That's it. Imagine taking up that kind of valuable office space just to reach a few whiny malcontents.

Maya Gallo:
I subscribe.

Dennis Finch:
Subscribe? You're Miss December.

Nina Van Horn:
Greta will be here any minute, and I'm working on the perfect first impression pose.

Elliot DiMauro:
You look awkward. Here, lift your arm up. Good. Your other arm, raise it... more... more. Perfect. Now repeat after me: I'm a little teapot, short and stout...

I thought you were different.

Maya Gallo:
I am different! Ask anybody, they hate me here!

Nina Van Horn:
What a waste. A tremendously round waste.

Elliot DiMauro:
What is wrong with you? I think Greta is terrific.

Nina Van Horn:
That woman isn't Greta, that woman swallowed Greta. God, I feel like prying her jaws open and shouting, "Climb, Greta! Climb up to the light!"

Maya Gallo:
I'm not some spineless lackey who jumps at your every whim.

Jack Gallo:
Maya, apologize to Dennis.

Elliot DiMauro:
[noticing the cold mask Nina is wearing] Another twelve martini night?

Nina Van Horn:
No, thanks. I have plans.

Nina Van Horn:
Back in the 70s Greta and I were like twins, soulmates, two sticks of dynamite. Why, at Studio 54 we were known as B.J. and the Bear.

Elliot DiMauro:
Who was who?

Nina Van Horn:
Well, Greta was the Bear because she always wore this slinky fur coat, and I was B.J. because I always wore blue jeans. Wait, no I didn't.

Did you know that there's a factory in Indonesia where old ladies are forced to work sixteen hours a day making American flags?

Maya Gallo:
What does that have to do with anything?

Nothing. I'm just trying to stay angry.

Nina Van Horn:
Greta, if you had something on the side of your mouth, would you want me to tell you?

Greta Larson:
Of course.

Nina Van Horn:
Okay. You're hugely fat.

Maya Gallo:
You should read The Whistleblower. It's really good.

Jack Gallo:
Good? It's not good, it's a bunch of hooey about how big companies exploit workers and waste natural resources.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, your driver wants to know if he can stop circling the block.

Jack Gallo:
No, I want nice cold air on the way to lunch.

Nina Van Horn:
Greta's always been prettier than me. Now it's my chance to show her up. I had my teeth whitened, my hair darkened, and I had Botox injected into my forehead. The only way she can look better than me is if she spent the last twenty years locked in a freezer.

Greta Larson:
[exits the elevator; she's gotten fat] Nina?

Nina Van Horn:
...eating Eskimo Pies.

Elliot DiMauro:
[about Greta] I think she's beautiful.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, my God, she's right behind me, isn't she?

Elliot DiMauro:
No, I mean it. You ever studied Renaissance art? The women in those paintings are all large and rounded.

Nina Van Horn:
That was for survival. If you were fat, you could float, and if you could float, you weren't a witch. For God's sake, read your Bible.

Dennis Finch:
What'cha doing?

Maya Gallo:
Today's crossword puzzle.

Dennis Finch:
Need any help?

Maya Gallo:
Are you good at these?

Dennis Finch:
I fancy myself a wordsmith.

Maya Gallo:
Okay. I need a nine-letter word for hindrance.

Dennis Finch:
Um... no idea.

Maya Gallo:
Okay. Island in the Aegean Sea, six letters.

Dennis Finch:
Aegean... No, sorry.

Maya Gallo:
Some wordsmith.

Elliot DiMauro:
Breasts, eight letters.

Dennis Finch:
Bazongas, balloons, knockers...

Elliot DiMauro:
Seven letters, beginning with an H.

Dennis Finch:
Hooters, honkers, hi-beams...

Elliot DiMauro:
Now in Spanish.

Dennis Finch:
Chachas, pi?atas, maracas...

Maya Gallo:
So you basically spend all your time thinking of synonyms for breasts.

Dennis Finch:
I also do bottoms.

Elliot DiMauro:

Dennis Finch:
Ass, booty, caboose, derriere, endzone, fanny, glutey-pops, heinie... Yeah!

Maya Gallo:
Me? Why me?

Jack Gallo:
Because you've got that certain... you know...

Dennis Finch:
Hooters, heaters, mambos...

Forget it. I'm not giving up my office space.

Maya Gallo:
But you don't even know what it's for.

Let me guess. A lounge so that the models can be alone with their thought?

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, Maya! How I wish I could live in your fantasy world of unicorns and moon landings!

Nina Van Horn:
Nina, you have a college degree, you know a lot about science. Answer me this: how many chickens would I have to kill to get rid of a ghost?

Dennis Finch:
Call me old fashioned, but I don't cry in front of another dude unless it's to get out of a speeding ticket.

Maya Gallo:
I think they mean objectifying women and taking them for granted.

Dennis Finch:
Chesty has a point.

Dennis Finch:
Me and my friends are plenty sensitive. The other day, Kevin fell down two flights of stairs, and it took all my strength not to laugh.

Elliot DiMauro:
Is he all right?

Dennis Finch:
[laughing] He broke two ribs.

Nina Van Horn:
I'll just have to tell Simon that a ghost told me I was going to cheat on him with a tall man holding a box.

Kevin Liotta:
[holding a box] Hi, Nina.

Nina Van Horn:
All right, let get this over with. Get naked and let's do it.

Kevin Liotta:
Oh, my God! Make A Wish got my letter!

Dennis Finch:
You better get going. Those models aren't going to shoot themselves. Not until their late twenties.

Maya Gallo:
We demand an entire issue devoted to negative body image.

Jack Gallo:
I'll give you one article and a plus-size model on the cover.

Maya Gallo:
That offer is insulting. We won't even dignify it with a response.

We'll take it.

Maya Gallo:

I mean, it's a very reasonable offer.

Maya Gallo:
Do you have a title yet?

Allison Spencer:
Either "Love on the Wings of Passion" or "Slut Bangers."

Dennis Finch:
You know, it's a long way...

Jack Gallo:
I'm not giving you a scooter.

Dennis Finch:
But if you give me a scooter, you can call me Scooter.

Jack Gallo:
Better yet, why don't I call you Nickels? [Gives him a handful of nickels]

Dennis Finch:
I'm sick of it already.

Maya Gallo:
I can't believe you're still in that sick relationship.

Dennis Finch:
It's not sick.

Maya Gallo:
You have sex for toys!

Dennis Finch:
It's much more than that now. Now it's trips and dinners.

Jack Gallo:
I'm proud of Nina. But then, I did made her what she is today, so in a way I'm proud of myself. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Allison Spencer:
Is this about the G-string?

Dennis Finch:
No, but you were right. I was wearing it backwards.

I'm creepy?

Like a backrub from grandma.

When I came aboard, you said I could make a difference.

And you have. You've made these morning meetings much longer.

You've been around the artsy and aloof for so long you've forgotten how to relate to Jimmy Crack-corn over there from Lunchmeat, Kansas.

[On phone] Jack Gallo for Donald Trump. I don't care if he is in a meeting. Tell him it's important. Hey, Donald. I'm humanitarian of the year, so you can kiss my ass!

Uh, Maya, don't think that you've been forgotten. We'd like you to introduce your father at the banquet.

Oh gosh; couldn't we just release some doves?

Just a few words about Jack's passionate concern for the children.

"Passionate concern"?

[cut to Jack posing across the room]

Hey, this one's for Trump! [Jack bends over and displays his ass for the camera]

Hey, Princess, the *Times* is doing a story on your dad's award and they wanna call you for a quote.

Okay, how about this, from my introduction: "Every once in a while a man looks at the world, steps forward, and says, 'Hey, who wants my crumbs?'"

That's not bad. How about, "It's touching to see what Jack means to all of you, because you certainly don't mean jack to him."

Wait! I have something to say.

Thanks for the warning. Taxi!

Nina, the foundation needs books, not your old clothes.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, I was looking around for my old books, and then it struck me me... I don't have any.

You don't own any books?

Nina Van Horn:
Just a hollowed out almanac from my trip to Colombia.

Hey. Come here.

[hugs Maya]

Don't forget, it's all for the kids.

I know.

We know you do all the work around here.


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Why did you come in here?

I had to hug you in this sweater.

Isn't this fun, guys?

Yeah. You've captured all the fun of moving without that pesky new apartment.

Nina Van Horn:
Men are big, fat liars, so take it from me; if a man claims to be a prince, be sure his country is on a map.

Doesn't anyone here give?

I gave blood.


Okay, sperm.

Here's Cinderella. You can read it to the kids.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't like kids.

Pretend they're puppies.

Nina Van Horn:
Again, not helping.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't look at me. I already contributed to the community.

That was court ordered.

Maya Gallo:
To avoid suspicion, we're not going to be able to be affectionate at work.

Elliot DiMauro:
Uh-huh. You might want to cover up that giant hickey.

Maya Gallo:
Hickey? Is it that noticeable?

Elliot DiMauro:
You might want to cover it up.

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
I don't know, duct tape and a beer coaster?

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina, I swear to God, if you tell a soul, I will tell the entire staff your real age.

Nina Van Horn:
You don't know my real age.

[Elliot whispers into Nina's ear]

Nina Van Horn:
Your secret will go with me to my grave.

Dennis Finch:
Hold on. You know something.

Nina Van Horn:
No, I don't.

Dennis Finch:
Yes, you do. You're twitching.

Nina Van Horn:
Can't a girl have a twitch?

Dennis Finch:
That's an "I've got an itch to snitch" twitch.

Nina Van Horn:
Who are you, Dr. Seuss?

Jack Gallo:
You know my rule on office gossip. Everything goes through me first.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, your wife is on the phone. She forgot the security code for the appartment.

Jack Gallo:
What is so tricky about the number five?

Jack Gallo:
You mean I've been losing every time? That's doesn't seem fair.

Dennis Finch:
If it's any consolation, you're a multi-millionaire with eight cars and a child bride.

Jack Gallo:
I guess.

Nina Van Horn:
But for God's sake, the copy room? Show some class. The supply room has an air mattress and a boom box.

Dennis Finch:
I can tell it's a good one, so I'll tell you something first. You know the night janitors? They all have wives named Lois.

Nina Van Horn:
Yeah, so?

Dennis Finch:
So there's like eight of them! Am I the only one that finds that weird?

Nina Van Horn:
I've had my share of office romances. Some work out, some don't. But if we act like adults, no one gets hurt.

Nina Van Horn:
[to a man passing by] Unless someone doesn't want to leave their shrew of a wife!

Maya Gallo:
How could you do this to me?

Jack Gallo:
Do what?

Maya Gallo:
Be so damn understanding!

Jack Gallo:
Excuse me?

Maya Gallo:
I mean, Elliot is obviously wrong for me!

Elliot DiMauro:
Excuse me?

Maya Gallo:
He's a compulsive womanizer! Finch, how many women has he slept with?

Dennis Finch:

Elliot DiMauro:

Dennis Finch:

Maya Gallo:
You see? While you're all discussing your little magazine, I have become one-thousand-and-one!

Nina Van Horn:
Check out the guy getting off the elevator.

Maya Gallo:
Who is he?

Nina Van Horn:
Well, judging from the T-shirt, he's either a fireman or someone hired a stripper.

Maya Gallo:
He's not a stripper. He's a fireman, a real American hero.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't like what you're implying about strippers.

Elliot DiMauro:
[as Dennis puts a donut in Jack's diet food] What are you doing?

Dennis Finch:
Fortifying his diet with a little vitamin Finch.

Elliot DiMauro:
Jack's not going to believe that donut is diet.

Dennis Finch:
That's where you're wrong, my friend. People will believe anything, no matter how cuckoo it is, as long as it's what they want to believe.

Elliot DiMauro:
Like how we got you to believe that the white Miata was a cool guy car?

Dennis Finch:
Doesn't matter. Traded it in for a sweet Cabriolet.

Dennis Finch:
Nina, your rock star boyfriend is on his way up to see you.

Nina Van Horn:
Ah, Simon. That man makes me feel like a schoolgirl.

Dennis Finch:
Well, I don't see you naked and a satisfied school band.

Nina Van Horn:
Said the man who went to the junior prom with the lunch lady.

Dennis Finch:
Bertha Robinson was a handsome older woman. And she made a dynamite sloppy joe.

Simon Leeds:
If people want to see me doing something lewd and disgusting, I want them to see me doing it to you.

Nina Van Horn:
You had sex.

Maya Gallo:
How... how did you know?

Nina Van Horn:
I know your cycle. Every twelve months you have sex. Which reminds me, I have to set my clock. Maya on her back, spring forward.

Simon Leeds:
[On being photographed with another woman] It's just to hype my new album. I have to protect my image as someone who rogers anything that moves.

Simon Leeds:
Ready for lunch?

Nina Van Horn:
How about if I roll up this newspaper and hit you over the head with it?

Simon Leeds:
Sounds hot. Shall we go to your office?

Simon Leeds:
You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I just want people to think I would.

Elliot DiMauro:
You are such a loser.

Dennis Finch:
Elle McPherson called you.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, my God! I forgot to feed her goldfish!

Nina Van Horn:
Do you know why I am so happy today?

Dennis Finch:
Because, according to the Aztec calendar, you're still sixteen?

Dennis Finch:
So you're going to match wits against an angry feminist and an intellectual? Nina, have you learned nothing from that massacre on Celebrity Jeopardy?

Elliot DiMauro:
Only that the Daily Double isn't two shots of vodka.

Maya Gallo:
Any messages for me?

No. Oh, wait. Death stopped by to say hello.

Maya Gallo:


Maya Gallo:
Death stopped by?

To say hello.

Maya Gallo:
Was it Beth?

Could have been.

Maya Gallo:
Was it a short redhead, or a tall guy with a sickle?

It was Beth.

So it was all a mistake?

Maya Gallo:
Of course. My father would never fire you.

Then why did he say, "You're fired"?

Maya Gallo:
That was phired with a ph. It's gangster rap for, "You're doing swell."

Oh. Duh!

I'm going away?

Jack Gallo:
No, just upstairs. Joe MacDonald has a firm.

Elliot DiMauro:
What's the topic?

Nina Van Horn:
Whether the fashion industry promotes negative body images to women. My position will be a firm no.

Elliot DiMauro:
For the first time in your life.

Nina Van Horn:
I have something in my purse for a headache.

Dennis Finch:
That's what you told Elvis.

Maya Gallo:
Do I have time for a shower?


Jack Gallo:
Time for staff meeting.

Right after your staff meeting.

Emerson Gray:
Woman, please! Apparently, getting the vote hasn't taught you any manners.

Nina Van Horn:
I know the perfect woman for you. She's cute and charming, and she's a successful surgeon.

Elliot DiMauro:
How do you know a surgeon?

Nina Van Horn:
Feel my ass.

Elliot DiMauro:
Wow. That's great. Did she do that?

Nina Van Horn:
No, I just needed a pick me up.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina, where have you been?

Nina Van Horn:
I got on the wrong limo outside the building and ended up at the Peruvian Consolate. FYI, we may soon be at war.

Elliot DiMauro:
What are you doing?

That stuff I told you was in confidence. Clients have a right to a little privacy. I have a code.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're a hooker!

With a code!

Dennis Finch:
The bad news is, you still give her the creeps.

Kevin Liotta:
What's the good news?

Dennis Finch:
[after a pause, answers phone] Jack Gallo's office.

Kevin Liotta:
That didn't even ring.

Nina Van Horn:
She's not a hooker, she's a high-class escort.

Elliot DiMauro:
What's the difference?

Nina Van Horn:
About $900 and a slight element of doubt as to the outcome of your evening.

Nina Van Horn:
Where are those sunglasses? [a crunch is heard as Kevin moves his mail cart]

Kevin Liotta:
Uh-oh. I hope that was a bug.

Nina Van Horn:
Did you just break my sunglasses?

Kevin Liotta:
I don't know. Were they in three pieces when you lost them?

Nina Van Horn:
So, you know lots of models.

Elliot DiMauro:
Hey, yeah! I'll call Amber.

Nina Van Horn:

Elliot DiMauro:

Nina Van Horn:

Elliot DiMauro:

Nina Van Horn:
Lost a leg, found God.

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, I love this country as much as anyone. We have the best nightclubs in the world, and our drug laws are very liberal towards white people. But you can't put up that big flag over the building.

Jack Gallo:
The flag is going nowhere.

Nina Van Horn:
I don't care what Maya says, it's making the building look obese. People are talking.

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, the room is blue.

Jack Gallo:
I know that, Nina.

Nina Van Horn:
Someone has stolen all the red, orange, green, indigo and violet light out of the room.

Dennis, you're so funny. Now do Edward G. Robinson.

Dennis Finch:
[imitating Edward G. Robinson] Yeah, see? I'm Edward G. Robinson, see? Now here's the deal!

Now do Arthur Gottfried.

Dennis Finch:
[same voice] I'm Arthur Gottfried, see? Now here's the deal!

Dennis Finch:
We're watching "Jeopardy", followed by a "Friends" rerun.

Followed by an all new "Friends."

Dennis Finch:
Followed by another "Friends" reruns.

I love that show. The Jewish boy has a monkey.

Dennis Finch:
What am I going to do?

Kevin Liotta:
You could tell Elliot she was already dead.

Dennis Finch:
I can't do that. He'll be furious. Bald people hit really hard. They're mad at the world.

Nina Van Horn:
Does it have to be an American flag? Couldn't it be a nice Italian flag? Three simple stripes. Very slimming.

Maya Gallo:
The building doesn't need slimming.

Nina Van Horn:
What are you talking about?

Maya Gallo:
What are *you* talking about?

Nina Van Horn:
All right, you've convinced me.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, what's that movie I like?

Dennis Finch:
Private Benjamin.

Jack Gallo:
Ha ha! Funny movie. Go buy me a sweater vest.

Elliot DiMauro:
We don't value our elders as much as other cultures do. Old people are meant to be cherished.

Maya Gallo:
How are the new dentures?

Elliot DiMauro:
Very good. Her chewing is not as disgusting now.

Jack Gallo:
I'll stop smoking. I'll chew tobacco. Give the lungs a break, let the gums earn their keep.

Elliot DiMauro:
Now you're telling people that she's your grandma?

Dennis Finch:
It's easier than having to explain the whole situation.

Elliot DiMauro:
You stole my grandma!

Dennis Finch:
Don't worry, I don't know where it's going.

Maya Gallo:
I just spent the weekend with Grammy and guess what she gave me?

Nina Van Horn:
A glimpse of the sad, lonely future that awaits you?

Nina Van Horn:
[takes a cigarette pack from a box of old stuff from Jack's house] Look at these. Somebody give me a lighter.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, you can't smoke those. They're over fifty years old.

Nina Van Horn:
That's why I can. They made them healthy back then. See? No warning.

Elliot DiMauro:
Ooh, nudie cards. Boy, the women here are enormous.

Jack Gallo:
Back then that was considered a good thing. Now we know better.

Dennis Finch:
[taking the cards] Oo-la-la! Looks like D. Finch is playing a little Solitaire tonight.

Nina Van Horn:
Did I accidentally walk into the offices of Dork Magazine? If we're going to be put in charge, then why waste it doing work?

Nina Van Horn:
You have a lot of very big changes to make, and I want a lot of very big gifts. So I'll make it easy for you: I'll just go and register at Barney's.

Elliot DiMauro:
Sounds like you have quite a week planned.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. For lunch, I'm having pancakes. That's right. Jack hates people who eat breakfast food for lunch.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, did you remember to pack my scuba mask? I want to be able to see my bare feet underwater. It makes them look gigantic.

Dennis Finch:
Be sure to wear these underwater socks.

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Hey! There's coral, there's jellyfish, there's sharp things that are... pointy.

Jack Gallo:
That's not writing, not like that, on a computer. This is the way to write, on the old typewriter. Idea to finger, finger to key, key to word.

Dennis Finch:
Pretty much the same deal over here.

Jack Gallo:
I want you to write me a novel.

Bob Fennel:
That's not what I came here for.

Jack Gallo:
Change of plans, you're writing a novel.

Bob Fennel:
But that's not what I do.

Jack Gallo:
I'll tell you what. I'll show you a sample of my writing.

Bob Fennel:
Now that's more like it. I can get a hold on your style, suggest improvements, really access the story structure.

Jack Gallo:
[gives Bob a signed check] How's that?

Bob Fennel:
That's some writing.

Jack Gallo:
I see myself as a Hemmingway type. And be sure it has a panther. A Jack Gallo novel would have a panther

Bob Fennel:
You got it.

Jack Gallo:
And try to add a little romance. They'll come for the panthers, they'll stay for the love.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, roses die, lunch is forever.

Dennis Finch:
[wearing a funny hat] Rock and Roll!

Nina Van Horn:
What is wrong with you?

Dennis Finch:
Kevin and I are putting together a band, and I'm working on my stage persona. What do you think? With the hat, or without the hat?

Nina Van Horn:
That depends. Are you planning to sleep with girls or have tea with a rabbit?

Dennis Finch:
I'll take whatever. Rock and roll!

Nina Van Horn:
I like music.

Gary Rosenberg:

Nina Van Horn:
Pat Benetar wrote "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" about me. I hit that woman good, and I'd do it again.

Nina Van Horn:
I know this place. Linda Ronstadt and I used to throw up in a bathroom here after a big meal. Apparently, one of us left the program.

Gary Rosenberg:
You broke up the band?

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, I broke up the band, just as I did with The Who, and the Eagles, and the Jackson Six...

Gary Rosenberg:

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, they were six.

Dennis Finch:
We're playing a gig tonight. Want to come?

Nina Van Horn:
This night? I'd love to come, but... I don't want to.

Dennis Finch:
I'm not prancing around like Mick Jagger! I'm Gene Simmons! I'm the Demon!

Nina Van Horn:
Kevin, we're going to need a little less of you.

Kevin Liotta:
I'm too sexy?

Nina Van Horn:

Gary Rosenberg:
Sorry, Nina. Air is in my blood.

David Hasselhoff:
This little guy approached me at racquetball with a script. I try to refer him to my agent, and for some reason my agent approves it. I gotta get a new agent.

Elliot DiMauro:
I was working on a photo shoot with miniatures. It had a Godzilla theme. I built an eight-inch Tokyo and had Tyra Banks stomp all over it in a thong. She scraped her ass on Mount Fuji.

David Hasselhoff:
I did not scratch your car!

David Hasselhoff:
[on-camera interview] I scratched his car. Usually, I'd apologize right away, but it was just a tiny little scratch, and he was being a jerk. Screw him.

David Hasselhoff:
You'll always be my princess, Leia.

Nina Van Horn:
And you'll never fly solo, Han.

Elliot DiMauro:
I have seen my aunt back her car over a poodle. I have seen my uncle beat a black bear to death with a log. But until you see a bird suffer... and so slowly...

Maya Gallo:
You know how at the end it says that no animals were harmed in the making of this film? An animal was harmed in the making of this film.

Jack Gallo:
I want David Hasselhoff to apologize to me. I also want him to apologize to my car. I'm not kidding.

Kevin Liotta:
Dennis is really smart. His script has a lot of clever details. For example, the characters Han and Leia have the same names as characters in another movie. [whispers] It's Star Wars.

Dennis Finch:
At least I think I got this house thing figured out.

Kevin Liotta:
Sorry, Finch. My mom says we can't burn her house.

Dennis Finch:
What? Did you tell her we were going to put it out right away?

Kevin Liotta:

Dennis Finch:
Did you tell her we were going to give her an executive producer credit?

Kevin Liotta:
Yeah. Sorry.

Dennis Finch:
Dammit! Nothing is coming out right!

Kevin Liotta:
She also said the script was derivative and confusing.

Maya Gallo:
George Lucas had trouble with his first film, too.

Dennis Finch:

Maya Gallo:
He was throwing up every day while filming American Graffiti.

Maya Gallo:
[on camera interview] George Lucas didn't really throw up, but I know Dennis does when he gets nervous or excited, and I thought he would relate to that.

Dennis Finch:
I'm going ahead with this movie, and every day I'm going to think of George Lucas, and throw up.

Dennis Finch:
Is the world going to end? Yes, but not because of this. So I guess it's a race between me and the world. Hey, world! I hope you got your running shoes on.

Jack Gallo:
Don't worry. I'll do with him like I do with all my employees. I'll crush his spirit until they are incapable of independent thought.

Dennis Finch:
You don't do that with us.

Jack Gallo:
Yes, I do.

Dennis Finch:
You're right.

Jack Gallo:
Now, get me a chocolate phone.

Dennis Finch:
That's crazy!

Jack Gallo:
No, it's not.

Dennis Finch:

Red Finch:
Come on, the early bird gets the worm.

Jack Gallo:
I'm Jack Gallo! I already got the worm!

Dennis Finch:
Remember when the lumber mill caught fire? I remember you were the first one in there, and you didn't leave until every last man was saved.

Red Finch:
What were you doing at the lumber mill?

Dennis Finch:
I wasn't looking at porn and lighting bottle rockets, that's for sure.

Nina Van Horn:
He's on the bar downstairs.

Dennis Finch:
I know that place. It's full of drunken has-beens who think they're famous.

Nina Van Horn:
What are you talking about? I go there all the time. I haven't seen anyone like that.

Red Finch:
I drove a hook-and-ladder for twelve years, until the incident. I still say that a fire truck has the right of way over a school bus.

[Dennis tells Jack about his dad "dating" a mannequin]

Jack Gallo:
So, this mannequin. Was she hot?

Dennis Finch:
Pretty hot.

Jack Gallo:
Was she classy or trashy?

Dennis Finch:
Bloomingdale's front window.

Jack Gallo:

Uncle Jimmy:
[to Nina] What are you, the Statue of Liberty... or some other tall lady?

Buddy Rivers:
What's the matter, fella? Did someone give you a Crazy Glue enema?

Jack Gallo:
Come see your new office.

Maya Gallo:
I don't need a new office. I don't want a new office.

[cut to Maya at the office]

Maya Gallo:
[delighted] Look at my new office!

This is no longer my office, is it?

Jack Gallo:
I got you a better office on the eighteenth floor.

Isn't that storage?

Jack Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
Why are things so serious with you? Relax, have some fun.

Maya Gallo:
I will have you know that I do have fun. I go to... I collect... Believe me, I have fun.

Dennis Finch:
Maya this and Maya that. Next thing you know, she'll be getting my weekend at the company yacht.

Nina Van Horn:
We have a company yacht?

Dennis Finch:

Morning, everyone. I'm moving back into my office.

Jack Gallo:
Persky, my main man!

I'm not moving back into my office, am I, sir?

Jack Gallo:
I hear they like you up on eighteen.

I'm the only one there.

Jack Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
But what about my new stories?

Dennis Finch:
Shh. If you say them out loud they won't come true.

Maya Gallo:
Here's my new idea.

Jack Gallo:
Lay it on me.

Maya Gallo:
A hard-hitting expose on the apalling working conditions of foreign workers on the garment industry.

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, you're new here, so let me introduce you to the phrase "pooping in your own nest."

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm off to shoot my salute to the thong, and this time it's a closed set.

Dennis Finch:
What? I need to measure the floors for insurance purposes.

Elliot DiMauro:
Please. Half the photographs have your head in them.

Jack Gallo:
I haven't shown you the company credit cards.

Maya Gallo:
Why do we need credit cards?

Jack Gallo:
Look, a hologram of a bird. I bet if you showed this to a caveman, he'd have a heart attack.

Nina Van Horn:
Jack, Maya is bad news. The three of us are the backbone of this magazine...

Jack Gallo:
Three? I only see two of you.

Nina Van Horn:
No, there's me, there's Finch, and there's... Elliot, you bastard.

Elliot DiMauro:
On a scale from nine to ten how much did you missed me?

If nine is not at all, then four.

Ha, ha, haa.

Maya Gallo:
How am I gonna pass for Nina?

Dennis Finch:
Eat nothing, drink everything, wake up in the coatroom.

Maya Gallo:
Dennis, did you see that? Robert De Niro just spilt his drink on me. This is the best party ever!

Maya Gallo:
I love Sting. What's the charity?

Nina Van Horn:
It's a proposition against human cloning.

Maya Gallo:
They're raising money for that already?

Nina Van Horn:
It's never too late to hop in on a new cause. Otherwise you end up with something pass? like orphans.

Jack Gallo:
Maya, in five minutes you have undone years of Nina's evasiveness, half truths and sucking up.

Nina Van Horn:
Thank you, Jack.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, find a restaurant where it's impossible to get reservations, and then get reservations.

Oskar Milos:
By regular people, you mean those potato-like creatures on the news that talk about how a tornado has blown away their mo-beel home?

Oskar Milos:
What else would you change?

Maya Gallo:
Well, I would lower the waist.

Oskar Milos:
To where?

Maya Gallo:
The waist?

Oskar Milos:

Maya Gallo:
It's not fair. How come we don't get to go to any of these industry parties?

Dennis Finch:
Speak for yourself, nerd.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Come hither and take a gander at my clippings. Here's me at a little music party called the Grammys. Here's me at the Bring in the Noise Kwanzaa party.

Maya Gallo:
Wait a minute. You're not in any of these pictures.

Dennis Finch:
Yes, I am. Here's the tip of my hat. Here's my elbow. See that expression on Barbra Streisand's face? That was when I asked James Brolin to take a look at my transmission.

[Jack is getting a new chair]

Jack Gallo:
Can I get a compartment on the side?

Meredith Baker:
You mean like for a calculator.

Jack Gallo:
Calculator, bag of marshmallows, whatever.

Oskar Milos:
Sit down. You have been demoted to house cat.

Oskar Milos:
From now on, I want no more yes men.

That's an excellent idea, Milos.

Oskar Milos:
What did you say?

Um... Meow?

[people cheer at the dress Milos made for Maya]

Maya Gallo:
Wow, they must really love my dress.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, it's totally see-through.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, my God! The lights!

Oskar Milos:
Now who has no clothes?

Maya Gallo:
You know, Finch, they're people. They deserve respect, you little freak.

Dennis Finch:
Wait, I just remembered something; you're boring, and my legs work.

Jack Gallo:
Looks may help on the trivial stuff, but on the important stuff, uh-uh.

Dennis Finch:
No, that's when a little thing called nepotism kicks in.

Maya Gallo:
You bought that?

Jack Gallo:
Don't be so surprised. I'm going to be a hands-on dad. Dennis, get someone from maintenance to bulid this.

Maya Gallo:
Wait. You know what would be more hands-on? Actually using your hands.

Jack Gallo:
Fine. I'll call maintenance.

Where are the menus? I'm hungrier than a triceratops, and they had two stomachs.

Maya Gallo:
Wow. You really know a lot about dinosaurs.

Yeah. I learned everything I know about 'em from this *really* intense place mat.

Maya Gallo:
[nodes and smiles] Hmm...

I also know all the state capitals - quiz me.

Maya Gallo:
[laughs] Oh, I don't know...

Come on!

Maya Gallo:
All right; um, Alaska.

[enthusiastically] Pass!

Jack Gallo:
Finally, it's finished. I'm done.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, a fax just came for you.

Jack Gallo:
Look at that, Dennis. With my own two hands, I built something that will give my daughter joy, and no one can take that away from me.

Dennis Finch:
Except for the people at the Consumer Safety Commission. Toy's been recalled.

Jack Gallo:
Whatever the hell for?

Dennis Finch:
Allow me to demonstrate.

Dennis Finch:
[picks up a piece from toy] I'm six to eighteen months old. Mmm, tasty, candy-like. I think I'll cram it down my esophagus.

Hey, listen, if you're not busy later, I know this great restaurant in Little Italy and - actually, just north of Little Italy which, I guess, would make that Little Switzerland.

Maya Gallo:
Okay, that is really nice, but I kinda have this rule against dating people on the job. It's sort a journalistic-ethics sort of thing.

Hey, I know where this is going, and I'm not gonna let you quit your job, all right? You're too good! [moves toward door]

I'm just gonna walk out this door while you still have your dignity, all right? [puts finger to lips in mock "quiet" signal, exits]

Maya Gallo:
Great. So, I have you two going in for interviews at a telemarketing firm. Do you have your r?sum?s?

Here you go.

[hands Maya a folded piece of paper from his pocket]

I got rid of the modeling stuff like you asked me on the quote-unquote telephone.

Maya Gallo:
[reading] "Gap Store: Liaison between denim and cash register." And, I see you misspelled "denim," "liaison," and "register."

Way to go with "cash," though.

Maya Gallo:
So, do you two have any questions?

Uh, yeah: Which one of us is supposed to be the handsome guy?

My agent told me that I was.

Maya Gallo:
Derek! Hi!

I got the job!

Maya Gallo:
You did?

You would have been so impressed: I got through the whole thing without even giggling!

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, this is such a rush - it's like sex, but no one gets hurt!

Jack Gallo:
How did you get to be so cynical?

Elliot DiMauro:
Jack, do you think these woman's shins are too long?

Jack Gallo:
What a waste.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, I was quite the prankster. I remember when I was living with Twiggy, she really liked this particular kind of mint. One time while she was out buying some, I slept with her boyfriend. Actually, that was not so much a prank as a betrayal of our friendship.

[after finding out Maya slept with Derek]

Elliot DiMauro:
So, look who fell off her high horse.

Nina Van Horn:
And climbed back up on a stallion.

Elliot DiMauro:
Does the word hypocrite mean anything to you?

Dennis Finch:
It certainly doesn't mean anything to Derek.

Maya Gallo:
And you, Elliot. When was the last time you dated someone who was less than perfect?

Elliot DiMauro:
Rachel Drach.

Maya Gallo:
November's cover model?

Elliot DiMauro:
Her belly button was an outie.

Jack Gallo:
What a waste.

Maya Gallo:
It must be tough being a male model.

Yeah. Why's that?

Maya Gallo:
Well, everyone's so quick to judge. I mean, just because you do one thing doesn't mean you can't do something else.

I'm going to the bathroom. Time me!

Maya Gallo:
So, what do you want to talk about? Arts? Politics?

How about politics?

Maya Gallo:
Yes, politics! I mean, no one would thing you would know about politics. You have ideas, I have ideas, we can have this back-and-forth...

[squeezes Maya's nose] Honk!

Maya Gallo:
I have to break up with you.

You have a nice house here, Mr. Gallo. I bet there's a lot of history in here.

Jack Gallo:
Actually, George Washington planned the battle of Yorktown in a little cabin out back.

I'd love to see it.

Jack Gallo:
Well, I tore it down to make room for my tennis table. Sure wish I still played.

Nina Van Horn:
Sorry if I'm late. I stopped at a rave on the way out.

Maya Gallo:
You know what? Next year you can all go tofurkey yourselves.

Rhoda DiMauro:
Here, I brought you a present.

Jack Gallo:
[takes figure out of bag] Hey, I love these things. We have them at the club. What kind of booze is in here?

[tears head off]

Rhoda DiMauro:
It's a statue of Saint Francis!

Jack Gallo:
So there's no liquor in it? No liquor at al?

Nina Van Horn:
I need to show him that I am still young and hip.

Jack Gallo:
Nina, time for staff meeting.

Nina Van Horn:
Hey! Get back, old man! You don't get me or my generation!

Nina Van Horn:
Have you seen my date? I left him on the roof talking to a dead bird.

Nina Van Horn:
This is going to be bad, I know it. I had this same feeling just before I married Gary Busey.

Nina Van Horn:
I need to lie down.

Maya Gallo:
Don't go in there!

Nina Van Horn:
Why not?

Maya Gallo:
The light, it's not flattering.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, thank you! That was a close call.

You know, Finch, you're the only one who hasn't hit on me.

Dennis Finch:
Maybe I have a secret plan to get in bed with you. [Both laugh; Colleen exits]

Elliot DiMauro:
So what is your secret plan?

Dennis Finch:
Phase one: We become buddies. Mission accomplished. Phase two: I take her to Jack's beach house on the Hamptons for Thanksgiving.

Elliot DiMauro:
What's phase three?

Dennis Finch:
We go for a romantic walk of the beach at sunset.

Elliot DiMauro:
And then?

Dennis Finch:
A sudden gust of wind pulls my pants down to my ankles.

Jack Gallo:
Hey, look at these shoes Colleen is wearing.

Nina Van Horn:
Very nice. Next time don't forget the little red nose. Honk honk!

Jack Gallo:
I love them.

Nina Van Horn:
Not as much as I do, Jack.

Jack Gallo:
Hey, is that a tarantula?

Kevin Liotta:
She's my pet.

Dennis Finch:
That's no pet. A pet is something you can hug and cuddle and dress up like a pirate.

Kevin Liotta:
Kinda like you.

Dennis Finch:
I outrank you.

Jack Gallo:
Ah, yes, the lion. That is Nature's one true killing machine.

Kevin Liotta:
What about the shark?

Jack Gallo:
Fine. The shark and the lion, nature's two true killing machines.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, it's your ex-wife.

Jack Gallo:
Three true killing machines.

Dennis Finch:
...and her lawyer.

Jack Gallo:
My point is, danger is everywhere.

Maya Gallo:
That is so weird. Why would she invite us?

Nina Van Horn:
Well, because I'm always the life of the party, and you're... I don't know. It is a bit of a mystery.

Kevin Liotta:
Nina, check it out. I brought my tarantula.

Nina Van Horn:
How unsettling.

Kevin Liotta:
Her name's Tina. Which rhymes with Nina.

Nina Van Horn:
Which rhymes with restraining order.

Elliot DiMauro:
[to Finch] You're like Napoleon, only shorter and with no girlfriend!

Dennis Finch:
The automobile: pillar of Western civilization. But in the wrong hands, she can be deadly. I am Professor Finch. as in First In Not Causing Harm.

Nina Van Horn: I said, "I don't care if it is the Vatican, I like to show a little leg."

Jack Gallo:
So your spider is running loose?

Kevin Liotta:

Jack Gallo:
I see. You search on the floor. I'll crawl up here and cancel my day.

Maya Gallo:
But I couldn't forgive you for blabbing to Robin. How can you forgive me for this?

Nina Van Horn:
Hey, I talk too much, you almost killed me. Nobody's perfect.

Mrs. Lubitz:
Forgot to signal.

Elliot DiMauro:
Was caught speeding.

Mrs. Lubitz:
The cop was a woman and Jewish, and still I'm here.

Elliot DiMauro:
What are you doing here?

Dennis Finch:
This may surprise you, but scraping the seeds off Jack's bagel doesn't complete me.

Elliot DiMauro:
Why traffic school?

Dennis Finch:
Because I'm good at it, and by the way, it's traffic academy.

Maya Gallo:
[Robin's party is too full] Screw it. Let's go.

Nina Van Horn:
No way. I spent cab fare and I'm using this scarf that I hardly ever wear, and I'm getting my money's worth.

[reaches into crowd, pulls out champagne bottle]

Maya Gallo:
How did you know that was there?

Nina Van Horn:
How do dogs find their way home?

Nina Van Horn:
You know what you are? You're a prissy piggy!

Maya Gallo:
Well, you're a blabber piggy!

Nina Van Horn:
Well, you're a grudge piggy, and that's the biggest piggy of all the piggiest piggies that there ever were!

Maya Gallo:
Hey, Nina. Who am I? [snorts and does hand gesture]

Nina Van Horn:
Barbara Walters!

Maya Gallo:
No, I'm Robin. She only invited us for the gifts. She's a little gift piggy. [snort]

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, I see.

Maya Gallo:
Hey, mom, I got more gifts! Isn't that super? [snort]

Nina Van Horn:
Hey, gang! I'm registered at Oinkingdales! [snort]

Nina, that dress is fabulous. Of course, you could wear a sack of potatoes and look like a million bucks. [laugh] While I could wear a million bucks and look like a sack of potatoes. [laughs]

Dennis Finch:
All I need is your social security card and your mother's maiden name.

Elliot DiMauro:
Here. My mother's maiden name is DiMauro.

Dennis Finch:
Wait, her married name is DiMauro.

Elliot DiMauro:
I know... What? A lot of people marry their second cousins.

Dennis Finch:
Uh-huh. That would explain that freakish head of yours.

Nina Van Horn:
[seeing "Nina Man Horn"] Will the me who is not a hallucination please raise her hand. Well, as long as there's one me here, I'm going home.

Nina Van Horn:
Let me be sure I got this straight: you're a grown man who spends all his free time and energy imitating women and prance around for the amusement of others?

Robert 'Nina Man Horn':

Nina Van Horn:
Yes! I am a gay icon!

Nina Van Horn:
I just came from the hairdresser. How does it look?

Dennis Finch:
I didn't know the Westminster Show was in town.

Nina Van Horn:
Little tip, never tell describe your hairdresser's new pants with the words "very fat".

Vicki Costa:
You know, I used to do hair. Maybe I could have a try at your hair.

Nina Van Horn:
Vicki, you were probably the best at Super Hair Cuts, but I wouldn't let you touch my hair.

Kevin Liotta:
I'll do it, if I get to keep the hair.

Nina Van Horn:
Vicki, you're the girl for me. And did I tell you that your pants make your ass look glorious?

Kevin Liotta:
Thanks. I've been jumping rope.

Nina Van Horn:
You're like the daughter with a penis I never had.

Vicki Costa:
You probably think I'm crazy.

Maya Gallo:
Not really. I have a secret fantasy that I was a federal agent. I even have a code name: Agent M. I'd be the first in the room, and I would be all, "Freeze, sucka! This is a raid!" [Nina runs out of her office and slides to a stop]

Nina Van Horn:
Don't you ever do that again!

Elliot DiMauro:
You dirty little blackmailer.

Dennis Finch:
Blackmailer is such a dirty word. I prefer The Devil.

Kevin Liotta:
Hi, Nina. I got you a present.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh... How nice. It's a doll.

Kevin Liotta:
It's supposed to be you. I ran out of fake hair, so I used some of mine.

Nina Van Horn:
Thank you. I'll put it alongside all the other slightly moist things you've giving me.

Nina Van Horn:
Look at what Kevin gave me.

Maya Gallo:
Aw, I think it's nice.

Nina Van Horn:
It's stuffed with ground beef to make it feel more human.

Maya Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
Kevin, I want to talk to you about something.

Kevin Liotta:
All right. How about... Denmark?

Maya Gallo:
You just need to stop. Just stop everything.

[Kevin holds his breath]

Maya Gallo:
Don't stop breathing! Just stop doing stuff for Nina.

Kevin Liotta:
Can I make my heart go?

Maya Gallo:
You can make it stop?

Kevin Liotta:
Just answer quickly!

Jack Gallo:
I can't give you any more points, but I can give you this. Tonight, when I get home, I will open my secret employee ledger and next to your name, I'm putting... five gold stars.

Dennis Finch:
Why you cheap bastard. You give me ten gold stars.

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:
Let me explain to you the inner workings of Kevin: Kevin is like a big, fleshy clock, full of wheels and cogs and-and springs. But when one of those springs pops... Bam! Sproing! Madness!

Dennis Finch:
Let me explain to you the inner workings of Nina: Psssh! Glug, glug, glug, glug...

Kevin Liotta:
I got you a present.

Maya Gallo:
Thank you. It's a mug, and it says "what would Jesus do?"

Kevin Liotta:
My guess would be push-ups.

Dennis Finch:
What do you think of me in a helicopter?

Elliot DiMauro:
I think you'd throw up.

Dennis Finch:
Not if I stay on the ground. After all, there are no women in the air.

Dennis Finch:
You know what? I bought a ladies' belt.

Nina Van Horn:
At least it matches your blouse.

Dennis Finch:
Elliot, come here, there's something I want you to hear.

Elliot DiMauro:

Dennis Finch:
[sing-song] Someone had sex with A-my / Lots of sex with A-my / Dirty, crazy, monkey, funky, all night sex with A-my!

Jack Gallo:
Kevin, I have decided to make you our mailroom supervisor. You'll get a bigger mail cart, your own office, and best of all, more money. So, what do you say?

Kevin Liotta:

Jack Gallo:
What did you say?

Kevin Liotta:
I said, "Nah."

Kevin Liotta:
All I ever buy is rice and food for my owl, which is just rice in a different bag.

Nina Van Horn:
Turning down a raise. Why doesn't he just drop trou and winky-tink on the American Constitution?

Maya Gallo:
They're acting like a couple of twelve-year-olds.

Nina Van Horn:
Please, Maya. Where I come from, twelve-year-olds don't go around chasing women. They're too busy tending the farm and raising their children.

Amy Watson:
You really know how to challenge a French chef.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, when I wants a PB&J, I has to have me a PB&J.

Jack Gallo:
No one says "Nah" to Jack Gallo.

Nina Van Horn:
Are you going to fire him?

Jack Gallo:
No. I'm going to promote the hell out of him.

Kevin Liotta:
Do rich people get to lick the bottom of the bowl?

Jack Gallo:
That's the thing about being rich. There is no bottom of the bowl.

Kevin Liotta:
Is the bowl magic?

Dennis Finch:
I touched her soul, you know her heinie is just around the corner.

Nina Van Horn:
We finally did it! We got our revenge on Kevin!

Jack Gallo:
Nina, we were trying to help him.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh... Whoops!

Nina Van Horn:
I had a belt like that. I got it off Liza Minnelli while she was "taking a nap" on a bathroom floor. God, I love the Oscars.

Nina Van Horn:
Are you saying that you don't want more money? Because I find that very offensive.

Kevin Liotta:
I don't need more money.

Nina Van Horn:
Then spit on my face, why don't you?

Maya Gallo:
The devil's writing a book, the monster's getting a promotion... Is my life going nowhere?

Nina Van Horn:
No, it's not.

Jack Gallo:
Kevin, you have to give all this stuff back. You can't afford it.

Kevin Liotta:
But you said I would get more promotions and more money.

Jack Gallo:
I said maybe, in time.

Kevin Liotta:
No, more promotions, more money! More promotions, more money!

Jack Gallo:

Kevin Liotta:
I can't afford this pricey, risotto lifestyle, and now regular rice tastes like crap to me! My life is ruined!

Maya Gallo:
[watching Nina drink coffee straight from the pot] You know, if you need a stronger jolt, you could just gnaw on the cord.

Dennis Finch:
So this was a test? You put Nina up to it?

Jack Gallo:
What choice did I have?

Dennis Finch:
Not putting her up to it?

Nina Van Horn:
Sorry I'm late. The hovercraft blew an engine and it was daylight before the Coast Guard picked us up.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, do you believe in fate?

Maya Gallo:
Did you find the woman of your dreams?

Elliot DiMauro:
As a matter of fact, yes.

Maya Gallo:
Let me guess. Early twenties, new b*obs.

Elliot DiMauro:
No. Late sixties, new hip.

Maya Gallo:
All right, you've got my attention.

Jack Gallo:
I want that guy out of my parking space before you can say, "Hi, I'm Dennis. Welcome to Wal-Mart. Clock radios, Aisle 5, right next to the fishing poles."

Maya Gallo:
Don't settle. You don't even know what the rent is.

Mrs. Pierce:
$200 a month.

Maya Gallo:

Mrs. Pierce:
I haven't even shown you the kitchen yet. It has one of those new ovens that's built into the wall. Have you seen one of those?

Elliot DiMauro:
Yeah, at the World's Fair.

Nina Van Horn:
Tonight Binnie and I are going out, but we will spend the entire evening avoiding alcohol and men.

Dennis Finch:
That's great. Okay, I'll start the pool. Ten bucks a square. I say Nina is legally drunk and dancing with Euro-trash by 8:30.

Elliot DiMauro:
Put me down for 7:15.

Jack Gallo:
Moving on... 9:20.

Maya Gallo:
Come on, you guys. Give Nina a little credit. 10:45.

Maya Gallo:
You know, once in a while you could try staying home.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, no. No more parties at home. No one wants to stay to clean up or untie me.

Jack Gallo:
My parking space is my territory. If you don't defend your territory, your wife's yoga instructor is straddling her like a down comforter.

Nina Van Horn:
I'm staying home tonight. I'm going to read a book.

Dennis Finch:
I don't want to spoil it for you, but Waldo is in the upper left hand corner.

Nina Van Horn:
I mean it. I'm going to draw a bath. I got bubble bath, and later I'll be dropping by the shelter to pick up a cat.

Dennis Finch:
Aw, poor tabby, minutes away from a humane death.

Nina Van Horn:
Tonight Binnie and I are going to folk night at a lesbian bar.

Elliot DiMauro:
You can go any time. Every night is folk night at a lesbian bar.

Elliot DiMauro:
What happened to folk night?

Nina Van Horn:
Please. If I wanted to listen to a bitter old woman gripe about farm foreclosures, I'd call my mother.

Jack Gallo:
I can't stand interns. They're always fawning over you. I hate fawning.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, Jack, your oatmeal is still hot. Do I blow on it or put it over my head and run around the office?

Jack Gallo:
What do you think?

[Dennis holds oatmeal over head and runs around]

I'm just so nervous about my age.

Maya Gallo:
Don't worry. You'll find that people here are very sensitive.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, grandpa. Go to the copier and make copies of this, and try not to break a hip while you're at it.

Jack Gallo:
I happen to think I have a cutting edge sense of style. After all, I am the publisher of a major fashion magazine.

Nina Van Horn:
Blush? Ha! No offense, Jack, but this magazine's sense of style is outdated and behind the times.

Jack Gallo:
You're the fashion editor.

Nina Van Horn:
And whose fault what that?

Nina Van Horn:
The Bible doesn't address any of the moral dilemmas I face. I'm at the summer home of a washed-up movie producer. There's a dead hooker in the pool. I figure her bracelet is going to end up in the filter anyway... What would Jesus do?

Maya Gallo:
Why are you shouting?

Jack Gallo:
Stay out of this, Edna.

Maya Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
If it was good enough for your grandmother, it's good enough for you.

Maya Gallo:
Rick, for your first meeting, you might want to take more of a listening position.

Dennis Finch:
In other words, Pops, take out your teeth, turn up your Miracle Ear and fantasize about Angela Lansbury.

Elliot DiMauro:
It's not the Bible part that worries me. It's the beautiful women who attend the meetings.

Dennis Finch:
So use your Cain. You're Abel.

Dennis Finch:
Did you sneeze? Because God blessed you.

Mary Elizabeth:
You sure enjoy talking about the Lord.

Dennis Finch:
I love the Lord. I love all the lords. The one of the Rings, the one of the Dance, the ten that are always a-leapin'...

Jack Gallo:
Glad to see you, Simon. You mind if I call you Bud?

Simon Leeds:
Not as long as I can call you Jacko.

Jack Gallo:
I don't have to call you Bud.

Nina Van Horn:
Guess what I have?

Dennis Finch:
Why, are they baffled down at the clinic?

Hey, you're that big Star Wars fan, right?

Dennis Finch:
Oh, I wouldn't say fan. I found the films an amusing diversion. Why?

Because Mark Hamill is sitting right behind you.

Dennis Finch:

Jack Gallo:
Maya, I'm worried about morale. What are you hearing out there on the bullpen?

Maya Gallo:
May I be frank with you? Revolution.

Nina Van Horn:
From now on, I'm going to say every great idea that comes to mind.

Elliot DiMauro:
And they never heard from her again.

Mark Hamill:
I'm asking you nicely to leave.

Dennis Finch:
That's what the cop at the convention said.

Jack Gallo:
I don't get it. Our circulation is growing, our ad revenues are up, that 60 Minutes piece was less damaging than we thought.

Nina Van Horn:
Mark Hamill. Remember me?

Dennis Finch:
Nina. No, no.

Nina Van Horn:
Fox Studios, 1976. I was auditioning for the role of Princess Leia.

Mark Hamill:
I'm afraid I don't.

Nina Van Horn:
I was the one who fired that prop gun and accidentally shot Mr. Lucas, he was crying "I've been blinded!",

Dennis Finch:

[pushes Nina away]

Nina Van Horn:
If you see that tall man in the dog suit, tell him all is forgiven.

Dennis Finch:
It's not like that. Mark treats me as his equal.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, really? Does he have action figures of you on his nightstand?

Dennis Finch:
[through intercom] It's Dennis.

Mark Hamill:
...and Mark Hamill.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, guy, back off. Jack, your Barney tickets came through, but it's the same day as the Prada party. What do you want to do?

Jack Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
Right. I'll run the Prada invitations through the shredder.

[makes shredder noises]

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, the shredder's in my office.

Mark Hamill:
Copy that, red leader.

Jack Gallo:
Everyone, I'd like to make a toast.

Elliot DiMauro:
No, Jack. I'd like to make a toast. To the man who gave me my start, the man whose vision put us all on the map. I owe you everything. In fact, if I could, I'd call the publisher of Manhattan magazine right now and tell him that you belong up on that list and not me. To Jack Gallo.

Nina Van Horn:
Hear, hear!

Maya Gallo:
Hear, hear!

Jack Gallo:
[hands Elliot his phone] Here. His name is Rick.

[Dennis is shredding invitations Jack can't go to]

Dennis Finch:
The annual Playboy pajama party?

Jack Gallo:
Please. Half-naked bimbos running around yelling, "The pool's cold! The pool's cold!" Who needs it?

Dennis Finch:
I hear ya.

[makes shredder noises while pocketing the invitation]

Dennis Finch:
Who is your secret source?

Nina Van Horn:
An ex-lover of mine. I can't be more specific than that.

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina, you've got to start getting their first names.

Nina Van Horn:
We have a crisis.

Dennis Finch:
I told you, I put the scotch in the left hand drawer.

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, and that's five frantic minutes I'm never getting back.

Mark Hamill:
Are you telling me that machine collates and staples?

Dennis Finch:
That's right.

Mark Hamill:
We could have used one of those on the Millennium Falcon.

Jack Gallo:
Dead last?

Dennis Finch:
If it's any consolation, your buddy Donald Trump plummeted to number five.

Maya Gallo:
Worst day of your life? You've had three divorces. You passed two kidney stones. You flew a hot-air balloon into the Chrysler building.

Maya Gallo:
What are you worried about? It's just a popularity contest.

Jack Gallo:
Oh, so on top of everything, I'm also not popular. How could that possibly comfort me?

[Maya is the only one in costume at the office]

Maya Gallo:
That memo telling everyone to dress up, I'm the only one who got it, aren't I?

Dennis Finch:
I have no idea what you're talking about, but this just came to you from corporate. Next week is Topless Tuesday.

Maya Gallo:
Way to go, Nina. See? I'm not the only one in the Halloween spirit.

Nina Van Horn:
Today's Halloween?

Dennis Finch:
Every time I come in here, you're either slamming your dad or turning on the waterworks. Could you tell me what he did that was so bad?

Jack Gallo:
Thank you, Dennis.

Maya Gallo:
When I was five, he paid our doorman to pose as him and take me trick-or-treating.

Dennis Finch:
You're not my pretend dad anymore!

Dennis Finch:
I just went over Nina's roladex, and do you know what's missing?

Elliot DiMauro:
A working knowledge of the alphabet?

Jack Gallo:
I'm feeling in the Halloween mood. Dennis, go out and buy one of those paper skeletons and hang it on my door.

Dennis Finch:
Would you settle for an old poster of Nina in a bikini?

Nina Van Horn:
That is so sweet!

Dennis Finch:
Okay, maybe I was freaked out, but that doesn't change the fact that Binnie doesn't exist. I checked. There is no social security number.

Elliot DiMauro:
So she's never had a job? She lives off alimony.

Dennis Finch:
No driver's license?

Elliot DiMauro:
A lot of people in Manhattan don't drive.

Dennis Finch:
No arrests for public drunkeness?

Elliot DiMauro:
Go on...

Maya Gallo:
[dressed as a fairy princess] I don't care if everyone thinks I'm nuts. I'm going to have a good time.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's the spirit.

Maya Gallo:
Thank you, Elliot.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're welcome. [stands next to Dennis] Now, could you please turn my little wooden friend here into a real boy?

Elliot DiMauro:
What do you mean it wasn't that scary? Psycho is the scariest movie of all time.

Dennis Finch:
Well, you've never seen home movies of my grandpa gumming an ear of corn.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, my friend Binnie was in Prague some years back. She was there having her navel centered.

Elliot DiMauro:
You can't get that done.

Nina Van Horn:
It's thinking like that that has forced women to live with their original ribs.

Maya Gallo:
[dressed as fairy] Dennis, what the hell?

Dennis Finch:
Attention, everyone! Did anyone here lose a tooth?

Dennis Finch:
So what's Binnie look like?

Elliot DiMauro:
You've never seen her either?

Dennis Finch:
No, but I picture a woman with a face put together like a ransom note.

Nina Van Horn:
Adrenne, we're ready for make-up. Are you feeling all right?

Adrienne Barker:
Not really.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, did you eat breakfast?

Adrienne Barker:

Nina Van Horn:
Well, there's your problem right there.

Maya Gallo:
Wait a minute, you had that same look on your face two years ago. You had sex, didn't you?

Nina Van Horn:
You had sex with Adrienne?

Dennis Finch:
Please, stop being so crude. Made love... four times!

Maya Gallo:
No offense, but why would she be go out with a little rat like you?

Dennis Finch:
None taken. God.

Nina Van Horn:

Dennis Finch:
Yes. He's finally making up for all the injustices. Having to sit o a phone book for my driver's license exam, not shaving until I was 28... He's taken it all away, and that's how it's gonna stay!

Maya Gallo:
I thought you were going to tell him.

Elliot DiMauro:
I tried, but he just insulted me.

Maya Gallo:
So you're just going to let him become a national joke?

Elliot DiMauro:
That was the idea, yes.

Nina Van Horn:
Then it's settled.

Dennis Finch:
Come on, Rhonda. It's not like we'll be in a date.

But you'll be there.

Dennis Finch:

That's the part I can't get past.

Hey, little T.

Maya Gallo:
Little T?

Dennis Finch:
They called me that because I was a badass like Mr. T.

Yeah, right! T is for T-shirt. He never took his off for swim practice.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
My skin is sensitive to the sun's harmful rays.

It was an indoor pool.

So what do they have you doing around here?

Dennis Finch:
I'm chief of staff. Uh, kind of upper management problem solver...

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, get me a doughnut. Oh, and Dennis, make sure they don't overdo it with the hole. I'm not paying for air.

Maya Gallo:
You don't think Adrienne will really go out with you, do you?

Dennis Finch:
You're right. We're practically different species. I'm not ever sure we could mate.

Maya Gallo:
This is about your friend Barry, isn't it?

Dennis Finch:
Yes. When I show up with Adrienne, it'll be a swift kick in his nut bins.

Elliot DiMauro:
You're waiting for your boyfriend to come back from work. You give him that look that makes him want you.

[Adrienne starts crying]

Nina Van Horn:
What kind of sick crap is she into?

Elliot DiMauro:
McDonald's the toughest player in the league. Remember, Finch? We were at that game and he coldcocked a guy with a stick?

Nina Van Horn:
Don't you expect that in a hockey game?

Elliot DiMauro:
Not when it's Nathan Lane singing "O, Canada."

[looking at the painting Jack wants to be photographed with, "Self Reliance"]

Maya Gallo:
I kinda see it. There's his head, there's his shoulder... What's that he's holding?

Elliot DiMauro:
It's too small to be a fishing pole.

Nina Van Horn, Maya Gallo, Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, my God!

Nina Van Horn:
I was just going to say he's too happy to be fishing.

Maya Gallo:
Well, at least he's being self reliant.

Dennis Finch:
Adrienne and I are getting married.

Jack Gallo:
Are you on the crack, boy?

Dennis Finch:
I'm serious. I love her, she loves me, so we're getting married.

Elliot DiMauro:
I think Jack asked you a question!

Jack Gallo:
I believe a toast is in order. To the bride, to the groom, and to God's warped sense of humor. First the duck-billed platypus, now this. I'm kidding, of course. Drink up.

Elliot DiMauro:
I think you shouldn't punish others just because you haven't had sex since the mid-'80s.

Maya Gallo:
Yeah? I think your IQ is in the mid-80s.

Jack Gallo:
Enjoy it, son. There's nothing like the magic of marriage number one.

Maya Gallo:
Aw, dad, that's the nicest thing you ever said about mom.

Jack Gallo:
Good God, number one was your mother?

Dennis Finch:
Church of the Rising Star. Isn't that that cult you used to belong to?

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, please. A few people get together, shave their heads, turn their property over to a charismatic leader, and suddenly it's a cult.

Dennis Finch:
Today is the proudest day of my life.

Nina Van Horn:
Aw, did you draw something we can put on the fridge?

Dennis Finch:
[hugs Nina] Oh, Nina. Always a delight.

Nina Van Horn:
All right, what did he put on my back?

Adrienne Barker:
Who's my tickle monkey?

Dennis Finch:

Adrienne Barker:
Who's my squirmy bear?

Dennis Finch:
I am!

Adrienne Barker:
Who's my little inchworm?

Dennis Finch:
Honey, I'm not too crazy about that one.

Jack Gallo:
This calls for a celebration.

Nina Van Horn:
hey, let's go downstairs and get bombed.

Jack Gallo:
Nina, it's ten o'clock in the morning.

Nina Van Horn:
I'm sorry, Jack.

Jack Gallo:
Let's leave quietly or everyone else will wanna come.

Maya Gallo:
Why do you keep your wedding albums at work?

Nina Van Horn:
I move out a lot, often in the middle of the night.

Adrienne Barker:
I like this one with the Arabian theme.

Nina Van Horn:
Ah, marriage number four.

Adrienne Barker:
Look, even the bridesmaids are dressed like harem girls.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, no, sweety. Those are the sultan's other wives.

Elliot DiMauro:
I say Dennis is in love.

Maya Gallo:
I say he's just using her.

Nina Van Horn:
I say one more drink and we go shopping.

Jack Gallo:
I've forgotten how much fun having martinis in the daytime is. It just makes the whole afternoon fly by.

Dennis Finch:
It's 11:30.

Jack Gallo:
Well, this blows.

Dennis Finch:
Can you do a wedding?

Not without a groom.

Dennis Finch:
I'm the groom.

No, seriously. Where is he?

Adrienne Barker:
He is, and I'm very much in love with my little wokkie.

Dennis Finch:
Wookie. What if it's an emergency?

I can't because, one, it's my day off; two, you don't have any witnesses; and three, you've obviously made a pact with Satan, and I want no part of that.

Dennis Finch:
I'll give you 200 bucks.

Well, let's do this puppy!

Nina Van Horn:
I've been going over it with the photographer, and either you wear platform shoes, or we have it outside and dig Adrienne some sort of trench.

Jack Gallo:
Of course, buying cookies is completely voluntary, so no pressure. Dennis?

Dennis Finch:
[takes out large chart] Everyone here starts out with a little sad face next to their name. But once you buy five boxes of cookies - Presto! - it turns into a smiley face.

Jack Gallo:
Now, this chart is for bookkeeping purposes only. I'll scarsely even notice it.

[to Dennis]

Jack Gallo:
Eye level, please.

Jack Gallo:
Who here thinks I'm intimidating? Well, answer me!

Maya Gallo:
Hello, I'd like to order a custom teddy bear. It has to have a camera. And is there any way it can be bald?

Dennis Finch:
Look, we all have fantasies. I have one where Jack is my father and I eat dinner at his house. Do I want it to happen? No. I have my own stupid father.

Jack Gallo:
So, on this team, are you the b*tch?

Elliot DiMauro:
What does that mean?

Jack Gallo:
Nothing. I wish I was man enough to do exactly what my wife tells me to, but I'm not, so I'm stuck doing what I want.

Elliot DiMauro:
You don't think I do what I want?

Jack Gallo:
Didn't you hear my "b*tch" comment?

Jack Gallo:
Good people of Blush, Dennis has an important announcement. Dennis?

Dennis Finch:
Because of a slowing of the economy, the following people will be laid off...

Jack Gallo:
No, Dennis, the other announcement. That's next Tuesday's announcement.

Nina Van Horn:
I have some cash now. How many boxes will this buy?

Jack Gallo:
What is it?

Nina Van Horn:
A rolled up hundred dollar bill. I found it in my hollowed out Bible.

Jack Gallo:
Praise the Lord.

Maya Gallo:
We're having dinner with my friend Donna tonight.

Elliot DiMauro:
The one you went to Cancun with?

Maya Gallo:
She left me for this guy and left me alone at the talent contest. I had to do Who's on First all by myself.

Elliot DiMauro:
And we're having diner with her because...?

Maya Gallo:
She broke up with her boyfriend.

Elliot DiMauro:
The poor thing. So, I'm assuming we'll be making out in front of her?

Maya Gallo:
Aha. I'll even let you grope me.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't you want Adrienne back?

Dennis Finch:
I'll do it my own way. Psychic messages.

Nina Van Horn:
All women want a big romantic gesture. I remember one time my first husband had to go away on business, so I go to my friend Lauren Hutton's house. I knock on the door, and who should answer but my husband, stark naked with a rose between his teeth? How he knew I was going to be there, I'll never know.

Dennis Finch:
Wow, this is great. You with your movie, me with my growth spurt... it's like all our fantasies are coming true. [Puts cookie over eye] Or "arr" they?

Adrienne Barker:
What are you doing?

Dennis Finch:

Dennis Finch:
How dare you, invoke my name in your sexual fantasies without my written consent?

Adrienne Barker:
That's the lamest thing I've ever heard!

Dennis Finch:
Yeah? Well, stick around, baby!

Nina Van Horn:
Just think, everyone thought I would wind up a man-chasing boozehound. Well, I showed them!

[she leaves]

Elliot DiMauro:
What, no comeback? That was a gimme.

Dennis Finch:
I don't go for cheap shots. Remember that, baldy.

Jack Gallo:
Let's see, airbrush that blemish, perk up her breasts, and give her a tan.

Elliot DiMauro:
Got it. And this is for which piece?

Jack Gallo:
"The Natural Look is Back."

Elliot DiMauro:
What the hell is going on?

Maya Gallo:
They canceled Nina Van Horn Day.

Elliot DiMauro:
What? Why?

Maya Gallo:
[crying] Apparently one of my underground films from the '70s appeared in the Video Barn. Now they say I'm setting a bad example.

Maya Gallo:
Some close-minded people can be a little uptight about a little nudity.

Nina Van Horn:
...and other stuff.

Elliot DiMauro:
What is going on here?

Jack Gallo:
The ring got stuck on his toe.

Dennis Finch:
There's a simple explanation for this.

Elliot DiMauro:
Really? I can't wait to hear it.

Dennis Finch:
I was in the tub, and I was pretending that my feet were getting married to each other.

Jack Gallo:
Then he called me and I came over to help.

Dennis Finch:
It could have happened to anyone.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, yeah? Name one time.

Elliot DiMauro:
I think it happened on an "ER."

Dennis Finch:
I saw that one. It really brought the hospital together.

Jack Gallo:
They're a very tight-knit group.

Elliot DiMauro:
Will you please stop it?

Jack Gallo:
I can't believe it. My little girl is getting married.

Dennis Finch:
You still have me, Jack.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, we need one more headline for this month's issue.

Jack Gallo:
Perfect! I am the king of this. What's it for?

Dennis Finch:
The new spring hair styles.

Jack Gallo:
How about, "Hair ye! Hair ye! Spring is hair!"? Why aren't you writing it down?

Dennis Finch:
Frankly, you can do better.

Jack Gallo:
How about this? "Hair, there, everywhere."

Dennis Finch:
Keep trying.

Jack Gallo:
All right, what would you write?

Dennis Finch:
Ummm... make it about orgasms, leave out the hair.

Jack Gallo:
There's nothing more I can teach you.

Elliot DiMauro:
Jack, I need to tell you something.

Jack Gallo:
I'm reading this article about body language.

Elliot DiMauro:
It's about...

Jack Gallo:
Wait! Don't tell me. Let me guess. Your hands are clasped, your head is low... You want to ask me out to lunch.

Elliot DiMauro:
I want to propose to Maya.

Jack Gallo:
Wow, I was way off.

Nina Van Horn:
The mayor of Colby wants to name a silo after me. I don't know if it's grain or missile, but either way, it's really quite humbling.

[Jack, Nina and Dennis are watching Elliot and Maya from the bar]

Jack Gallo:
I think maybe we should actually leave.

Nina Van Horn:
Nonsense. Elliot and Maya would want us to stay.

Dennis Finch:
I can't see this magical moment.

Nina Van Horn:
Fine. Barkeep, bring us another phone book.

Elliot DiMauro:
Is there going to be a parade?

Nina Van Horn:
Yes. It's going up Main Street and down the other one.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, Maya. You're like my cowardly scarecrow with the tin hat.

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm asking for magic, and I'm getting diddly. Nothing is going right.

Jack Gallo:
Why? What else happened?

Elliot DiMauro:
Nina's with us.

Jack Gallo:
Well, that's not very romantic.

Elliot DiMauro:
Congratulations, you're a proud graduate of the School of the Blatantly Obvious.

Jack Gallo:
I think we should go see how they're doing with Dennis' toe. Maya, we'll be in pediatrics.

Maya Gallo:
Face it, Elliot. You're just not ready to get married.

Elliot DiMauro:
Fine, I'll admit I had a little case of the jitters.

Maya Gallo:
In the ambulance you tried to pull the ring off my finger.

Elliot DiMauro:
I was just grasping your hand for comfort.

Maya Gallo:
Your foot was on my chest.

Nina Van Horn:
[reading Dennis' screenplay] "The Amazing Adventures of Dick Tation."

Dennis Finch:
It's a coming of age story, based on my life.

Nina Van Horn:
You seem to be having an awful lot of sex in here.

Dennis Finch:
Loosely based.

Nina Van Horn:
If I lose this job, I could wind up in the street.

Dennis Finch:
Calm down. It's almost summer.

Hey, got any dirty magazines lying around?

Dennis Finch:
Do I? What do you want? Blonde, burnette? Big, small? Old, young?

Let's try old, blonde and small.

Dennis Finch:
You got it!

Dennis Finch:
Check it out. Animal Planet.

Jack Gallo:
Look at the gazelles. Uh oh, that one's limping. Now here comes mister lion. That's unfortunate.

Dennis Finch:
Jack, they want you up at Graphics.

Jack Gallo:
Change my lunch order to a salad.

Elliot DiMauro:
Went to the gym?

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
Had a good workout?

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
Will you marry me?

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
Drinking tea?

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
Wanna be my wife?

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
You're going to slip up eventually!

Nina Van Horn:
Any suspects?

Dennis Finch:
No, but I have my ideas.

Nina Van Horn:
It has to be Jack. I mean, who else would have access to his office?

Dennis Finch:
Everyone. He leaves it open at night.

Nina Van Horn:
I bet it's Akbar form accounting. He's different from us. Very suspicious.

Dennis Finch:
No, it has to be someone with no moral center. Someone who is always short on money. Someone who makes poor decisions. Possibly a drinker.

Nina Van Horn:
I'm telling you it's Akbar!

Dennis Finch:
It's not just a dirty movie. It's a story of hope and love, and some group love.

Nina Van Horn:
If you want your video to play on MTV, you need some hot girls.

Simon Leeds:
I don't want any woman in my video unless it's you.

Dennis Finch:
You want this to air on MTV or the History Channel?

Dennis Finch:
So, Norway. You guys really rolled over for the Nazis, didn't you?

Nina Van Horn:
Tess, I love you, and you mean the world to me, but if you call me grandma again I'll have to crush your neck.

Elliot DiMauro:
I feel like a twelve year old boy.

Maya Gallo:
You are not a twelve year old boy.

Vicki Costa:
You're a twelve year old girl, you big ballerina.

Nina Van Horn:
I am your grandmother, I can have you institutionalized.

No, you can't.

Nina Van Horn:
My grammy did it to me!

Jack Gallo:
I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I've decided that the all G-string issue is the wrong direction for this magazine.

Maya Gallo:
Dad, I for one am standing by your decision.

Jack Gallo:
Which is why we're doing a special feature on nipple glitter instead.

Dennis Finch:


Dennis Finch:
They're bright and sparkly, I touch them in the darkly. Everybody!


Dennis Finch:
Classic Finch. It's good stuff.

Maya Gallo:
Mr. Gallo is very busy at this time.

Betsy Frayne:
I think that bra is a little busy.

Nina Van Horn:
For your protection, I think you should carry a gun too.

[takes a gun out of her purse]

Maya Gallo:
You can't give Dennis a gun.

Nina Van Horn:
You're right. The recoil would drop him right in his ass. Here, take this.

[takes out a switchblade]

Nina Van Horn:
Remember, it's stab and twist! Stab and twist!

Elliot DiMauro:
What did I say this morning?

Nina Van Horn:
That Maya's face was looking puffy?

Elliot DiMauro:
I never said that.

Nina Van Horn:
No one said it, but it was the elephant in the room.

Maya Gallo:
Elliot, what was that you told me about the way you walk?

Elliot DiMauro:
I took it from Al Pacino. Watch this. [walks back and forth]

Jack Gallo:
More like Al Paqueeno.

Dennis Finch:
Listen up, people! Jack is too old and wealthy to see people individually.

Maya Gallo:
I don't know what to say.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, I do! Your whole life has been a lie. I mean, who are you, really? You could be an old black woman, and we'd never know. But here's a few things we do know. One: I look great all the time; Two: Maya will die alone; and Three: you have completely freaked us out!

Dennis Finch:
You all feel this way?

Maya Gallo:
Except for the part about me dying alone.

Betsy Frayne:
You know, if you ever want to have sex with me, the door's always open.

Dennis Finch:

Betsy Frayne:
And some of the windows, too.

Dennis Finch:
From now on, no more Finchines. I'm dropping everything. Whoo! Yes, this is nice.

Irish Bartender:
[with accent] Can I draw ya another pint?

Dennis Finch:
[imitating accent] Yes, I would like another pint.

Irish Bartender:
Is this some kind of joke?

Dennis Finch:
I don't know what you're talking about.

Irish Bartender:
Are you making fun of me, boy-o?

Dennis Finch:
No, I'm not, I just want me pint!

Irish Bartender:
Quit talking like me!

Dennis Finch:
What are you talking about... Oh, sweet mother Mary!

Irish Bartender:
Stop it right now!

Dennis Finch:
I'm tryin', McRyan, I'm tryin'!

Irish Bartender:
[Grabs Dennis] I've had enough of you!

Dennis Finch:
Help me, O'Sullivan!

Maya Gallo:
It's just a salary negotiation. It's not like it's the Paris Peace Accord.

Nina Van Horn:
Yeah, Kissinger I knew how to deal with him. Tickle spot, left ear, it's like biting into a warm brownie.

Maya Gallo:
You just need to not let him set the rules to the negotiation.

Jack Gallo:
Nina, could you come in here now?

Nina Van Horn:
No, Jack. I want to do it later.

Jack Gallo:
All right, we'll do it later. Suit yourself.

Nina Van Horn:
You'd like that, you sneaky little bastard?

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, I take a lot of time off, but always with a legitimate reason.

Jack Gallo:
Last year you've had 27 dentists' appointments.

Nina Van Horn:
I have diseased gums.

Jack Gallo:
16 funerals.

Nina Van Horn:
Diseased friends.

Jack Gallo:
104 trips to the hair salon.

Nina Van Horn:
Now those are legit. I mean, this doesn't happen by itself.

Nina Van Horn:
He played you like the shortest, dumbest fiddle in the whole building.

Maya Gallo:
You know, he just tricked you too. You're not so smart yourself.

Nina Van Horn:
Hey! Careful, Maya. Some things you can never take back.

Dennis Finch:
Having sex with her would be like having sex with myself. I already have a guy to do that, and I don't even have to buy him dinner first. He-hey, woo!

[offers a high-five]

Elliot DiMauro:
See? That right there, and this - He-hey, woo! - most women see that and - how can I put it? - run away, fast.

Dennis Finch:
But not fast enough. He-hey! Woo!

Dennis Finch:
Dude, what were you thinking?

Betsy Frayne:
What do you mean? A threesome is the ultimate.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, when it's two girls and a guy. Your way is just weird.

[Jack tricked Nina into taking a box instead of a raise]

Maya Gallo:
Nina, the box?

Nina Van Horn:
The only thing inside was this hideous picture of a hideous baby.

Maya Gallo:
That's me, Nina.

Nina Van Horn:
I should have known. Last year I got your hideous prom picture.

Nina Van Horn:
I may have gotten nothing, but at least I can go out that door with my head held high knowing that I earned it.

Dennis Finch:
Maybe: Twice as sweet as no, half as good as yes.

Nina Van Horn:
Once again, modern Western tailoring has failed us. Well, I know this man in Chinatown, Mr. Chan, who can sew butter onto bread, even if he is blind and has no thumbs.

Elliot DiMauro:
I need you to distract him. Just don't talk about Binnie or anything that happened in the seventies.

Nina Van Horn:
Just handcuff me, why don't ya?

Nina Van Horn:
The only way he could be having an affair is if he were having a midlife crisis, wihch we know he is not. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to fix the man's high school jacket.

Elliot DiMauro:
Romance is like a tango.

Dennis Finch:
Yesterday you said the stock market was like a tango.

Elliot DiMauro:
It is.

Elliot DiMauro:
Jack, don't you think romance is like a tango?

Jack Gallo:
Yesterday you said the subway system was like a tango.

Elliot DiMauro:
It is.

Elliot DiMauro:
[showing Maya his new digital camera] Check this out. 1,200 by 900 dpi.

Maya Gallo:
What does that mean?

Elliot DiMauro:
You know, it's digital, it's a very complicated process. I don't have time to explain it.

Maya Gallo:
You don't know, do you?

Elliot DiMauro:
You open it up and there's no film, Maya!

Nina Van Horn:
Mr. Chan can wield his needle like a samurai, even if he has only one leg and a metal cup where his nose should be.

Nina Van Horn:
Mr. Chan stayed up all night to make it perfect.

Maya Gallo:
Even if he is just a floating head in a jar.

Jack Gallo:
Is that a new camera?

Elliot DiMauro:
It sure is. Completely digital. Has an 8000-pixel viewfinder and an 18-bit filter.

Jack Gallo:
What does that mean?

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm not sure, but it sure is shiny.

Jack Gallo:
That's comforting coming from our head of photography.

Nina Van Horn:
Dennis, I need Baxter the intern to run an errand for me.

Dennis Finch:
The last time he did that he ended up in a Mexican prison.

Dennis Finch:
I know the recipe for romance. One cup of love, two cups of crap and sprinkle on the moxie.

Nina Van Horn:
And how does this meal end?

Dennis Finch:
Like all good meals: with me satisfied, sleepy and searching for a mint.

Elliot DiMauro:
So you guys claim to have the world's best blueberry pie. I'll be the judge of that.

Oh, no, it's the great pie judge. What if you don't like it? I'll have to return to my village in shame.

Nina Van Horn:
Mr. Chan could sew the clouds into a coat for God, even if he's only four feet tall and has an extra row of teeth.

I like to think of my body as a temple.

Which explains why there's a line to get in on Friday nights.

Trust me. Revenge is a dish best served with fresh maple syrup.

So, how was Jamaica?

Just like Florida, except everyone speaks English.

Tell me you didn't do anything weird like talk about your action figure collection.

A: of course not; and B: it's a sound financial investment.

C: not if you take them out of the box and play with them.

I'd love to do to her what she did to him. I'd wine her and dine her, and just when I have her on the palm of my hand, I'd say, "You screwed over my friend, and that's not cool with me!"

Easier said than done.

Oh, please. I date supermodels. She's just a civilian.

You know, you make it hard to root for you.

[about Courtney] Just looking at her makes me sick. She's all shallow with her fake laugh. I talked to her this morning, she's so self centered she thinks everything is about her.

Ahem, I can hear you.

What brought this on?

It's about dignity. It's about self respect. It's about the battle between good and evil.

Ah, you made another silly bet with Donald Trump, didn't you?

There's nothing silly about it. Whoever loses the most weight by Friday wins, and the other one has to play golf with a flounder down his pants.

How did you arrive at that?

I said salmon, he said monkfish. The lawyers took it from there.

I gained nine pounds? What the hell have you done to me?

Me? Obviously you cheated.

That's impossible! I've been starving myself all week on that stupid diet of yours.

And you're following it exactly?

To the letter!

Well, what did you have for dinner last night? The pasta or the chicken or the tuna?


I'm telling you, she's amazing! It felt like I was with three women, and I've been with three women.

I assumed you closed the deal.

Please, a gentleman doesn't tell.

So what's stopping you?

Let's just say I did my fair share of body surfing. Yeah!

[high-fives Elliot]

What does that mean?

Let's just say all of Dennis' fun wasn't under the sun. Yeah!

[high-fives Elliot]

What are you saying?

Let's just say the tide was not the only thing going in and out. Yeah!

[high-fives Elliot; Elliot refuses]

You didn't get any, did you?


It's not like I didn't see her naked.

Did you?

Yeah. I just pretended to be asleep while she was getting it on with the tennis pro.

Nina, my office, now.

You don't understand, Jack. You have the only couch that folds out.

What about my couch?

All joking aside, what can I do for you?

I need to lose a few pounds fast.

Then I have a sure-fire way of losing weight.

Let me guess. Sweating under the oldies?

Shouldn't you be at the North Pole making toys?

[tasting powder from one of Jack's "health donuts"] Sugar. Pure cane. Probably from Hawaii. They bring it over in boats.

Every time you make a bet with Trump, you end up losing.

This time it's gonna be different.

Last time you said that, you ended up at a tattoo parlor with your pants down.

Egomaniac has to have his name on everything.

I'll break it off, but I have to do it carefully. I don't want to hurt her feelings.

And you call yourself a womanizer.

Jack Gallo:
Our next issue is one article short. I need new ideas.

Dennis Finch:
How about a feature on America's most voluptuous prisoners? Felons with melons.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, for the eightieth time, stop pitching that.

Nina Van Horn:
I should be in that retrospective. I mean, when you think of famous models in the seventies, you think of Nina Van Horn.

Dennis Finch:
No, when they think of models in their seventies, they think of Nina Van Horn.

Nina Van Horn:
Finch, I promise you, when they drop, your voice will change.

Jack Gallo:
It's just that when you model, you can be... how can I put it delicately?

Dennis Finch:
A pain in the ass?

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, please!

Dennis Finch:
A huge pain in the ass?

Jack Gallo:
That's it.

Maya Gallo:
What are you most passionate about?

Dennis Finch:
You know... cats, Britney Spears, porcelain figurines... just typical guy stuff.

Dennis Finch:
Write me a new poem.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
I'll be humiliated.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
I have one month to live.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
I'm one-sixteenth Cherokee, and you owe it to my people.

Maya Gallo:

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, who's the fourth Monkee?

Dennis Finch:
Peter Tork.

Jack Gallo:
Thanks. That kept me up all night.

Nina Van Horn:
Now, you may have heard about how I drink during shoots.

Vicki Costa:
Don't worry. I don't listen to rumors.

Nina Van Horn:
No, I mean I'm going to need a blender on the set.

Vicki Costa:
I can't believe I'm working with Nina Van Horn.

Elliot DiMauro:
Easy for you to say. I'm the one she's going to make fun of all through the shoot.

Nina Van Horn:
Good morning, everyone! Isn't it a beautiful day? The sun is shining...

Elliot DiMauro:
I know, like my big, bald head. I get it.

Nina Van Horn:
Here, I bought you a croissant.

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, because I'm flaky and pretentious? Let's all laugh at Elliot DiMauro! Ha, ha, ha!

Jack Gallo:
You know, Dennis, you're a lot smarter than I give you credit for.

Dennis Finch:
Thanks. I have an idea for the December issue. Santa's bustiest helpers. Elves with shelves.

Jack Gallo:
I'll think about it.

Nina Van Horn:
Stop! I can't do it.

Elliot DiMauro:
Why not?

Nina Van Horn:
This fruit is cold.

Elliot DiMauro:
Fruit is supposed to be cold. Who eats hot fruit?

Nina Van Horn:
I'm not going to eat it. I just don't like looking at cold fruit. It freaks me out!

Maya Gallo:
So Elliot, are you still coming by tonight to... help me move my couch?

Elliot DiMauro:
Yes, but I still have to stop by the drug store to buy some... slip covers.

Maya Gallo:
No, you don't need to do that because I have something I can put in my... couch... that does the same thing as... slip covers. So just come over at 8.

Dennis Finch:
So, you and Maya are gonna hook up, huh?

Elliot DiMauro:
Jeez, Dennis, how do you know that?

Dennis Finch:
Please. It's like watching Forrest Gump and Nell plan a booty call.

Hey, assface.

Dennis Finch:
You're the assface, assface.

You're the assface astronaut who rode a turd rocket to the third ring of Uranus.

Dennis Finch:

Elliot DiMauro:
My lovelife sucks. I just got shot down by a girl named Burt.

Maya Gallo:
Don't look at me. Last night I ordered Chinese food just to hear a man on the phone.

Elliot DiMauro:
Ping? He's a good listener.

Nina Van Horn:
There's nothing wrong with covering flaws with a little make-up. I do it all the time.

Dennis Finch:
That's right. If you chip off a few layers, you can see the hickey that Abe Lincoln gave her.

Nina Van Horn:
At least I've had a hickey.

Dennis Finch:
I've had hickeys.

Nina Van Horn:
Cats don't count.

Dennis Finch:
You can do it, get some, snag it, and get up all in there. But make love? That's just offensive.

Maya Gallo:
Having sex with no attachments is great. I feel so liberated.

Nina Van Horn:
I am so proud of you. It's like watching a horny baby take her first steps.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, what's that smell I like?

Dennis Finch:
Meadow after a rain storm?

Jack Gallo:
That's it.

Dennis Finch:
Any gift given to a co-worker over a hundred bucks comes with the understanding that the giver wants to give it to the givee.

Dennis' Shoulder Devil:
Hey, switch the cards. It'll be hilarious.

[Dennis looks at his other shoulder]

Dennis' Shoulder Devil:
What are you looking for?

Dennis Finch:
Isn't there supposed to be an angel over here?

Dennis' Shoulder Devil:
Are you Dennis Finch?

Dennis Finch:

Dennis' Shoulder Devil:
Then no. Do it!

Nina Van Horn:
Here. Open it, open it.

Elliot DiMauro:
What could this be?

[opens present]

Elliot DiMauro:
Oh, vodka. Thank you, Nina.

Nina Van Horn:
[holding a tumbler] Open it, open it!

Nina Van Horn:
There is something I haven't told you about me.

Jack Gallo:
I find that hard to believe.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, let me offer you a piece of advice that will help you as you travel through that long road of life: never buy a racehorse with Robert Goulet.

Dennis Finch:
Thanks for the tip, Yoda.

Nina Van Horn:
Back on the farm I discovered, at an early age, that I had a talent. I'm what they call a... horse calmer-downer.

Nina Van Horn:
What are you doing?

Dennis Finch:
Sorting Jack's M&Ms. He doesn't like the blue ones. He says they're unnatural.

Nina Van Horn:
[after talking to Jack's racehorse] Your precious race is on, Jack.

Jack Gallo:
How do you know?

Nina Van Horn:
He spoke to me.

Jack Gallo:
Well, if he told you I ate one of his apples, he's a liar.

Maya Gallo:
This time I think I've really outdone myself. I got Elliot a great present.

Dennis Finch:
You mean like soap?

Maya Gallo:
It wasn't just soap. It was soap of the month.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, twelve timely reminders that your present sucks.

[Elliot finds the sex toys that he thinks came from Maya]

Jack Gallo:
What she get ya?

Elliot DiMauro:
Socks. Just socks.

Jack Gallo:
Socks? Cool! What kind?

Elliot DiMauro:
Tube socks.

Jack Gallo:
Tube socks? Do they come with stripes?

Elliot DiMauro:
Sure, whatever.

Jack Gallo:
Do they have that little padding on the heel?

Elliot DiMauro:
Back off, Jack! They're just stupid socks!

Jack Gallo:
Make a note: Elliot hates socks.

Dennis Finch:
[looking at the sex toys] Oh, my God! Is this some sort of gag?

Elliot DiMauro:
No, she said it's for real.

Dennis Finch:
No, this leather thing. Is it some sort of gag?

Maya Gallo:
There are plenty of good schools.

Jack Gallo:
I don't want a good school for Hannah. I want the best school, and I can make this happen. I am the Can Do King.

Maya Gallo:
Says who?

Jack Gallo:
This mug.

[lifts mug that says "Can Do King"]

Maya Gallo:
Well, I can't argue with you there, even if I am the World's Greatest Golfer.

[drinks from mug that says "World's Greatest Golfer"]

[Elliot and Nina are listening to a Cholera Joe record]

Elliot DiMauro:
Isn't it amazing how his voice just sucks you right into his world of despair?

Dennis Finch:
You lost me right after sucks.

Elliot DiMauro:
I have every album Cholera Joe ever made, even his unfinished one, "Don't Need No Doctor."

Jack Gallo:
I must have some connections. Woodbridge. Woodbridge. Who do I know went to Woodbridge?

Maya Gallo:
Uh, me? I went to Woodbridge.

Jack Gallo:
That can't be right, I would have remembered. There would have been plays and recitals... oh.

Dennis Finch:
Those of you on the left side of the tram may want to take out your cameras for this awkward family moment.

Dennis Finch:
[answers phone] Jack Gallo's office. Where are you? What are you wearing? Oh, ho-ho!

[to Jack]

Dennis Finch:
It's your wife.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, I used to date a hockey player.

Elliot DiMauro:
Is there any sport where you haven't slept with one of the players?

Nina Van Horn:
Of course.

Dennis Finch:
Not counting figure skating.

Nina Van Horn:
Well, then no.

Elliot DiMauro:
Check this out. Cholera Joe's classic, "Pebble in My One Good Shoe."

Nina Van Horn:
This was the last time he sang with a tooth.

Nina Van Horn:
I can't believe we're talking to the woman who inspired "Chin Hair Mama."

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, you go with her. But don't come crawling back to me, 'cause if you do... I'll still be here.

Jack Gallo:
I'm entering everyone's birthdays into my computer. Maya, when's yours?

Maya Gallo:
You're kidding, right?

Jack Gallo:
It's just that you have one of those birthdays that's hard to remember.

Maya Gallo:
January first?

Dennis Finch:
Mind if I wait in here? Some fifth graders were picking on me.

Jack Gallo:
I need you to come to Woodbridge with me, to tell them what a great father I am.

Maya Gallo:
Oh, you want me to lie.

Jack Gallo:
Not lie, just have some fun with the truth.

Maya Gallo:
I can have fun with the truth. I used to be good at having fun with the truth. Like when you didn't come to my sweet sixteen party, I told my friends that you were donating a kidney.

Jack Gallo:
I'm a giver.

Maya Gallo:
And when you weren't there when I had the lead role in Oklahoma, I told them you were in an avalanche.

Jack Gallo:
My worst nightmare.

Maya Gallo:
And when you weren't at my high school graduation, I told everyone you were hunting Nazis in Argentina.

Jack Gallo:
I hate Nazis. Always have.

Maya Gallo:
And then there was the time I realized everyone knew I was lying, and that's when having fun with the truth stopped being fun.

Jack Gallo:
Please, don't do it for me. Do it for Hannah. [speaks in high-pitched voice while holding picture of Hannah] Pwease, big sister. I wanna go to the good school.

Maya Gallo:
Fine, I'll do it. But that is the most annoying voice I have ever heard. [opens door, the screeching sound of Cholera Joe Hopper singing is playing outside]

All women are two drinks away from a girl-on-girl adventure.

According to who?

According to any movie on Cinemax After Dark.

My father once told me that good things will happen to good people. Now I know he was wrong.

Call it a quest, Call it a dream...

Oh, that's Jill. Rumor has it she's interested in someone around here.

Hey, I'm around here. Do you think it could be me?

I don't see how.

Give her a kiss hello. It's very European.

She's from Wisconsin.

She travels.

Do you have to go around with that filthy thing?

It's not even lit.

I was talking to the cigar.

Nice hair... in your ears.

Something from the bar?

Sea breeze.

And for you, sir?

That is for me, smart guy. The lady will have a brain eraser, no ice.

That seems a little strong.

Nah, it's like ginger ale. But don't put it near the candle.

Look, Jill. I'm flattered, but I don't date women.

Then why would Dennis say that?

He said that? Oh, he is unbelievable! Did he really think he could get us two together?

Then he probably wasn't a real Navy Seal, was he?


Or the original Nicolas on "Eight is Enough"?

No, that one's true.

[Dennis is trying to get Jill's passport renewed]

If you were the President of the United States, and it was a matter of national security, I still couldn't help you.

Please, if you renew this passport, you could be fullfilling every man's fantasy.

Two girls?


Give me those papers. Get this man through!

I'll go ask her out.

Whoa, whoa. You'll scare her off. Remember your first time, how scary it was?

What do you suggest?

Maybe you and me could take her on a dinner date.

Why would you be there?

Remember your first time? Wouldn't you want a third person there?

There was a third person there.

[Dennis faints]

What is it with men and two women?

Actually, I kinda get it.

Elliot DiMauro:
[all reading from newspaper] Congressman Michael Tenzer was lost in a tragic duck hunting accident in the treacherous Louisiana swamplands.

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
Tenzer is known on Capitol Hill as "The Crying Congressman" for his tearful speaking style.

Nina Van Horn:

Maya Gallo:
He's known as... [Maya grabs paper] Hey, that's a little rude.

Maya Gallo:
Tenzer's wife of fifteen years, a world reknowned marathon runner, has expressed concern over his well-being.

Nina Van Horn:
[grabs paper] A world reknowned marathon runner? What?

Elliot DiMauro:
[grabs paper] Man buys newspaper with his own money and wants to read it. Whaaat?

Nina Van Horn:
Fine, but spend too much time without a man, and you know what happens?

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
I don't know.

Michael Tenzer:
Don't call the hospital!

Maya Gallo:
Give me one good reason.

Michael Tenzer:
Because I'm a U.S. congressman, and I can't be caught in your appartment.

Maya Gallo:
I said a good reason, not a spectacular one.

Maya Gallo:
Anyone want more wine?

Nina Van Horn:
Well, I'm a quart low.

Dennis Finch:
You're not still mad about paintball, are you?

Jack Gallo:
You shot me three seconds into the war!

Maya Gallo:
Dad, we need to talk about our astrologer.

Jack Gallo:
Madame Delores? What's wrong with her?

Maya Gallo:
I don't think her heart's in it anymore.

Jack Gallo:
[reading] "Pisces: Something bad may or may not happen to you." I'm a Pisces.

Maya Gallo:
Don't I get an invitation? Oh, I see. It's boys only. God forbid, a woman should be tough enough for combat.

Jack Gallo:
Do you want to go?

Maya Gallo:
Sure, I'll go. Unless it rains. Or it's too cold. I don't wanna go.

Elliot DiMauro:
At what time do we have to be there?

Jack Gallo:
Combat begins at 0800 hours, with a cappuccino reception at seven-thirtyish.

Jack Gallo:
We're fighting against Obsession.

Maya Gallo:
Obsession the perfume?

Jack Gallo:
Don't laugh. They're the toughest team on the perfume leagues. Their ambush of Old Spice is legendary.

Kevin Liotta:
Do you hear that voice too?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, that's Jack's new intercom system.

Kevin Liotta:
No, I mean the voice of my father mocking me for the way I throw a football. Stop it, daddy!

Nina Van Horn:
A friend never wants to know you slept with her husband... or her son, for that matter.

Vicki Costa:
Pete just dumped me. Out of the blue, he just dumped me. What the hell happened?

Nina Van Horn:
Maybe it's another woman. Or maybe you're just not that good in bed.

Elliot DiMauro:
Can you believe he's wasting our time with this drivel?

Jack Gallo:
[on intercom] The Blush employee of the month is Elliot DiMauro.

Elliot DiMauro:
Hot damn!

Maya Gallo:
I'll tell you, but you have to promise no judgment.

Nina Van Horn:
You can count on me.

Maya Gallo:
I slept with Pete.

Nina Van Horn:
You whore!

Maya Gallo:
I said no judgment!

Nina Van Horn:
Come on, first you talk about Elliot's "bowls" and then you sleep with Pete. It's not like you're wearing white at the wedding.

Kevin Liotta:
You're late.

Dennis Finch:
I know.

Kevin Liotta:
The Lord frowns on that.

Dennis Finch:
I know, I read your pamphlet.

Jack Gallo:
That Toastman really burns me up. I call him for a little meet-and-greet and he won't answer.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah, that's bad.

Jack Gallo:
I'll say, it's wack. My TV is stuck on MTV. I am really getting tired of this Toastman guy. That fool be trippin'.

Maya Gallo:
You told people I slept with Pete?

Nina Van Horn:
No, I didn't.

Elliot DiMauro:
Hey, Maya. I heard you and Pete played hooks and ladders at the firehouse.

Maya Gallo:
You told Elliot?

Nina Van Horn:
Yes, but no one else.

Kevin Liotta:
Hey, Maya. Sorry about Pete, but the heart wants what it wants.

Maya Gallo:
So this is how you help me, by telling everyone in the office?

Nina Van Horn:
Only those who would be discrete and would not misuse your trust.

Dennis Finch:
Hey, Maya, I heard you and Toastman had a threeway with Pete. Way to go, Superfreak.

[to Nina, in response to a stupid comment]

Elliot DiMauro:
Let me ask you something - when you tilt your head to the side, does it sound like a rain stick?

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, what's the name of that song I like?

Dennis Finch:
Theme from Shaft.

Jack Gallo:
That's it.

Nina Van Horn:
I'm back.

Jack Gallo:
Did you go somewhere?

Nina Van Horn:
A self-actualization seminar called Me First.

Dennis Finch:
Drama queen camp.

Jack Gallo:

Maya Gallo:
Dennis, is my father ready to review articles.

Dennis Finch:
No. He's still with Hannah and that freaky nanny.

Maya Gallo:
I think April's nice.

Dennis Finch:
She keeps calling me Button.

Maya Gallo:

Dennis Finch:
So? In the mean streets where I grew up, Button is what they used to call the weaker kids.

Elliot DiMauro:
You grew up in a nice suburb of Albany.

Dennis Finch:
In the baddest-ass cul-de-sac in all of Shady Brooks Estates. South of the golf course.

Maya Gallo:
Well, at least you made it out, man.

Dennis Finch:
Sometimes I think going back there, give something back. Maybe volunteering at the tennis club, maybe the marina.

Dennis Finch:
I'm Jack Gallo, and what I say goes! I'm the boss, and I'm a blabbering blabbity blah!

Nina Van Horn:
I went to this self-actualization seminar called Me First. It's very complicated, but basically they taught me that I am the center of the universe.

Dennis Finch:
What's next week, tall and skinny camp?

Maya Gallo:
Any other time I would, but I'm having my wisdom teeth pulled out.

Jack Gallo:
Didn't you had them taken out in college? I remember sending you a big check.

Maya Gallo:
Actually, I used that to cover a bad night at Vegas.

Jack Gallo:
Wow. Tell me what happened.

Maya Gallo:
Well, I was at the blackjack table and I split tens.

Jack Gallo:
[disappointed] Oh, Maya.

Dennis Finch:
[playing with Jack's sword] Dennis, this ancient sword was a present from Trump himself. Never use it. More salami?

[slices salami with sword]

I'm freaking out now! Here it comes!

[squeaks feebly]

Dennis Finch:
That was it? Thank God. I was expecting you to...

[April shrieks at the top of her lungs]

Jack Gallo:
What's going on? [April screams and runs off] Dennis?

Dennis Finch:
What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. We live in a world where our privacy is taking a back seat to the ever watchful eye of Big Brother. Security cameras in our homes? What's next, bar codes on our heads? Shame on you, Jack Gallo. Shame on you and all the fascists chipping away at our personal freedoms.

Jack Gallo:
You schtupped my nanny, didn't you?

Dennis Finch:

I think we have everything. Your binky, your baa-baa, your moo-moo... Am I forgeting something?

Dennis Finch:
Uh, your adult vocabulary?

Nina Van Horn:
Don't worry. He couldn't run this place without you.

Dennis Finch:

Nina Van Horn:
No, I was talking to myself.

Jack Gallo:
Nina, did you finish that golf fashion layout?

Nina Van Horn:
Finished? I haven't even started.

Jack Gallo:
Any reason why?

Nina Van Horn:
Me and some of my Me First seminar buddies were out at the airport spreading the word.

Jack Gallo:
The word? Nina, is this seminar by any chance a cult?

Nina Van Horn:
Cult? Why is it that any belief system that strays from the norm is labeled a cult? That any leader that dares to speak a deeper truth is called a lunatic with a messiah complex, and his followers are just pawns.

Jack Gallo:
I'm sorry. I guess I just jumped to conclusions.

Nina Van Horn:
You should be. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to sever all ties with my family.

Hold on there, buddy. You can't go it.

Dennis Finch:
That's my wife in there.

Who, Adrienne Barker?

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. I'm her husband.

Yeah, right.

Dennis Finch:
No, it's true. We just got married.

Just now, in your head? Beat it.

Maya Gallo:
I was thinking it would be fun to do an article on lost loves. I mean, everyone's got a story about the one that got away.

Dennis Finch:
I don't.

Nina Van Horn:
Trust me, dear, you will.

Nina Van Horn:
You know, it's ironic. The very night I ruined Elliot's once chance at true love was the same night I hit him with my car.

Maya Gallo:
That's not ironic, that's what happened.

Nina Van Horn:
So true.

Jack Gallo:
Does anyone have any new ideas? Come on, dazzle me.

Dennis Finch:
How about this? Put Adrienne and me on the cover and write a story about our marriage.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, I like that idea. Here's what'll make me love it. We keep Adrienne, lose you and the romance angle. Okay, that's one for me.

Nina Van Horn:
Do you by any chance remember that story Elliot told about being hit by a car?

Maya Gallo:
Yes, Nina, that was twenty minutes ago.

Nina Van Horn:
Elliot, just hear me out and I'll be out of your life forever, except for the fifty hours a week we work together.

Bob Whiteman:
I think we should go downtown.

Dennis Finch:
Come on, there's gotta be away we can take care of this right here.

Bob Whiteman:
You can start by telling me her birthday.

Dennis Finch:
June 10.

Bob Whiteman:
August 4.

Dennis Finch:
I'll get my coat.

Bob Whiteman:
And who are you?

Jack Gallo:
Jack Gallo, and these two aren't saying another word until I get a lawyer down here.

Bob Whiteman:
Gallo. Your name is mentioned a lot on their wedding announcement.

Jack Gallo:
That's right.

Bob Whiteman:
You're an extremely wealthy man.

Jack Gallo:
Thank you. You're very kind.

Bob Whiteman:
I'm guessing you have a staff of, say, three?

Jack Gallo:
Four, and a driver.

Bob Whiteman:
And I assume all their papers are in order?

Jack Gallo:
Why you arrogant little pissant. Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? Do you know what I can do to you with one phone call? Mark my words, I will be back.


Adrienne Barker:
How long do you think he'll be?

Dennis Finch:
He's not coming back.

Jack Gallo:
Look no further, I have just the story for you. As usual, my name will be changed to Jeffrey.

Maya Gallo:
Got it.

Jack Gallo:
I first met her in Shanghai. She was beautiful. Jet black hair. Velvet skin. Toes like peanuts.

Elliot DiMauro:
So what happened?

Jack Gallo:
I sleep with her one night, and she went off with another man. "Love you long time." There's a lie.

Elliot DiMauro:
I too have a story, but it doesn't take place in the Far East. It takes place right here, in the heart.

Dennis Finch:
As usual, his name will be changed to Lisa.

Bob Whiteman:
You really do love him.

Adrienne Barker:
That's right.

Dennis Finch:
And I love her.

Bob Whiteman:
Yeah, yeah, I can see that. But if you love him, why not me? I mean, I'm funny, I'm caring, and I've been told I give a good hand massage. Sure, I may not be a great catch, but clearly that's not what you're after. I really think we can make it work! Come on, why not me? Why not agent Bob Whiteman?

Bob! A word, please?

Bob Whiteman:
Well, it's not fault of yours, but it's fair to say I'm in big trouble.

Maya Gallo:
You ran over Elliot with your car?

Nina Van Horn:
I didn't know it was him. The guy I hit was face down and twitching.

Maya Gallo:
And you just left him there?

Nina Van Horn:
I called the police, but the General insisted we left. He wanted to oppress his people and needed our country's support.

Nina Van Horn:
Please, your Excellency. No means later.

Elliot DiMauro:
It's ironic, but you running me over that night may have been the best thing that ever happened to me.

Nina Van Horn:
Elliot, that's not ironic, that's what happened.

Maya Gallo:
Hi, Nina.

Nina Van Horn:
Morning, Steve.

[kisses Maya on the mouth; stops, looks over her shades]

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, my God. I'm at work.

Rhoda DiMauro:
Girls, I want you to meet Nina Van Horn. She's going to talk to you about fashion.

Nina Van Horn:
And hate crimes, if time permits.

Dennis Finch:
Those of you who took the time to know Spartacus knew that he was more than just an award-winning pure breed. But most of you never took the time, did you?

Elliot DiMauro:
Ma, what are you doing here?

Nina Van Horn:
Big news! She just left your father.

Elliot DiMauro:
She... what?

Nina Van Horn:
And we just saw Al Pacino get his ass kicked outside a Starbucks.

Maya Gallo:
You can't give these toys to Hannah. They're too dangerous.

Jack Gallo:
Are you implying that I bought these for myself?

Maya Gallo:
Not at all.

Jack Gallo:
Well, fine, I'm keeping them, because Maya is always right!

Nina Van Horn:
I am the fashion editor at Blush magazine. "Maga" meaning many, and "zine" meaning pages. Many pages.

Maya Gallo:
Maybe we can get him back into his cage.

Jack Gallo:
I have an idea, let's herd him there. Here, you take this remote, I'll take this one.

Maya Gallo:
Can I be the death buggy?

Jack Gallo:
You're not ready for the death buggy.

Elliot DiMauro:
You really do hate each other, huh? When did all this happen?

Rhoda DiMauro:
Oh, who knows? First you stop talking, then the sex becomes mechanical...

Elliot DiMauro:
Okay, that's good enough for me.

Elliot DiMauro:
And be careful out there, okay? There's a lot of crazy people out there.

Nina Van Horn:
Run, Rhoda!

[Tackles Elliot]

Nina Van Horn:
You're gonna thank me when you come to.

Nina Van Horn:
Are there any questions?

Nature Scout #1:
Who watches your baby when you're at work?

Nina Van Horn:
I don't have a baby.

Nature Scout #2:
Doesn't your husband want a baby?

Nina Van Horn:
I don't have a husband.

Nature Scout #1:
Don't you want one?

Nina Van Horn:
Girls, these are all fine questions, but stop asking them.

Nina Van Horn:
Don't you ever wanted more out of your life? Don't you want to live adventures?

Nature Scout #2:
I once set a fire in my room.

Nina Van Horn:
You just became my favorite.

Nature Scout #1:
Can we have adventures like you?

Nina Van Horn:
Sure. All you have to do is not let anyone tell you what to do. I never did. Except for the three years when I was in a cult, and the alternative was death.

Nina Van Horn:
I reached to her with words, like a teacher, or a writer, or a radio.

Elliot DiMauro:
[on phone] Dad, I found ma. Who cares where your carton of Camels is?

Rhoda DiMauro:
They're up your keister, you son of a b*tch!

Elliot DiMauro:
Ma says hi.

Elliot DiMauro:
Jack, would you consider yourself a fan of nature?

Jack Gallo:
Of course. As a boy I took a lot of hikes.

Elliot DiMauro:
Good. And on these hikes, did you ever run across something in nature that just didn't fit?

Jack Gallo:
Yes. I once saw an owl, and I swear to God it smiled at me.

Elliot DiMauro:
Sure, but I mean something like... oh, I don't know... a really skinny tree with branches that are way too big for it's trunk?

Maya Gallo:
You poor thing. How did they take it? Were they crushed when you told them?

Nina Van Horn:
Crushed? "Crushed" is not the right word, nor is "told them".

Elliot DiMauro:
How could you not know? Didn't you take gym in high school?

Dennis Finch:
I was excused because I have brittle bones.

Jack Gallo:
So you've never compared yourself to other men?

Dennis Finch:
No. That is, only guys in porno movies. I just thought I was a little bigger than average.

Elliot DiMauro:
You son of a b*tch.

Jack Gallo:
Poor Dennis. It's a story as old as time. Great product, lousy sales department.

Dennis Finch:
Pumping iron is hard.

Elliot DiMauro:
Yes, it is.

Dennis Finch:
Yeah. How long do you think until you can put weights on the bar?

Elliot DiMauro:
When you are able to lift your gym bag with one arm.

Maya Gallo:
You sound disappointed.

Nina Van Horn:
It's just that I alway fantasized that my birth parents were movie stars, or doctors, or at least people who didn't smell like hogs.

Maya Gallo:
Before I figured out what my father did, I always fantasized that he was a blacksmith, working the forge, making shoes...

Nina Van Horn:
Well, turns out he's a millionaire. Boo-hoo for you, and now back to me.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, how rude of me. This is... I can't remember.

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
I'm not kidding. I wanna say Karen.

Aside from the practice, we do have some oil money.

Nina Van Horn:
Oil? As in "Vroom, vroom, make the cars go"?

As in "Vroom, vroom, leave the practice and play some golf."

Dennis Finch:
Well, well. We meet again. Say, why don't we hit the town later?

I have plans.

Dennis Finch:
Well, you might wanna change them.

Why's that?

Dennis Finch:
Let's just say I put my pants on three legs at a time.

Excuse me?

Dennis Finch:
I mean, why settle for an ukelele when you can play the cello?

Are you having some sort of breakdown?

Dennis Finch:
You're right, I'm sorry. I must not be thinking straight. Maybe it's because not enough blood is getting to my brain because it's all rushing to my ridiculously large penis.

Maya Gallo:
Nina, we're going to a memorial. I don't think that dress is appropiate.

Nina Van Horn:
I always wear red at funerals. It's my way of saying, "Here I am, Death. Kiss my ass!"

Nina Van Horn:
Quite a turnout.

Yeah. Sam was really loved by everybody. Rich, poor, young, old.

Nina Van Horn:
Just for giggles, could you point out the richest and the oldest?

Nina Van Horn:
Call me a hopeless romantic, but I'd say those two are one day from Doing-it-ville.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, if you leave now, I'll have no option but to give Jack a full report on your disobedience, your insolence and your... pestilence.

Maya Gallo:
You're going to tell on me?

Nina Van Horn:
I prefer the word squeal, but yes.

Nina Van Horn:
The truth is, Jack, young people want boundaries. You know, they're like puppies, or the homeless.

Maya Gallo:
Do we really have to go?

Jack Gallo:
Of course you do. Sam Lazary was Blush Magazine's first investor, and a prince among men.

Maya Gallo:
Then why aren't you going?

Jack Gallo:
I don't do well at these things. I tend to get all blubbery, then I drink a lot, and say angry things to the valet.

Dennis Finch:
I'm Jack Gallo! Who stunk up my car? I want names! [Jack glares at him]

Dennis Finch:
Dude, I'm on your side.

Harry Lazary:
I must go mingle. No one's talking to the sherpas.

Elliot DiMauro:
Dennis, what is this in my Diane Arbus book?

Nina Van Horn:
It appears to be a drawing of Woody Woodpecker with an erection.

Dennis Finch:
I love that you got it.

Elliot DiMauro:
This was a gift from my mother, and you doodled all over it!

Dennis Finch:
Hey, I was on the phone. I had to do something with my hands.

[flips pages]

Dennis Finch:
He's dancing!

Nina Van Horn:
It's like a naughty little movie.

Nina Van Horn:
[thinking] Dear God, if you prod Jack into telling me his dark secret, I promise never to touch liquor again.

Jack Gallo:
It was 1964...

Nina Van Horn:
[takes drink] Go on.

Nina Van Horn:
Maya, you know the old expression, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink?

Maya Gallo:

Nina Van Horn:
Harry may be your brother.

Dennis Finch:
You think I like this arrangement? You think I like mooching off my friends? You think I want this to last forever? [Pause] I do want it to last forever.

Remember in 1965 when that man from an insurance company came to give you that physical?

Jack Gallo:
You took a blood test! Of course!

There was no insurance company.

Jack Gallo:
That explains the laughter during the hernia exam.

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm sorry, but it was a boring people discussion about a boring book.

Maya Gallo:
Boring? It's Angela's Ashes.

Elliot DiMauro:
Big deal! "We're starving! Dad's drunk! We're starving!" Yawn!

Dennis Finch:
Do you ever thought about getting out, Ethan? Being regular people?

I don't know. Assisting a regular person?

Dennis Finch:
No, I mean not being an assistant at all.

You mean being a butler?

Dennis Finch:
Forget it.

Nina Van Horn:
A reputation is no big deal. I've had mine since seventh grade, and, if anything, it's held me back.

Maya Gallo:
I was thinking we should do an article on women astronauts. Who they are, how they go there...

Jack Gallo:
...what kind of lingerie they wear on Earth.

Elliot DiMauro:
That's a great idea.

Maya Gallo:

Elliot DiMauro:
Hey' it's our tax dollars. We deserve to know.

Nina Van Horn:
Oh, my God! My taxes! Ah, screw it.

Elliot DiMauro:
Maya, they're swingers.

Maya Gallo:
I believe the term is swing dancers.

Elliot DiMauro:
No, the term is "horny couple seeks same."

Elliot DiMauro:
I'm going to do something more fun, help fold t-shirts at The Gap.

[leaves, then pops head in a moment later]

Elliot DiMauro:
Thanks a lot, I really got a lot out of it.

Jack Gallo:
Dennis, what if I go down to your bar and personally apologize?

Dennis Finch:
Won't make any difference.

Jack Gallo:
What if I told them I forced you to break your code?

Dennis Finch:
They'll still hate me.

Jack Gallo:
What if I gave each of them a thousand dollars?

[cut to Finch being hoisted up by the other assistants] For he's a jolly good fellow / For he's a jolly good fellow / For he's a jolly good fellow / Who didn't break the code!

Nina Van Horn:
What's the matter with you?

Dennis Finch:
Hangover. The sea breeze is a demanding mistress.


I just got a new backpack and it's got a secret compartment just for candy.